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Rumours and Stuff


Staff member
knows how to communicate with players unlike our own head robot. :robot:

Interestingly as a coach that apparently has poor communication skills, “pushes players to hard” and “limits how the players play”, that there hasn’t been any “player revolt” or even serious suggestions of one after 6 years here.

While additionally no player (that I can recall) has asked for a release as they don’t like being coached by BA which I suspect wouId be the case if he has poor communication skills, along with all his other apparent faults!!


Interestingly as a coach that apparently has poor communication skills, “pushes players to hard” and “limits how the players play”, that there hasn’t been any “player revolt” or even serious suggestions of one after 6 years here.

While additionally no player (that I can recall) has asked for a release as they don’t like being coached by BA which I suspect wouId be the case if he has poor communication skills, along with all his other apparent faults!!

He may be a good or even great guy, with knowledge of the game. That doesn’t automatically transpire into an inspiring coach.


Let’s assume BA’s job is on the line. What’s the best thing for him to do? Will offloading a half to blood a rookie (or sign another teams reject) save his career? Or would BA’s best asset right now be Mick Potter? Hope MP adds another dimension (or two) to the team and the eels have a strong 2019. I say the latter.
Would suggest MP was bought to put pressure on BA. Thought he was/is a good coach who had W-T on path to finals until Robbie Farrar had other ideas.


This is what shat me last year. Being undersized is fine if your plan is to outlast the fat guys but we were just so unfit. Things just don’t add up
Some of these juniors coming thru are big fellas. Fainga'a, Filia (Stefino's older brother) and now Oregon are all around 115kg. Interesting to see who'll be bought into squad by start of year.


I found these comments posted by a Shelly/Parrastew on TCT interesting about what when wrong last year:

“Thank you for this analysis. I would say an additional factor with these stats is the terrible influence referees in the first half of the season had on the game. The game was slower with more stoppages, this favoured teams like Panthers, St George, Warriors and the Tigers who liked to offload as this was the only way to make a break in the game. It was no surprise to me that when the referees backed off and more fatigue came into the game the above 4 teams dropped quickly down the ladder. It hurt teams like Parra and the Cowboys, even the Storm early on, who had in previous years relied upon momentum being created with quick play the balls to shift the ball wide with a retreating defensive line. In the first half of 2018 whenever a team got momentum the opposition stood offside to give a penalty so they could reset. The refs thought they were hurting the defensive team but in reality they were helping and rewarding them. For us this was disastrous. We could not generate offloads and with little fatigue in the game + missing a semi type back, our smaller pack got crunched and then we got injuries in the forwards to compound this. By the time the referees backed off and our forward pack got back on the park, the whole team, club really, was shellshocked and started playing not to lose. We had no confidence in attack, had all the gossip in the papers etc etc

I like who we have recruited + the type of players being elevated into the team. But as always the big elephant in the room is what instructions the referees will be given about the ‘ flow’ of the game. Hopefully we have planned better and are more balanced in our squad to deal with whatever decision the NRL make.”

“I completely agree with Shelly. Parra seemed to set up a fast and mobile pack for 2018 that could keep the pace up for 80 minutes. Which is what the NRL portrayed the 2018 game would be, then the season started and the refereeing made it into a very stop start game giving the big packs the rest time they needed and the opportunity to pound the smaller packs into the ground. This lead to injuries and lost confidence, it is an excuse for a poor season but would have been interesting to see Parras season if the game was fast flowing from the start of the season.”

There my be some truth in what they say but I think injuries have a far greater bearing on where you finish then some external influence. We finished with the worse toll so finished last. If you look at the top 8 their injuries were less than the bottom 8. Injuries have a direct correlation to where you finish and its been the same for every year.

We always seem to have a high toll and have to break this vicious cycle. Hopefully bigger forwards will result in less injuries so a higher finish. We'll see this year as we've increased the size of our pack.


Tell the wolf that leads the pack that.
Actually the alpha wolf doesn't lead the pack but brings up the rear. The oldest and slowest dogs lead the pack (so at their pace) and the alpha ensures none slip off the pace. For the kill the alpha generally leads the chase.

Gary Gutful

Post Whore
Actually the alpha wolf doesn't lead the pack but brings up the rear. The oldest and slowest dogs lead the pack (so at their pace) and the alpha ensures none slip off the pace. For the kill the alpha generally leads the chase.
You got that wrong. What a howler!


Actually the alpha wolf doesn't lead the pack but brings up the rear. The oldest and slowest dogs lead the pack (so at their pace) and the alpha ensures none slip off the pace. For the kill the alpha generally leads the chase.
I always go in for the kill. Don’t let my wit confuse you.


I’m starting to get the impression Avenger is a ‘godfather’ type character.

Beats people up and asks questions later

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