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Round 3 vs. Titans Discussion + Voting


3- Hodges (Stinging defense, good dummy runs and a trade mark try)
2- Wallace (more expedite in the little attack we had, great assist for Glenn and easy one for Hodgo, alongside fantastic defense)
1- Parker (Not so much running with the ball, but then again, who did? :roll: But 50+ tackles and neat conversions deserve the mention)
1- Beale, who went from a nuffie on the wing to an excellent backup for Hoffman. Absolute screamer tackle on Zillman to stop a certain try!

Honorable mentions to Reed and Glenn for their good solid work, and to the whole team for their amazing defense! ](*,)

Still not sold on either hooker. Both had good moments and bad decisions, with Hunt clearly better offensively but not up to Macca's defensive standard... :doubt:

Tits last is good though! :lol:


First Grade
3. Parker - despite the douchey pontifications of SR, Parker was outstanding in defence - a key area that Brisbane seemed to have locked down early this season.
2. Beale - stood up when he was required as a replacement fullback, and did a great job. Defence, attack, he had it all. It seems this kid needs the pressure piled on him to perform best.
1. Hodges - terrific return to the game after so long. I had my reservations over whether he'd have a quiet game, but it seems there is no such thing for Hodgo. That try from the scrum took me back about 4 years. He's still able to make 3 defenders look silly, and almost stroll through a defensive line.

This start to the season smacks (dare I say it) of 2006. The defence is second to none. Attack and ball handling (which are admittedly both atrocious right now) are much easier areas to improve upon as the season progresses.

The only other concerns are injuries. Any word on Hoffman? It sounded from the broadcast as if it was just a cork.


First Grade
Corked calf apparently. Strange injury, but as it happened it looked a lot worse than that. Hopefully back next week

Pierced Soul

First Grade
3 Beale - until tonight i had no idea why he wa sin first grade
2 Parker
1 wallace - best game in a while, defended very well

Jack reed continues to impress, looks very comfortable out there
Hodges was very solid for his first hit out in ages and Hunt will soon be the strating 9

that was a gutsy defensive effortnd soemthing we havent seen for a while


That's an incorrect figure based on the Broncos stat sheet but who cares? Hindmarsh makes about that many tackles every week. Why isn't he MOTM every week based on your theory?

Considering that we won that game on the back of defense, it's a pretty important stat.

With the ball he didn't do much less than any other forward anyhow.


Considering that we won that game on the back of defense, it's a pretty important stat.

With the ball he didn't do much less than any other forward anyhow.

No one on the field did anything with the ball. It's why the Bronx and Tits are both ordinary teams.

Big Pete

Are you actually going to contribute to the voting or are you just going to keep bashing the club and it's fans?


Staff member
3. Hodges - Brilliant. Went off late but really hope that was precautionary
2. Beale - would have got 3. apart from the knock on
1. Parker - usual consistent self

Gotta be extremely proud of the defensive effort, you don't win many games with 40% of possession. Hopefully the attack will come. Read on NRL.com Hoffman out for 1-2 weeks, pretty good result given how bad he looked. Teo was limping after the game.

I feel very confident defensively with Hodges and Reed as the centres. Hope it can stay that way.


First Grade
I might be blind but I see something special in Beale. Hodges was great considering that was his first game back. That try he scored was vintage Hodgo and a superb effort. Our defense was great and our forward pack were generally good. Our hookers were also much better tonight I just feel we need to get our depth right in attack and get Wallace and Lockyer firing.


TBH, this was the first time I saw Beale play FB and he impressed me! Feel much better about having him there with Hoffman injured.
He seems to do very well with the space he gets at FB and showed why some people have faith in him.
I still don't see much attacking wise though, but then again, last night no one showed much attacking wise except Hodgo.

As far as a centre position, I still definitely prefer Reed.


First Grade
Good game Donkies ... we improved but certainly not enough. For the sake of this thread:

3. Wallace (I thought he pushed them around the paddock pretty well)
2. Parker (a rock in defence)
1. Beale (some good depth there)

Encouragement Award: Reed (thought he looked good despite the commentators love affair with rangas).

Broncos fan!

Fullback has always been Beale's best position in my opinion. I think he showed that lastnight, he was very safe and looked comfortable.

Broncos fan!

Not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet but Parker made 65 tackles (4 missed tackles) according to NRL.com. Bloody amasing if you ask me.

hattori hanzo

Was a good defencive effort and will hopefully give the young guys confidence going forward but I do feel it told us more about the Tits impotent attack then our defence most other teams i.e. Storm, dragons etc would have put 100 on with that much ball. So still plenty of room for improvement but glad toi get the win.

3. Parker
2. Beale
1. Glenn

Really liking the look of Jack Reed, nothing flash extremely solid in defence and good with the ball in traffic.