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icewind said:
news just in: qld selectors rest the current qld team.

team will be as follows:

1. Bowen
2. Folau
3. Tonga
4. Minto
5. Rogers
6. Burns
7. Prince
8. Ross
9. Payne

Scary that Queensland's second string side actually looks superior to NSW.


Post Whore
Hurriflatch said:
bring in Daniel Wagon if Johnson is ruled out

cause I want to see at least 1 Parra player be in a winning Origin side so that rules out Hayne and Hindy

Costigan will start if Johnson is ruled out and a backrower (i.e Parker or Carlaw will be added to the bench, Wagon is no hope- too old and has been tried at SOO level before). As for Tate, Tonga is on standby I think but Tate played last night so I am not sure how he is in doubt.


Post Whore
Yes..a few years back and we have plenty of options better than Wagon now. Unlike NSW we pick the right players..and well nothing against Wagon but all he is is solid


ShadesOfTheSun said:
Scary that Queensland's second string side actually looks superior to NSW.

QLD's 3rd string side with the likes of Tim Smith, Daniel Wagon and Billy Slater would be better then the NSW team picked


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Simpkins to referee Origin III

June 26, 2007 VETERAN whistleblower Paul Simpkins has been appointed to referee next week's final game of the State of Origin series at Suncorp Stadium.

Simpkins returns to the Origin fold after officiating in the series opener, which was won by Queensland 25-18.

Shayne Hayne was handed the whistle for game two but came under heavy criticism for his handling of the match, in which he awarded only five penalties.

Steve Chiddy and Russell Turner will be the sideline officials with Bill Harrigan the video referee.




I'd have to say gee people whinge. The NSW side has been beaten by 7 points and 4 points so basically one try in each game.

They have not been flogged, but wholesale changes are what people want.

Also our forward pack was not outplayed last match, in fact I would have said they had a slight edge, but it was pretty even. The simple fact is who do we have to bring in, that has displayed better form in club footy than these guys.

Hindmarsh hasn't been barnstorming in origin in attack, but when on the field he has been very strong in defence. And his club form on the weekend was awesome. If he had not been in the first 2 games we would have lost by more, he covers so much stuff up that many people don't notice.

Mason was injured for game 1 and good in game 2. Bailey was better game 2.

Kite and white, well had little time, but been average. Ryles was the man in form but got injured, has O'Meeley really showed much at club level to warrant selection.

Simpson, Ryan have all showed quality in the series. Look to be honest no backrower from either team has been dominant particularly in attack, I don't know why we are looking at the backrow as a problem. Actually I do because its the one place we have heaps of depth.

Our problems lie in the halves and quite simply its a problem we can't fix. The difference between the 2 sides has been the halves in both games. The QLD halves are the world's best, the NSW halves are not. Ask qlders about 5/8ths after lewis, until lockyer, what a roll call they had. Or halfbacks outside of alfie. They only won 3 series post lewis until the last 2 years, drew 2 and lost 9. Well guess what Johns is gone, freddy is gone daley is gone. We have no one in the class of thurston or lockyer. Mullen looks good, but needs another year or so.

The qld outside backs have done very little either, especially their centres. Yes inglis has scored tries, but not through his own brilliance, it has been through the space created by thurston. Tate and Hunt have run the ball strongly, but nothing that creative.

So basically we blue and blue about our problems, but they lie in the one place we can't fix. We can swap as many backrowers as you like, but the club form is no better than the ones in the side.

I do feel personally that king to centre, grothe onto the side in place of lyon would have been good. But while lyon has done very little neither has bell or hodges. King has only come in once when he didn't need to, the others times if he didn't come they would have simply scored in closer.

The key to the series has been 3 men C.smith, thurston and lockyer, the first 2 in particular. Buderus has tried hard, but its much easier to dummy and run, when defenders are worried about thurston and lockyer, not kimmorley and anasta.

So like I said I think a lot of comments are way over the top, we have barely lost both games, and were more dominant in the last game. All our eligible backrowers are playing well, but until one of our halves stands up and does something great, defence is the only thing that will win us games.
all these whinging NSW "fans" make it embarrassing to be a blue, i hope we beat queensland just to stick it up all of you, we've only barely lost both games and just needed a little attacking penetration and you people sook and whinge and sh*t, f**king pathetic "i hope nsw get lapped by 80" disgraceful talk, so called "die hard NSW fans" pffft give me a break, the majority of our supporters are a f**king joke


Tonearm Terrorwrist said:
all these whinging NSW "fans" make it embarrassing to be a blue, i hope we beat queensland just to stick it up all of you, we've only barely lost both games and just needed a little attacking penetration and you people sook and whinge and sh*t, f**king pathetic "i hope nsw get lapped by 80" disgraceful talk, so called "die hard NSW fans" pffft give me a break, the majority of our supporters are a f**king joke

Well so is the team and selectors so I guess everyone goes hand in hand


Staff member

I feel for NSW supporters,could have been a much better team picked I agree with everyone about blooding young players for the future.

I also disagree with Bird at 5/8,he's got a similar game to Braith...what's the point?

I'm happy with Queensland team...looking forward to a white wash...hopefully!
Origin RIP.

worst blues side ever.

they put in how many cronulla players in there.

did they even watch the sharks on the weekend.
Hurriflatch said:
Well so is the team and selectors so I guess everyone goes hand in hand

true fans support their team no matter what, the selection sh*ts me, but i'll still cheer for them, for 3 years the roosters selections have made me rip my hair our, i still support them, no, all this "i hope QLD win by 80" is bullsh*t talk, queenslanders complain in past years about selection, NEVER ONCE did ANY OF THEM wish nsw would beat them, it's f**king pathetic and all of you are joke, fine, hate the selection, i do, but all this "please please please queensland win" is just garbage

"you're only singing when your winning" that song sums this sh*t up


gavin cooper is rumoured to be on standby for qld, so even if johnson is ruled out, they're blooding a new back rower for the future, who is also a half decent centre if needed.

And personally, i think todd carney is the blues no. 7 for the future.

And if anyone needs to fake a birth certificate, it's princey. only way he is playing origin is in a blue jersey despite being one of the best ball runners and oppurtunity creators in the game.


Staff member
Scott Prince has played Origin before,hasn't he?
Regardless he'll be an option once Lockyer retires from representative football.

It's Cooper Cronk who has the worst luck.


cooper will get in above prince i think. They will blood him for the years to come. He has 10 years of origin left, prince has 5 or 6. depends if the storm take the premiership this year i think. plus coopers connection with smith will be in his favour compared to princes.