Not sure....
The point I was trying to make was that if we extended Drown on big money for 2024 and beyond, in addition to having RCG, Barlow, Gutho and Matterson on big money, then we might struggle to offer the big money it would take to secure a Moses or Burton if the cap stayed at its current limit. But if a bucket of a million or more suddenly becomes available then we have more room to move and up an offer... Barlow, RCG, Matterson and Gutho have all extended long term so we won't need to find extra money for them between now and their retirement/next deal... Unless of course their mgmt had prior knowledge about cap increases for 2024+ and negotiated incremental increases each based on that, but surely the club wouldn't be stupid enough to agree to pay these guys more in their declining years at the back end of their contracts...
And I know people will say "We CaN't ScrEw oUr CaP by SiGNinG 2 hIgH PrIcEd HalVes FFS!!!" - well I say why not give it a go? We're going on 37 years without a premiership, gotta try something otherwise we'll likely need to just settle being a 6th-10th on the ladder side for the next 5 years...