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Singing at Games

Eels Dude

apparently we'd rather hear refs screaming "tackled" "get off" "held" etcetc. Here's an idea, turn the ref mic off and turn the mic guy around to point it at the grandstands! On TV atmosphere generally sounds dead, at a game I was surprised by how loud it can actually get here, though singing is not in the Aussie psych it would seem.

Generally people who watch the games on tv want to listen to the commentary and follow the flow of the game including the refs decisions. If you want atmosphere go to the games don't sit in your living room.

Once Dead

Whenever I see fans singing in the crowd half of them aren't even watching the game. I'd rather watch the game and leave the singing to some other time.


Have to say that Melbourne fans seem the loudest generally. Maybe the European influence is greater in that city? Looking forward to sampling it live in a few weeks.

We are lucky that all of our gang are Melbourne Victory/Heart fans & not only understand the singing culture but were attracted to our group & indeed rugby league because they heard we were trying to introduce and develop active support at Storm games.

Yes, rugby league has became THAT mainstream in Melbourne after the Salary Cap affair. There has been quite a considerable cultural change in the attitude of the average person towards the game and most definitely towards the Storm. They now see the Storm as a truly Victorian team rather than blow-ins from interstate trying to force a foreign sport down their throats. The next thing we have to do is get them to games more often; having us not clashing with AFL games (like last week) is a very good way of doing this! A lot of Storm fans follow an AFL club too. Often they have to choose which game to go to.

We had this narky Newcastle fan come up and sit right next to us out of spite the other night. He had the whole stadium to sit in & decided to plonk himself & his wife right in front of us. He took umbrage to us singing normal songs like "Your sister is your mother" "You are a bogan, an ugly bogan" etc etc. He said it was upsetting his wife.:roll: No shit Sherlock, that is the whole idea. We are taunting your team & city to see if we can get a rise out of you. Or at least a witty retort or quip back. It is called banter.

If you sang that at an A-League fans, not only would the opposition understand what you were trying to do without being offended, but they would reply with a chant of their own. It just seems that a lot of NRL (and AFL) fan are not brought up with the singing/banter culture & get offended by it because they don't understand it. We started singing "Andrew Johns, you sold us drugs" as a pisstake & whilst most people burst out laughing, some people were completely horrified. :lol:

It is not that we are being hostile towards you personally as an away fan, us singing & chanting is just a cultural thing. Many AFL fans don't understand the singing-banter culture either, but Storm fans on the whole tend to either be ex-pats from somewhere else or tend to be far more open-minded than your average Melbourne AFL fan. So many AFL fans think that footy culture is set in concrete & that is that. That is why AFL games get huge attendances but largely a terrible atmosphere filled with curious people as well as the diehards.

Come say Hi when you hit town Perth Red.



Generally people who watch the games on tv want to listen to the commentary and follow the flow of the game including the refs decisions. If you want atmosphere go to the games don't sit in your living room.

A lot of the big games, ie Test matches attract these kind of people as well. I remember thinking a test match at Suncorp was just like a big AFL/NRL game & got up to start an "Aussie!!!Aussie!!!" chant. The whole stadium behind me (including many wearing Roo Crew t-shirts) stared at me with a mixture of shock & confusion. "What does that bloke down the front think he is trying to do?" I sat down & watched the game for the rest of the match in silence, and was bored shitless & had zero fun, apart from singing "Benji is a dog's name" at a certain NZ test player languishing behind the tryline after the Aussies scored. The look I got :shock:from said individual was priceless! :lol:

Come to Campbelltown and sing like you do in Melbourne to the away fans you Mexican prat.

Screw singing. I'm there to watch the game and cheer my team on, I'm not there to sing to bait opposition fans who've made the effort to come to our house to watch their team.
A lot of the big games, ie Test matches attract these kind of people as well. I remember thinking a test match at Suncorp was just like a big AFL/NRL game & got up to start an "Aussie!!!Aussie!!!" chant. The whole stadium behind me (including many wearing Roo Crew t-shirts) stared at me with a mixture of shock & confusion. "What does that bloke down the front think he is trying to do?" I sat down & watched the game for the rest of the match in silence, and was bored shitless & had zero fun, apart from singing "Benji is a dog's name" at a certain NZ test player languishing behind the tryline after the Aussies scored. The look I got :shock:from said individual was priceless! :lol:



You thought that one up all by yourself?


