Hope Scott already inked that juicy Cows deal. 78m and 15 tackles in a golden point game.
Did you rip in to Scott last week for his performance Slots????
How many minutes did Scott play before being forced off with injury last night????
I noticed you keep referring to a 'golden point' game as if he played longer minutes than usual.
Surely you of all people wouldn't be trying to persuade others that he played huge minutes because of the extra 5 each way when he wasn't even on the field for the extra time would you???
Just in case you skim over this post I'll inform you now that Scott managed 88 m in 37 minutes, some of which he was already busted. But you must have missed that right???
By all means, rip into the bloke when he puts in a dud performance but to have a go at the bloke when he can't run is just a little........ immature.