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Saint trent ?

George Lance

Start Merrin in the front row week in, week out all season and give him long minutes every game. Designate his role as first hit-up every time.

First post. Long term Dragon supporter, long term browser here.


Start Merrin in the front row week in, week out all season and give him long minutes every game. Designate his role as first hit-up every time.

First post. Long term Dragon supporter, long term browser here.

Welcome George :D
Nice cheeky 1st post as well.


Docker is not a bad player at all. Plum or Manu are no slouch. If Saints get 2 of these guys for Merrin the forwards depth is looking pretty good although at the cost of a gun forward. These guys will definately add some steel. They hit pretty hard. We are getting some much needed aggression in the forwards.

Bennett did say no forward is worth more than 200k and Saints are offering Mez 600k+ and will make him the highest paid forward in their history so it's not as if Saints have not tried to keep Mez. There is only so much you can do. I am sure Mullholland knows what he is doing. In the past Saints would let them go and have no back up plan for players now they seem to have back up plans for players that leave which is pleasing. Speaking to a Panthers fan this morning they are spewing to loose any of these 2 players for Merrin. That is if it happens which I hope.
Bennett would not pay a front rower more then $300k but not backrowers. If we land Docker this year and then Nappa next year and we already have Packer then we are way ahead.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
You can't blame him. If someone was going to pay you 200k more a year why not. UNLESS you love the club because with 600k a year I am sure it is enough to set you up for the the future. ANd in 3 years he will get the more if he keeps improving. He can probably buy a couple of houses and rent them out with those dollars and have those to live on for the rest of his life but hey that just makes to much sense and his Manager would not get as much commission. It's all about the manager.

I saw Merrin as the Dragons next leader but you don't want someone in charge who has more focus on dollars than his team mates. Once Creagh goes you have Nighty as the next man for a few years till he retires. When Creagh wrote in his article that he more or less wishes Merrin all the best it sounds like even he is getting sick of it.


It's a pity that we couldn't get a Third Party Sponsor to top up the deal. If Penrith are paying him 600K and Trent wants to move on then good luck to them both.

Personally I'd rather see players at our club who want to be here.

This circus has dragged on far too long.
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Slippery Morris

First Grade
I fear that Nighty and Creagh may be our last juniors to be 1 club men in a long time. I hope I am wrong but it is looking scary.

That's what you get when you become the benchmark team and hire a dope to make you rubbish and it takes 2 and a half years of bad footy to destroy a once proud team that could attract players. Now everyone wants to leave. It is hard to believe they were the benchmark in 2010. Feels like 20 seasons ago on 4.

Goes to show how important a good coach is and I hope Mary can come through. Time will tell. I only hope if he is bad he does not hang around too long like Price. That was the biggest mistake in the clubs history imo. They like most clubs are usually quick to get rid of a bad coach e.g Ted Glossop (1 year) and Craig Young (2 years) (Glossop wasn't to bad we won the Panasonic cup with him but Young was aweful) but this guy they just waited and waited for nothing and gave him 1 and a half seasons too long.

P.S - Anyone know when Young started working in the coaching ranks? It was way before Bennett started.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
They as well as 2MMM are reporting that he is definatly not staying at Saints but he is for this season. He will leave next season to another club. Only way he will leave this season is if Panthers make a trade for their players and pay some dollars as compo.

Notice it cranks up when he is out of the country? When he was in NZ and England teh noise is deafening. I stiill think his Manager is playing games. I hear he is a piece of work so probably doing this behind Mez's back to stir the pot and not have Merrin around to deny anything.

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