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Stacey Jones

NZ Warrior

First Grade

Well, if he wasn't up to the grade in 08, he certainly isn't in 09

Why do you think he had a good game today?

He wasn't even playing footy in 2008, so I think he's doing alright in '09.

Jones was good and solid today. His kicking game was pretty accurate in trying conditions. He also provided good service to the players outside him. No errors, IIRC. He got the ball out to Moon's side, to set up Locke's first try and provided the ball to Packer, to send McKinnon on his way, for his try.

Defense was solid too. People crap on about Jones' tackling. But he has a sh*tload of traffic coming his way, and he's responsible for attacking organisation on top of that. Cut him some slack.

He doesn't fall off many tackles, sure he doesn't effect all the tackles either. But when you have big props and backrowers running at you, and you miss out on being classed as a dwarf, because you're 2 inches too high, it's a hard job.

It's all to easy to throw sh*t at someone else. But you're the one who has to wash the stink off your hands too afterwards.


First Grade
Old dog Stacey teaches new tricks as Benji comes home

IF THE dreadful weather meant that the contest of the old and the new, the last great Kiwis halfback against (hopefully) the next, never really transpired, the Warriors still saw this as a victory for Stacey Jones.

Not a victory over Benji Marshall, the man finally anointed after a lengthy search as his successor as New Zealand's No.7, but over the New Zealand Herald, who had declared after the round two defeat of defending premiers Manly that "Stacey Jones is still the man", then said last Monday that "Stacey Jones has to go".

The Warriors felt even Johnathan Thurston would have struggled behind their badly beaten pack at Canberra last weekend, and had fumed all week about Jones's public bagging.

He was solid and dependable last night, tougher in defence, and while flash was at a minimum, could point to a smart pass in the build-up to Wade McKinnon's try as evidence.

Jones lingered long in the showers, but the club's director of football, John Hart, was angry enough on his behalf.

"I'm delighted he's vindicated," he said. "I felt very sorry for him this week, being personally criticised by a small section of the media which had built him up. He didn't ask to come back, we asked him to come back. I was shattered, a few people around him owed him a performance, and they gave him one tonight."

Marshall, meanwhile, was perhaps the hardest worker in the Tigers team, and did nothing wrong, although it wasn't until the final quarter he found some space to put his teammates into holes.

Steve Kilgallon


Staff member
What are you basing that on? Did he not set your world on fire? Did he not achieve the amount of razzle-dazzle you would have liked?

I think some people's expectations are still back in 2002. Or even his 20 mins off the bench, against Manly. Do people expect him to reproduce that over 80 mins of football each week?

We are now seeing an older, more mature Stacey Jones. He's been out of League for over a year. He's back playing in the NRL, and is once again expected to shoulder most of the organisational workload. Something he shouldn't have to be doing.

Fien's destiny has been sealed, and he is no longer wanted by the club. There are growing calls to have him re-instated, but that is very shortsighted.

Jones has an inexperienced 5/8 playing outside him, who will need time to settle into the role. He needs more help from his hooker. And a better platform needs to be laid by the forwards. A lack of 2nd phase play is also a concern.

So as you can see, there are a number of factors that ANY halfback would be hampered by. This isn't a time warp, players get older. The Little General is now The Old General.

How long do you reckon we should sign him up for Wazza?


felt a bit sorry for benji yesterday, he really had a go at us but didnt get a hell of a lot of support.

the more he tried, the more it got stuffed up..

NZ Warrior

First Grade
How long do you reckon we should sign him up for Wazza?

I would actually like to see him around next season, but not playing almost every game, like this season. So, I think sign him on limited contract for next season, and that's it.

Now that Fien is no longer in the equation, Cleary needs to bite the bullet, and choose a successor at halfback. Whether that be Heremaia or someone else, he needs to get plans in motion now. A new halfback needs to be eased in, start doing it this season, then start giving him full games here and there next season. Have Jones on the bench as back up, in a few of them.

Jones has still got what it takes and that is going to show all the more, when the Warriors start performing at a better standard.



Skinner sure got OWN3D on the Locke issue. I know it was only 1 game, but you just know that Locke didn't look out of place in 1st grade.

One swallow does not make a summer.

I am pleased for Nobby, he had a good game.


