I half expected that to be interpreted as acceptance of being behind them ongoing, but it's not. It's acceptance that that is the current status quo, and there's simply no denying it.
We can't expect to be in the same position as the likes of the Roosters now, because we are not, we can expect only that we will improve our processes and position to the point where we equal them, and perhaps in doing so they drop down a peg or two, in which case then we might well get ahead of them.
Hence my use of the phrase "at this point in history". Let's not kid ourselves, these things take time, we were a f**king basket case not so long ago, and there have been times when the Roosters have been as well. They didn't become the organisation they are overnight, and if we are ever to become that strong it will also take time.
I think it's pretty clear we are getting there as a club, and as fans I think we should accept that regardless of the process, getting there will take time.