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Smith 'damaging the code' & Worst in 60 years: Kenny


If Tim's serious about his football and can admit fault and accept help - FINE!

But I think he needs to earn his stripes again and play out the rest of the season in Prem's and on a prem's pay packet.

I would also believe licence premises are a no go zone for the rest of the season unless in team / club prior arrangement.

Other strict rules should also be applied.

I also think the club needs to take some responsiblity as these standards had to be set the first time and as far as we know were not!

The Colonel

If they were set it certainly hasn't been enforced at the very least. I see no problem in him playing the remainder of the season in Prems. I just don't think sacking is the right way. The club has paid him and many of these kids the dollars and should take the responibilitry for the end result. I'd like to see some of these young blokes in some sort of employment at least three or four days a week to remove the boredom factor as well.

Be interested to see where his name is read out next Tuesday.
eelavation said:
you're probably right I'm off the belief that relationship between Fitzy and News Limited, aint that rosey at the moment and haven't been for a while.

Well you get that when you sue them for defamation and win several times.


The players are old enough to know what to do and what not to do, when small insignificant incidents happen they will always get blown out of proportion.

Look at any club that was under the pump over the past 10 years see how they get treated by the media.

Players are to blame in putting themselves in stupid situations but if Tim cant learn from this and he still carries on like a goose, then it wont leave the club with any other choice.

I am sure if we acted like this in our work environment we would cop a grilling for our actions, the only difference is that these blokes are in the spotlight 24/7, which means the older players are the ones who should be saying hey pull your head in.

I am just sick of every single day the papers have so many stories about parra and how we are doing this and doing that.

I would like to take a camera and follow the team when they are doing the community and charity work, then show it on the news, but thats not news ... that doesnt sell the paper in the morning.


First Grade
must be a slow news day i mean they have gone to get quotes from Brett Kenny. Now that must mean its slow
as i said in the NRL forum its a storm in a tea cup. It does not state he was drunk. The owner of Northies doesnt state he was in a bad state. He just said he was evicted for being to Rowdy saying they were mucking around.


but the problem as as colonel has pointed out many times is his friendship with piggy. And the problems they have been in together


Staff member
Put him on probation and put him in PL for the remainder of the season. Also commence regular urine tests for alcholol and anything else that might take his fancy IMHO.
MarkInTheStands said:
Well you get that when you sue them for defamation and win several times.

Speaking of defamation Mike Carlton called Tim Smith a "stupid stupid dumb lair" this Morning on his radio show. Is that Defamation?? Can Tim Sue for that kind of comment?

The Colonel

sooperdooper said:
but the problem as as colonel has pointed out many times is his friendship with piggy. And the problems they have been in together

Not sure it is a problem as such, just that Piggy is the common denominator.... ;-)


Be careful bagging Bert SD! especially when talking about protecting Tim Smith.

Tim is not worthy of being mentioned in the same sentence as the greatest No6 our club has had!!

Big C we are finally seeing eye to eye:shock: ;-)

Agree with the employment option or even better still University study.

The Colonel

Jake the snake said:
Speaking of defamation Mike Carlton called Tim Smith a "stupid stupid dumb lair" this Morning on his radio show. Is that Defamation?? Can Tim Sue for that kind of comment?

Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.
Defamation may be a criminal or civil charge. It encompasses both written statements, known as libel, and spoken statements, called slander.

Possibly. Whether or not it is worth the extra attention is another thing.

The Colonel

Freak2 said:
Big C we are finally seeing eye to eye:shock: ;-)

Agree with the employment option or even better still University study.

They have FAR too much time on their hands and need something to do. TAFE, a part time job, Uni. Whatever.


eeelectroshooting? said:
oh boo-f'n-hoo. you gotta go and defend tim to your friends again....that must be tough. and lets knock tim down a notch, he's definitely WAY to confident.

ever occured to you that this is all happening because he isnt confident at the moment? do you have any consideration for this promising young mans reputation which is being tarnished by some media agenda?! he got kicked out of a pub. so what? he turned up drunk to training late. so what? these are things that happen when you're young and hopefully he'll sort these issues out...and soon.

however, he is repeatedly and publically getting kicked when he's down, and the first thing the majority of eels fans do is lay the boot in as well. unbelievable.

admittedly he shouldnt be in situations like these, but its not all that serious. lets show him some support and not give rise to the fickle fan reputation that we all have.

Are you calling me a fickle fan?

I am sorry for having an opinion and being dissapointed in the situation that Tim has put himself and the club in. I agree that the incidents are minor, but they are being brought upon by Tim's actions, not anyone else!!

I think the media are out to get us and it doesn't help that our players are giving them reasons to go after us. It would be nice if ALL of our players could settle down a little in the current environment.

If you don't think that Tim needs help of some sort and you think that all 3 of his incidents are nothing then i guess you will be happy to see Tim's face in the paper every day for a drinking incident.

I for one would like him to be helped and mentored into the great player that i believe he will be.....as i said in my original post, i still support him and always will, doesn't mean i can't comment on the situation and express my opinion and dissapointment!!