Staff member
Jones was good and solid today. His kicking game was pretty accurate in trying conditions. He also provided good service to the players outside him. No errors, IIRC. He got the ball out to Moon's side, to set up Locke's first try and provided the ball to Packer, to send McKinnon on his way, for his try.

Defense was solid too. People crap on about Jones' tackling. But he has a sh*tload of traffic coming his way, and he's responsible for attacking organisation on top of that. Cut him some slack.

Ok, fair enough- maybe it was harsh of me to say that he was a passenger and offered nothing yesterday- although that's how I feel about him in 2009 generally (so far). In retrospect, it wasn't really a game for him to shine and it may be harsh to expect him to do so.


I am stoked for young Locke, but I hope the young hero doesn't turn to villian in another game, hope the fans still support the fella. I have a feeling he has a lot of goodwill, most know he's a future superstar and so won't be too harsh...for a while. We turn on players quite nastily if they don't meet out expectations. Jones is a case in point.
I agree I'd like to see Jones stick around I think, the added bonus is with each game he goes well in, the more of a total egg Jessup looks. But I also agree that he really should be off the bench with a new young guy for the future coming through. Limping through the next year without a successor is nuts IMO. The Warriors gave Jones that chance as well under Brandy's wing-It's time for Jones to be the mentor for someone else.

NZ Warrior

First Grade
Ok, fair enough- maybe it was harsh of me to say that he was a passenger and offered nothing yesterday- although that's how I feel about him in 2009 generally (so far). In retrospect, it wasn't really a game for him to shine and it may be harsh to expect him to do so.

Fair enough, mate. Good form.

NZ Warrior

First Grade
I am stoked for young Locke, but I hope the young hero doesn't turn to villian in another game, hope the fans still support the fella. I have a feeling he has a lot of goodwill, most know he's a future superstar and so won't be too harsh...for a while. We turn on players quite nastily if they don't meet out expectations. Jones is a case in point.
I agree I'd like to see Jones stick around I think, the added bonus is with each game he goes well in, the more of a total egg Jessup looks. But I also agree that he really should be off the bench with a new young guy for the future coming through. Limping through the next year without a successor is nuts IMO. The Warriors gave Jones that chance as well under Brandy's wing-It's time for Jones to be the mentor for someone else.



Staff member
I agree with those that point out Jones' value in mentoring a successor, which we desperately need. That is my biggest objection- this doesn't seem to be happening. We seem to be pinning all of our hopes on Stacey for this season, and seemingly not giving much thought to the next.


Staff member
I agree with those that point out Jones' value in mentoring a successor, which we desperately need. That is my biggest objection- this doesn't seem to be happening. We seem to be pinning all of our hopes on Stacey for this season, and seemingly not giving much thought to the next.

But wasn't Stacey employed last year to bring the halves on?
Instead they got booted!


Staff member
A better game from Stacey Jones on the weekend; everybody will acknowledge that. Probably his best game of the season for mine.I am frustrated that we appear to be terribly disorganized on our last tackle and I hold Stacey somewhat accountable for this.

In any event, I think we saw enough promise out of young Heremaia on the weekend to begin developing him for the halves next year- hopefully by the end of the season, Heremaia is starting in the halves and Jones is coming off the bench.


Amen to that. Jones off the bench would be the way to go; it worked at the start of this year, then Ives for some reason known to himself likes to break the rule of changing a winning team.
Moon IMO is not a #6; that experiment has failed big time. So stick him in Tates vacant centre spot and leave him to cement it. Then, considering Jones is off the bench for impact, decide on the 6&7 combo for the haul.
When Witt/Fein were combining they were solid even if not setting any world on fire. You would think if you're ditching them, you would ditch for a better option, not just to play. In that regard I never thought Ives thought much of either of them, I just cannot see any other reason you would ditch them simply to 'play.' And if they were testing their halves combos-exactly when did they test all the halves they had lined up and decide they were all not what was needed? How did Jones get the spot automatically after one little stint off the bench during the Manly game?
That's not Stacey's fault-that's the fault of those who decide the team and the tactics.


cleary is weird like that, he is more likely to break up a winning team then a losing one.. we win our first 2 then he changes things around n it all goes down hill yet we lose 200 in a row and cleary shows how persistent he can be..
also moving mannerng to the centers and starting kirk off the bench isnt a change..
my biggest fear this week is we have ah van and kirk in the centers

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