Completely inaccurate. The Greeks(spics) were the main opponents to the Viets & teamed up with the Skips & wawgs, who all came before them & also maybe had children in the vietnamese war, to have a crack at them. When the moslem Lebbos arrived, the skips, spics, wawgs & croats/Yugos all teamed up together with the vietkong to flog them. The maltesers didnt know where they sat because nobody knew if they were Spics or wawgs & got crap from everybody. The abbos were just cruising around trying to avoid any trouble, but always found it, The Chinks pretty much got a free pass due to the awesome menu they brough with them. A boat load of stinking scotts got through with the filthy pomms somehow & immediately told the work force to down tools & go to the pubs(while they got paid), which were all owned by the thieving Micks & cops.
If you are offended by any of that, then you just dont get that after all of that, despite how we UN-PC we spoke, we went to each others resaraunts & houses, worked, boozed up, played footy together & you have no idea what made Australia so great.
Great things take time to work out.