Post Whore
The thing about Mike Carltons comments are that they are true.
He is stupid. Very stupid.

Whether it was a "minor" incident or not, I am sick to death of having our clubs name dragged through the mud.
If you behave yourself, you don't give the media anything to work with. Whether certain parts of the media have a vandetta against us sgouldn't matter if the players behave themselves. You don't see Hindmarshes name splashed all over the papers, do you?

I am sick of seeing Smiths name in the headlines, minor incidents or not.
Something needs to be done. And frankly, I don't care what they do with him.



Post Whore
eel4life said:
The players are old enough to know what to do and what not to do, when small insignificant incidents happen they will always get blown out of proportion.

Look at any club that was under the pump over the past 10 years see how they get treated by the media.

Players are to blame in putting themselves in stupid situations but if Tim cant learn from this and he still carries on like a goose, then it wont leave the club with any other choice.

I am sure if we acted like this in our work environment we would cop a grilling for our actions, the only difference is that these blokes are in the spotlight 24/7, which means the older players are the ones who should be saying hey pull your head in.

I am just sick of every single day the papers have so many stories about parra and how we are doing this and doing that.

I would like to take a camera and follow the team when they are doing the community and charity work, then show it on the news, but thats not news ... that doesnt sell the paper in the morning.

well no .... if i got thrown out of a bar at 10pm, on my week off for shoving someone, my boss would NOT grill me over it - cos he'd never know about it, cos frankly no one would give a sh*t cos it is such a small insignificant non-event.

if the media want to report every little non-event as being something big and bad then screw them .... if the public want to take the bait and go into a frenzy over it then of course the media are going to see the reaction and run with it cos ALL they care about is getting a reaction - they'll be more than happy to keep throwing the bait out there if people keep taking it.

as little as 5yrs ago no one would give a crap if a footballer was thrown out of a pub - "oh they are footballers, what do you expect...hahaha" .... but since the bulldogs debacles, the media has decided that EVERY little event is a MAJOR drama and is an opportunity to make a big headline and sell some papers.

i'd hate to see the frenzy our supporters go into if one of our guys really did do something genuinely bad .... or maybe there wouldn't be much difference :roll:
Kornstar said:
Are you calling me a fickle fan?

hell no! im saying in regards to eels fans in general - if we didnt turn on our own, it would go a long way to alleviating that image. im not necessarily even saying any are fickle... but the reputation is there nonetheless. only we can change it through our actions.

Kornstar said:
I am sorry for having an opinion and being dissapointed in the situation that Tim has put himself and the club in. I agree that the incidents are minor, but they are being brought upon by Tim's actions, not anyone else!!

dont be sorry for that :D im also disapointed about the situation. i wish he were smart enough to avoid this type of thing. but i dont think its necessary to come down so hard on him for some slow news day. hes hardly to blame for that.

Kornstar said:
I think the media are out to get us and it doesn't help that our players are giving them reasons to go after us. It would be nice if ALL of our players could settle down a little in the current environment.

If you don't think that Tim needs help of some sort and you think that all 3 of his incidents are nothing then i guess you will be happy to see Tim's face in the paper every day for a drinking incident.

I for one would like him to be helped and mentored into the great player that i believe he will be.....as i said in my original post, i still support him and always will, doesn't mean i can't comment on the situation and express my opinion and dissapointment!!

ive said in other threads. counselling is the answer. not punishment which will further deteriorate his already waning coinfidence.
strider said:
well no .... if i got thrown out of a bar at 10pm, on my week off for shoving someone, my boss would NOT grill me over it - cos he'd never know about it, cos frankly no one would give a sh*t cos it is such a small insignificant non-event.

if the media want to report every little non-event as being something big and bad then screw them .... if the public want to take the bait and go into a frenzy over it then of course the media are going to see the reaction and run with it cos ALL they care about is getting a reaction - they'll be more than happy to keep throwing the bait out there if people keep taking it.

as little as 5yrs ago no one would give a crap if a footballer was thrown out of a pub - "oh they are footballers, what do you expect...hahaha" .... but since the bulldogs debacles, the media has decided that EVERY little event is a MAJOR drama and is an opportunity to make a big headline and sell some papers.

i'd hate to see the frenzy our supporters go into if one of our guys really did do something genuinely bad .... or maybe there wouldn't be much difference :roll:

exactly, why cant everyone see this for what it is?

its the collective "you" that are feeding this dribble.

The Colonel

strider said:
i'd hate to see the frenzy our supporters go into if one of our guys really did do something genuinely bad .... or maybe there wouldn't be much difference :roll:

Problem is mate it isn't an isolated event. Three times now that has been reported. I didn't have a real problem with the Hayne incident as it was a one off. Hopefully he learns from that. Timmy hasn't and that is the big issue. Not the fact that he was tossed from a pub.


Post Whore
Different situation guys.

These players are public property, whether they like it or not, and whether it is right or wrong.
Personally, I think they should have a private life, and what they get up to is their own business, but sadly, that isn't the case, and there is nothing they , nor we, can do about it.

Therefore, just f**king behave yourselves when you go out in public.
Surely it can't be that hard, can it?


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