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SMH: INU to quit NRL


Post Whore
Eelectrica said:
I hope his manager gets in his ear and explains that a league career in the grand scheme of things is actually quite short. Players these days retire around the 30-33 year mark. He's got the rest of his life to spread the word or whatever it is they do on these missions.

Also those two years off could potentially cost him a million plus dollars.
Put it to him like that and see what happens.
i think if he cared about a million plus dollars he wouldn't be considering this

i think traditionally they do the mission thing in their early 20s then settle down and do the family thing later


strider said:
i think if he cared about a million plus dollars he wouldn't be considering this

i think traditionally they do the mission thing in their early 20s then settle down and do the family thing later

He might not realise yet just how much he could stand to lose ;-)
If still decides to go then good luck to him, we'll find someone to fill the gap.


MarkInTheStands said:
From what I can understand, it is single people (men mostly) between 18 and 25, Retirees Couples for differing terms. Those that complete a mission (RM's) are seen differently in the church and its community.

Loophole found. Anyone got a single sister looking to be married off? ;-)


Post Whore
Eelectrica said:
He might not realise yet just how much he could stand to lose ;-)
If still decides to go then good luck to him, we'll find someone to fill the gap.
:lol: - i really don't think its his motivation

personally, they say money can't buy you happiness, but I think it can go a long way towards a lifestyle that will buy u happiness \\\\:D/ :lol: ..... but not everyone shares that view


lmao i think people are misisng the point he wants to do it, his priority isnt the money or the league career at the moment it is his beliefs so good on him


Post Whore
Eelectrica said:
Loophole found. Anyone got a single sister looking to be married off? ;-)
hey - i'll give my wife if it'll help - she might be a bit older than kris wants tho

:lol: :lol:

no - just jokes :D

B-Tron 3000

MarkInTheStands said:
Well I draw the line at harms no one.
And what do you consider that which harms Mark? Physical harm? Mental? Emotional?

See, I've seen people suffer extreme mental anguish because their family and friends are placing ridiculous religious expectations on them, and they don't agree with them but don't want to be cast-offs.

That's why organised religion is farcical - because no two people are the same and it's stupid that you should be EXPECTED to think a certain way just because of which two people produce you.

The funny thing here is that all the people supporting this mission are saying "everyone is entitled to their own choices", yet most people cynical of it are saying "you can do it if you want, we think it's stupid."

When it boils down to it, strongly religious people are less open minded than non-religious people. The very nature of belief makes it so.

People will always look down on other people, Be it over religion, money politics, education, Love, Sex.
Rightio then. I guess that makes it ok. I mean, if people will always do it, it might as well be for religious reasons.

See, I now realise I have it all wrong. All along I thought the idea of organised religion was to spread the good word. But I now know that it is just about spreading the word, good or not. It's ok to look down on the poor non-religious people kids, because they are nasty sinners and are going to hell. FFS.

We all look down at Manly Fans. It is the same thing.
Do we all?

I don't. I dislike Manly as a team and a club. I have friends who are Manly fans. Funny, because I've also had/have friends who are Morman, Christian, agnostic etc. That's because I don't judge them by some stupid notion of what they believe in, as religious people judge others.

B-Tron 3000

MrT said:
B-Tron, you have no idea.
Not true. I've got plenty. Just the other day I had the idea that if I wore my jeans for like two weeks straight they would feel nearly as comfortable as my tracksuit pants, plus I'd save on detergent. And that's not my only idea. There's other ones. Better ones.

Who exactly gave you your family?
Where did we all come from?
Uh-oh, Dad didn't have 'The Talk' with you, did he?

... gee, this is awkward...

...umm, you see, when a man really loves a woman...

look, I've got some books my parents bought for me in the fifth grade. I can pass them on to you if you'd like. Be careful though, reading them might be a sin.

What makes the world go round?
This post is a piss-take, right?

Mate, I never said that I know how the world came about or who created it. But here's something for you to chew on - you don't know either!

