Originally you said that Norman must be the "running 5/8" so that would mean that in your wording that Norman would run more than Foran. Why couldn't Norman and Foran play what's in front of them and then decide who to pass to or whether to run? Why didn't you just call them "halves"?
No I did not. I did not say Norman "must be the running 5/8". I said Norman would play more of a typical running five eight role, but can still be a play maker/organiser. What I said, and I've said this a number of times, is that in MY opinion Foran is the better playmaker/organiser, there fore should be our dominant play maker. Both players can run, both players can organise, however Foran would be the first choice go to man as our number one organiser. Surly its not that hard to understand. If your opinion is different and you think Norman is as good as or better than Foran as a playmaker/organiser, thats fine, thats your opinion.