What a dork...


First Grade
A lot of the big games, ie Test matches attract these kind of people as well. I remember thinking a test match at Suncorp was just like a big AFL/NRL game & got up to start an "Aussie!!!Aussie!!!" chant. The whole stadium behind me (including many wearing Roo Crew t-shirts) stared at me with a mixture of shock & confusion. "What does that bloke down the front think he is trying to do?" I sat down & watched the game for the rest of the match in silence, and was bored shitless & had zero fun, apart from singing "Benji is a dog's name" at a certain NZ test player languishing behind the tryline after the Aussies scored. The look I got :shock:from said individual was priceless! :lol:

It's true. You're made to feel like a lunatic if you do anything that tries to create a bit of atmosphere or inject a bit of excitement into their boring lives.

No offence to anyone, but Aussie fans are the worst and most passionless in the world. Bunch of golf clappers.

I think the problem is that you'll be in a stadium and there are 20,000 individuals, rather than joining together as one.
It's true. You're made to feel like a lunatic if you do anything that tries to create a bit of atmosphere or inject a bit of excitement into their boring lives.

No offence to anyone, but Aussie fans are the worst and most passionless in the world. Bunch of golf clappers.

I think the problem is that you'll be in a stadium and there are 20,000 individuals, rather than joining together as one.

You can always piss off to somewhere else.

The day baiting the other team's fans through singing or whatever becomes the norm at Rugby League games is the day I give it away. Do you guys feel big singing things like "Your sister is your mother" "You are a bogan, an ugly bogan" to away fans?

Does it get you off?

I appreciate away supporters.

Spanner in the works

First Grade
It's true. You're made to feel like a lunatic if you do anything that tries to create a bit of atmosphere or inject a bit of excitement into their boring lives.

No offence to anyone, but Aussie fans are the worst and most passionless in the world. Bunch of golf clappers.

I think the problem is that you'll be in a stadium and there are 20,000 individuals, rather than joining together as one.

I tend to agree. Each to their own I suppose.;-)


First Grade
You can always piss off to somewhere else.

The day baiting the other team's fans through singing or whatever becomes the norm at Rugby League games is the day I give it away. Do you guys feel big singing things like "Your sister is your mother" "You are a bogan, an ugly bogan" to away fans?

Does it get you off?

I appreciate away supporters.
Completely irrelevant, but i already have.

Nice one getting offended by what i said. But to me the idea of going to a match is to do what you can to get behind your team and get them across the line. However, most Aussie fans have a different mentality, and treat it like they're going to the cinema or something, and sit there and wait to be entertained.

I never mentioned cussing the opposition either, that was just your own fabrication.


So it is true you really do have a reputation as a 2-bit f*ckwit, you've proven yourself now lad.....and I thought Australian's were of European origin..oops my bad....:lol:
Racist pommy twats- we need them here like we need song sheets stuck inside Big League. As has been said many times - we watch footy. Here in Australia - a great melting pot of culture from all over the globe blending with the worlds oldest civilisation - we are a free society which is the envy of the world. Hence, fat bald whinging Poms who are so talentless that they are only allowed to sing in a concrete stadium are even allowed in.

So basically you can shove your racist Pommy attitudes up your arse. If you cant come over here and assimilate - f*ck off back to the sh*thole you first escaped from.

apparently we'd rather hear refs screaming "tackled" "get off" "held" etcetc. Here's an idea, turn the ref mic off and turn the mic guy around to point it at the grandstands! On TV atmosphere generally sounds dead, at a game I was surprised by how loud it can actually get here, though singing is not in the Aussie psych it would seem.
Sounds like you should turn the sound down on your telly and play "Harry Secombe's Greatest Hits" CD in the background.

The problem with the attitude of some of the pro-singing mob is tat it is actually just a front for getting a gang mentality happening to launch abuse at rival teams fans. JF Henson Hill sounds like he thinks its tough to stand with 30 mates and pick on 2 people from out of town. That Newy fan and his missis probably flew down, booked a motel etc to watch footy, and you and your "hero" loser mates decide to bag him - thinking it's fun. No wonder the Storm get f*ck all crowds.

