Well sure, but he is getting there. He just needs to add his kicking game to his play and a few of the more subtleties that a DH learns the more he plays there and with the base now that he has, he will be right up there with the best, unless injury intervenes of course.
Remember he hasn't even had an offseason training there yet. Once he starts getting proper mentoring and tutelage solely as a DH, his game should really start to expand. He hasn't even kicked one forced dropout yet. That isn't because he can't kick, he used to be a half ffs. I would suspect because initially him playing there would have been seen by everyone as a stop gap measure that they had to make due to Jayden Brailey's long term injury so they probably told him to focus on all the basics and do the essentials right and not to even think of the bells and whistle stuff just for now. Passing and tackling would have been the order from above. Get that right and you stay in the team and once the base is built then we can expand onto all the other stuff that will make you more complete and a weapon.
I expect a lot more from him next season. I could be wrong, but I don't think so, because he is an effort type of player. He looks hungry to learn and being a former half, you know he will be up to it. I just hope we at Parra realise that we have two average DH's and a small junior that could be good, but at best is 3-5 years away from being an NRL player and even then it will take him 2-3 years to become real quality and up to the speed and physicality of the game, if ever.
So what do we do in the meantime, persist with two average DH's, in a vital position in the team? Or do we recognise that there is a player that would walk straight into our 17 as is even before he is polished up further and get him here while he would still be affordable and the Knights currently can't guarantee him a starting position. Also he is a genuine 80 minutes player that can tackle and doesn't get bumped off all that much for a DH. Currently 4th best defender in that position and averages a tick over 35 tackles a game. That alone should be cause for us to want to sign him considering how poor our defense can be.