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Sharks can be back in the hunt!


Unless they win a comp. I dare say that there will be a fair few bandwagoners and "silent party" supporters who come out of the woodwork. They're a team that is hard to really hate, unless you are local rival.

...I said "realistic".

Seriously though, yes on field success would bring out bandwagoners that would help them in the short term, but to be successful you need to have long term fans, the fans who stay with you and support you via memberships/merchandise/crowds in the tough times aswell.

Look at the Bulldogs and Souths for example, crap years but we still had good crowds coming week in week out. Memberships for 2011 looking good too. The Sharks don't have enough of that "lean time support" that other stable clubs do.

IMO a gf win would buy them some time and delay the inevitable, but not help their long term problems.


...I said "realistic".

Seriously though, yes on field success would bring out bandwagoners that would help them in the short term, but to be successful you need to have long term fans, the fans who stay with you and support you via memberships/merchandise/crowds in the tough times aswell.

Look at the Bulldogs and Souths for example, crap years but we still had good crowds coming week in week out. Memberships for 2011 looking good too. The Sharks don't have enough of that "lean time support" that other stable clubs do.

IMO a gf win would buy them some time and delay the inevitable, but not help their long term problems.

LOL! I nearly said that!:D

I'm of the opinion that if they win one, then they will be competitive for years. That will go a long way to maintaining support. There is still a lot more work to do after that, but I think it will go a long way. Now that I think of it, a Souths v Sharks grand final would be great for rugby league...


Good on 'em for having a go, I hope they succeed. They've been around since 1967 and have produced some of the code's great players and do a good job at promotiing the game at a junior level. Despite a year from hell with injuries, coaching etc their fans have done a good job of sticking around.

But if changing economic/socio scenarios mean they can't stick long term in the shire, I'd like to see the the Shark brand revived in Qld or Perth.

They cut their junior funding this year I'm pretty sure.


This. Some idiots are stupid enough to want the Sharks to fold. A club folding doesn't do anyone any good. At the same time there is no realistic future for the Sharks in Cronulla. The quicker they decide to relocate the better for them and the rest of the NRL.

How does relocation of the Sharks do good to everyone?

There's plenty of evidence to show that relocation will always struggle to get the community support and that you're better off just starting a new franchise.

Apologise in advance for being an idiot in sharing a different opinion.


This. Some idiots are stupid enough to want the Sharks to fold. A club folding doesn't do anyone any good. At the same time there is no realistic future for the Sharks in Cronulla. The quicker they decide to relocate the better for them and the rest of the NRL.

Or merge with a wealthy club.


This. Some idiots are stupid enough to want the Sharks to fold. A club folding doesn't do anyone any good. At the same time there is no realistic future for the Sharks in Cronulla. The quicker they decide to relocate the better for them and the rest of the NRL.
Or they could become a new zealand actor's plaything.


Seriously, the talk about the sharks going under has been around for years and yet they still remain, therefore something right must be going on there.
If the situation arises that they are no longer viable in their present form, its up to the sharks to work out what they want to do, not opposition fans or the media.
If you can believe politicians...the NSW coalition will be the saviour of the Sharks.


Liberals & Nationals Launch Rescue Package At Sharkies

14/10/2010 4:01:16 PM

Shadow Minister for Hospitality & Tourism, Racing and Major Events George Souris, Liberal Candidate for Menai Melanie Gibbons and Liberal Candidate for Heathcote Lee Evans today met with CEOs and Chairpersons from registered clubs throughout the Sutherland Shire at Cronulla Sharks Leagues Club and committed to a Clubs and Community Rescue package to secure the viability of the Sutherland Shire's registered clubs and the local sporting, charity and community groups they support.
""Before Labor's clubs tax Cronulla Leagues Club used to give Shark $2.5million each year, but next year it will only be able to give $250,000. Our plan will help clubs like Cronulla Leagues invest more money in supporting the Sharks and local junior rugby league," Mr Evans said.
How does relocation of the Sharks do good to everyone?

There's plenty of evidence to show that relocation will always struggle to get the community support and that you're better off just starting a new franchise.

Apologise in advance for being an idiot in sharing a different opinion.

Relocation works in almost every sport around the world at some point. Fans who had their teams relocated be it in rugby league, afl, NBA or NFL acknowledge that it's either move or die. You need to do it with good intentions and get into the new and old communities and interact with the would be local supporters. Otherwise it will fail.


First Grade
...I said "realistic".

Seriously though, yes on field success would bring out bandwagoners that would help them in the short term, but to be successful you need to have long term fans, the fans who stay with you and support you via memberships/merchandise/crowds in the tough times aswell.

Look at the Bulldogs and Souths for example, crap years but we still had good crowds coming week in week out. Memberships for 2011 looking good too. The Sharks don't have enough of that "lean time support" that other stable clubs do.

IMO a gf win would buy them some time and delay the inevitable, but not help their long term problems.

Have to agree with BunniesMan summation here.

Cronulla, like one or two other Sydney clubs, can't afford to survive off the field unless they're successful on it. Their survival depends on continued and on-going success on the field. Not just a good year or two followed by 10 poor ones.

I really hope that they can turn things around, but they've made some appalling decisions financially over the years and will need assistance again if they're to prosper long term.

Another season of low membership, low attendances and poor results cannot be afforded by the club. They need to change things around and quickly, but it's hard to see how they can achieve this without relocation and the injection of funds this will provide.

People keep mentioning Adelaide as a venue for them to go to, but this is probably not their best option long term either unless South Australia gets behind the bid in the long term.


With government and NRL support Adelaide could work - In their first year they would probably average around 10-12k, which isn't too far off what they get now in a bad year, but there is a lot more room for growth than in the Shire.

They would lose some, maybe even a lot of old fans, but there would still be support in Sydney. This would boost Sydney crowds as a whole as Sharks fans would go to other Sydney games to support them when they're in town.

If Cronulla's financial situation gets worse they should be seriously considering a move South. Far better for them and the competition than folding.


Didn't the merger just get $13 million from the government, oh yeah but that wasn't a hand out


Didn't the merger just get $13 million from the government, oh yeah but that wasn't a hand out

You ask a question, and immediately answer the question you asked, bizzare. Split personality maybe ?

You are correct though, the $$$ is for the redevelopment of the ground. Not one $$ will be going to us as a handout. We are one of the Sydney clubs that is not under financial pressure to keep our heads above water.

We are financially secure, cronulla are not, as a result are in serious danger of relocating or folding. It's a fact & you need to accept it.


Assistant Moderator
Didn't the merger just get $13 million from the government, oh yeah but that wasn't a hand out
You're getting ground upgrades mixed up with handouts.

In 2006, the Sharks received a $9.6 million grant to upgrade Toyota Stadium. Here's the press release from the then Federal Treasurer Peter Costello: LINK

I fully support upgrades to grounds as they generally help to stimulate the local economy. In theory at least, improvements should lead to greater revenue to the club and community. Of course it gate receipts to support this.

Kogarah Jubilee Oval actually belongs to Kogarah Council, the Dragons are a tenant. Toyota Stadium is privately owned by the club or bank, correct?

The $13 million upgrade to Kogarah is the final stage of community investment that generates revenue for the district as well as the club. It is quite different to hand outs to privately run organisations that are losing money.