As for thinking your are brave for bagging Marshall - you are probably the softc*ck who thought likewise at the Rocks a few months back, and had a massive sook when Benji retaliated.

As EA said - go to Campbelltown and try and bag someone and his wife. Intensive Care is about 2.6kms away and I doubt the ambulance would get your carcass there quick enough.

I have no problem with people singing at games. From what I have seen here - especially from the Pommy element - it is a thinly veiled attempt at introducing the neo-Nazi attitudes from Pommy soccer into NRL crowds - with antagonism the purpose of your actions.

Besides, we aint third world like England. If we get bored at a game, we have Ipods.


Sport culture. Not true that it doesn't occur in Australia. Happens in A-League cos soccer supporters ape what goes on in Europe/SA. In Europe, singing is part of just about every sport, whether its basketball, handball, or ice hockey. There is no tradition of it here.


Woah.. cos you know.. you can't actually SING AND WATCH THE FOOTY can you.

Rather novel concept that many seem to have missed. You can go to the footy and sing dance and carry on all you want, and still watch the footy. Those who go to concentrate on the footy, the TV is mostly a much better view for that.


If you could sing and concentrate intensly on something else, every HSC exam would sound like a Sabbath gig ffs.

Anyway, why suddenly do you have to sing at games ffs?


The next thing we have to do is get them to games more often; having us not clashing with AFL games (like last week) is a very good way of doing this! A lot of Storm fans follow an AFL club too. Often they have to choose which game to go to.
Well hopefully when the rest of Australia realizes what a poor excuse of a sport AFL is, Rugby League will truly become our national sport and get the support it deserves.


If you could sing and concentrate intensly on something else, every HSC exam would sound like a Sabbath gig ffs.

Anyway, why suddenly do you have to sing at games ffs?

Shit you're thick. It's a choice that creates a lot more atmosphere and - shock horror - others actually enjoy, and like to partake in whilst enjoying the game. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its totally rediculous. It happens in many parts of the world.


First Grade
Personally, I think its just a culture thing. Why Aussies don't, is anyone guess but I've seen the Sea Eagles fans/Dragons fans and some others do it, well something similar to singing, seems to be more just putting words together and chanting lol.

I wouldn't, because I want to be there to enjoy the game itself and focus on it, if there are people singing at the game adding to the atmosphere, they great it's always good to see, but for me I am there for the game only


Is there a legitimate reason why we shouldn't?
Probably not. Go for your life champ.

Shit you're thick. It's a choice that creates a lot more atmosphere and - shock horror - others actually enjoy, and like to partake in whilst enjoying the game. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its totally rediculous. It happens in many parts of the world.
Choice. No one said you cant sing. If you want to, sing away to your hearts content. Hang with Beave and sing in Latin if you like.

This thread started with someone asking why Aussie RL crowds don't sing like Pommy ones. Its ended up bagging people who dont sing at games. I mean, really - I don't hear many people singing on trains either. Are you going to whinge at that ffs?

The fact that the pro singers have included racism, as well as openly condoning fan abuse speaks volumes of the attitude married to the sudden need to croon away. If it doesnt involve the above elements, then sing away to your hearts content. As long as it isnt Beiber, you probably wont get injured.

But please, respect our right not to sing without carrying on like a prize twat - ok?

Eels Dude

It's true. You're made to feel like a lunatic if you do anything that tries to create a bit of atmosphere or inject a bit of excitement into their boring lives.

No offence to anyone, but Aussie fans are the worst and most passionless in the world. Bunch of golf clappers.

I think the problem is that you'll be in a stadium and there are 20,000 individuals, rather than joining together as one.

This comments reminds of those advertisents of that show GLEE they keep showing of a bunch of people dancing and singing in a shopping centre. Everyone joining in and clapping and singing together.

If you want to clap and dance and sing at a football match like the cast of GLEE then do so, but if nobody else wants to join in then because they they'd rather watch the game, or alternatively think you're an idiot, or alternativly, think you're some random drunk singing some stupid song they've never heard before, then you should respect their decision not to follow your lead.