No-one knows. It's one of life's great mysteries - why are we here? What is the point of it all? If a tree fell in the wood but no-one was there would it still make a sound? Who named words 'words', and how did they do it? And what exactly does Jayjay have against Tim Smith?

I have no qualms with the belief in God. I can understand that there is no real explanation for the world, and that people think it must have been created by a higher power. I myself believe there is something out there. But then there is no real answer to the question of who created God, is there?

Kris is who he is because he has God in his life. Anyone who has will know what it's like, as you have a positive direction in life.
...and the rest of us will live a horrible life and die and go to hell, right?

Yeah, i bet all those Catholic priests were feeling realing positive when they were ... well, you know what they were doing.

God's the creator of Heaven and Earth
Says you.

and I was appalled to read some of the posts on this matter.
Well, excuuuuse me!

Do you even realise that the fact that you were appalled is the problem here?

Sorry, If I sound like I'm preaching but then again a lot of you need it BIG time.
Well, I say I don't need your preaching at all. What do you say to that? That I'm wrong? Well I say I'm not. But you say I am wrong. I say I'm not...

see where strong religious beliefs get you? Into arguments about nothing.

Last thing. Do any of you know about the second coming of Jesus?
No, I don't. Hey, if Krisnan tells us can that count as his mission?

YES we will all be judged by him on Judgement day.
Judged on Judgement Day? I don't wanna get judged on judgement day! Can't you pick another day? Judgement day sounds too... judgy.

One day you'll meet your creator and what will you say?
Why did you let the sinners have all the fun? That was silly.
B-Tron 3000 said:
And what do you consider that which harms Mark? Physical harm? Mental? Emotional?

I draw the line at all Harm

B-Tron 3000 said:
When it boils down to it, strongly religious people are less open minded than non-religious people. The very nature of belief makes it so.

As I have said, I am deeply Religious, yet I don't think you will find anyone who knows me saying I am Closed Minded

B-Tron 3000 said:
I don't. I dislike Manly as a team and a club. I have friends who are Manly fans. Funny, because I've also had/have friends who are Morman, Christian, agnostic etc. That's because I don't judge them by some stupid notion of what they believe in, as religious people judge others.

Yet you are Judging their religious practise as a farce because you don't like the Idea of people doing something for a faith.


Clarkieel said:
lmao i think people are misisng the point he wants to do it, his priority isnt the money or the league career at the moment it is his beliefs so good on him
Well said.

It's his faith, and everyone of us has a different take on things of that nature (even within orgnaised religions the different interpretations people take can be quite broad). We may not understand everything ourselves, but we have to respect whatever drives people is important to them. And it may not always be football alone.

No one is forcing Kris to do anything he doesn't want to think about doing himself. So what, he might have two years off league? Chances are he would stay incredibly fit (all that cycling ;-)) and he gets his own natural talent from somewhere, and it's likely that would easily return again with hard work and training and dediciation.

So if he and Parra want to agree some contract condition that allows him two years out and for us to have first option on him when he returns, he'd still be aged 23 and with plenty of top rugby league ahead of him. He's not leaving us in the lurch by cutting short a contract, so there's the chance to create some good will and karma in how the club deals with his contract expiry.


I think this thread is silly.
It has turned into a religious vs non-religious arguement and become a pulpit for certain views.

Time to move on people.
I am sure there are sites somewhere that encourage religious discussion - go find one.


11 pages on "Absolute Garbage"

If he kid wants to do his mission, good on him. If he stays and plays, well that's great.

No one here is in a position to even mention what he should do or what's best for the club.

In all honestly it's his business and none of ours so can we all just drop it. There is no need to discuss someone's career/life when you wouldn't know him and what he does outside of footy.

From something that is small to 11 pages on whether Kris is going to "back stab" the club or go and come play for another club, etc.

I think you all need to just ease up a little and be happy that we have a bloke like him at our club.

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