I absolutely agree with the Highlighted Part Pops......but that is too much like Common Sense, which our Refs and the rule makers Lack
When you think of what a player is going through on the field, mentally and physically, it becomes
apparent that people who have nothing else to do except adjudicate have loss touch with reality.
Many things happen, especially around the ruck, that on paper can interrupt play if the
referee is looking to get his head on screen.
Far too many of these rulings on insignificant occurrences have nothing to do with a team being
advantaged or disadvantaged but can be catastrophic in the end result. Forward passes, for instance,
can't be ruled on but a simple dropped ball that is regathered has to be a penalty or a scrum.
I know which one of those I would prefer to see ruled upon.
Imo, the flow of the game should only be interrupted when one team is disadvantaged. If referees
both on and off the field were fined for being pedantic many more games would have the best team winning