Moi Moi might only be short but according to Rabs and Jabba he's got the longest wrist in the game.
There's a lot of players with the ball doing things with elbows and forearms that those without the ball
can't get away with. On a par with being allowed to dangerously tackle a bloke in mid air if he's over
your tryline.
I always wonder what Sheens can tell his team at half time if he's only guessing what they did wrong
in the first half. I used to hate being time keeper on the sideline and never felt I could contribute anything
in the post match sheds unless watching the game from atop my trusty esky high on the mound.
Great to hear Brett Hodgson continues to get up from being used as a door mat to lead his team to
Challenge Cup victory. If he survives League he'll become the greatest living successful Parramatta
reject of all time for which, because of such a large number of candidates, should be awarded a cup in itself.