It's an interesting point R2. Football clubs are inherently blokey... Who knows what "lessons" of life a young footballer comes into first grade with at the age of 19 or 20?
Great that the NRL and clubs are trying to do something about this with the under 20s - but it'll take a generation or two of sponsorship deals falling through and players getting hung out to dry over it for any real cultural change.
As for Lui - I agree that his partner and child can be best supported by him if he has an income (whether living together or otherwise) but I don't think it has to be the Tigers who are paying him for his talents. He seems to have burned that bridge...
As for DanOz's comment about housing assistance and single parent payments being "better than domestic violence" - that's a pretty naive statement. For one, the effects of domestic violence don't simply wear off just because you move to another house and find your own income - the kind of poverty you are talking about is in fact one of the lasting implications for women and children who flee a violent partner. Secondly, surviving on a pension while waiting to get into public housing is no walk in the park - and you'd be waiting for a couple of months at least IF you can convince HNSW that you're a priority case (and believe it or not, many people in her situation struggle to get into a HNSW tenancy - they are instead given financial assistance for not more thant 12 months to rent in the private market under what's the "Start Safely Private Rental Subsidy" package, and after that you're on your own... and probably still on a pension). Third, living in public housing means living amongst all kinds of disadvantage because of their ludicrous rules about not renting places to people without "complex needs" anymore, and the subsequent residualisation of people with mental health issues, substance abuse, fleeing domestic violence, etc into "ghetto" type housing situations. Nah, she's much better off with the support and backing of the NRL community, wherever Lui ends up playing...