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Strong rumour.. BMoz, gone

Cagey Mac

What is it with some people that they always want to blame someone for everything that happens?

This is likely to be BMoz last contract.
Identical twins are often pretty well inseparable and B&J Moz fall into that category.
Josh left because Gaz and Coops were our centre pairing and there was no room for him.
We tried to get him back
The other option for the twins to live their dream of playing together was for Brett to leave and join the Dogs.
That leaves us room to buy others and I’d be looking at the Mata’utia brothers and some forwards. The Knights have McManus & Uate under long contracts so the brother’s form of late would be putting pressure on there.
Form in the NYC and Cutters is also good so time to chill methinks.
Taken of the Dragons facebook page.
The St George Illawarra Dragons, contrary to media speculation, have not offered Brett Morris to other Clubs, nor have they suggested that he test his market value external to the Dragons.
The Dragons today reiterate that the Club has been in negotiations for a number of months to extend Brett Morris’ contract at the Dragons.
Brett Morris signed a contract in 2012 for seasons 2013, 2014 and 2015 and is therefore under contract until the end of next season.
The Club understands that there are no rules that prevent player managers from talking to other Clubs about contracted players.
The Dragons are aware that another Club has offered Brett Morris more money than his contract sum at the Dragons for the 2015 season.
The Dragons announced last week the appointment of Peter Mulholland as Director of Recruitment and Retention.
Mulholland has this week begun working through the Club's salary cap and roster for 2015 and beyond, in conjunction with Head Coach Paul McGregor.


First Grade
Taken of the Dragons facebook page.
The St George Illawarra Dragons, contrary to media speculation, have not offered Brett Morris to other Clubs, nor have they suggested that he test his market value external to the Dragons.
The Dragons today reiterate that the Club has been in negotiations for a number of months to extend Brett Morris? contract at the Dragons.
Brett Morris signed a contract in 2012 for seasons 2013, 2014 and 2015 and is therefore under contract until the end of next season.
The Club understands that there are no rules that prevent player managers from talking to other Clubs about contracted players.
The Dragons are aware that another Club has offered Brett Morris more money than his contract sum at the Dragons for the 2015 season.
The Dragons announced last week the appointment of Peter Mulholland as Director of Recruitment and Retention.
Mulholland has this week begun working through the Club's salary cap and roster for 2015 and beyond, in conjunction with Head Coach Paul McGregor.
here's the link to the Dragons website



First Grade
What is it with some people that they always want to blame someone for everything that happens?
Because someone opened the door for Brett to leave. He was under contract for another year. There was no need to open that doopr and let him test the market. It is a monumental blunder. Someone is responsible for it. Who do you suppose it is?


First Grade
im more concerned about the loss of our best kids in Hastings & Bird, than I am about BMoz, but to lose all of the above, truly truly terrible, ripping the heart out of the club and its fans.


I'm not a contract lawyer, but if the Bulldogs have offered Morris more money for 2015 season than what his current contract for 2015 with the Dragons is, I would have thought that is illegal in terms of enticing someone to break a valid contract and grounds for the NRL to have a close look at what is going on.

The Dragons statement specifically states they are aware that another Club has offered Brett Morris more money than his contract sum at the Dragons for the 2015 season


Worrying? Yes. Terminal? No.

As I have posted before all clubs except for The Roosters, Bulldogs and Broncos have to adhere to a salary cap and therefore sometimes tough decisions need to be made. Setting aside the issue that Brett is a terrific player and seems to be a good bloke; I would be spending that $450K on a prop from somewhere.

All of this rubbish results from appointing that fool Price as the coach and Doust should to the honourable thing and fall on his sword and let the club appoint a profiled and credentialed CEO. Anyway that is another matter.

I am in favour of going down the Penrith route. Manage some highly paid late 20's type players away from the club; identify those players who are paid "overs" and get rid of them; and make sure we identify, nurture and retain those Under 20's players who we believe will turn into 10 years 1st graders (and there at least 8 of them running around in the Under 20's right now).

Our coaching staff (McGregor, Dean Young and Hornby) are hard nosed professional blokes who know how to win and love the club. The addition of Mulholland to coordinate recruitment and retention will yield results.

Sorry folks, but no easy fix but I believe the process to rebuild properly is underway.
What makes you think Mary is the man to do this?? The First thing he said when he took over from Price was that he wanted to finish the "job Price was building" at the club. Can't wait for him to come out soon and tell us that the club is a shambles and needs to be re-built. Mary is an imposter. I've said it from day one. We will waste another 3, possibly 4 years in the wilderness with him in charge. Oust Doust. Bloody Mary.


First Grade
I'm not a contract lawyer, but if the Bulldogs have offered Morris more money for 2015 season than what his current contract for 2015 with the Dragons is, I would have thought that is illegal in terms of enticing someone to break a valid contract and grounds for the NRL to have a close look at what is going on.

The Dragons statement specifically states they are aware that another Club has offered Brett Morris more money than his contract sum at the Dragons for the 2015 season

You are exactly right. This is the only illegality of it all. They can not actively encourage players to break contracts and it is clearly worded in the statement released today.
Maybe a warning shot over the bow but once again the evil dogs have broken a rule that was clearly explained just last week.


First Grade
Warning shot my arse. The club is full of it. They know there is no illegality. The club opened the door for Brett and the Bulldogs barged through it

Mr Red

First Grade
I'm not a contract lawyer, but if the Bulldogs have offered Morris more money for 2015 season than what his current contract for 2015 with the Dragons is, I would have thought that is illegal in terms of enticing someone to break a valid contract and grounds for the NRL to have a close look at what is going on.

The Dragons statement specifically states they are aware that another Club has offered Brett Morris more money than his contract sum at the Dragons for the 2015 season

Or there is proof that the dragons encouraged Morris to test the market... and hence Morris did, and hence the offer was made..


First Grade
Warning shot my arse. The club is full of it. They know there is no illegality. The club opened the door for Brett and the Bulldogs barged through it

Oh look, something else you don't know about !

The NRL confirmed to The Courier-Mail that the only rule governing the signing of a player was that clubs can?t entice a player to break an existing contract.
?Clubs are prohibited from approaching a player to switch clubs where doing so would require the player to breach his playing contract with his current club,?? an NRL spokesman said.
?This is based on a general prohibition at law regarding inducements to breach contract.
?Clubs may, however, approach a player at any time about joining their club for the period commencing after his contract has expired.
?So, for instance, if a player is signed up until the end of the 2015 season, other clubs can express interest in signing him in 2016 but cannot seek to have them join their club in 2015.??

(Source - http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport...1-rule-abolished/story-fniabjcr-1227051887028


First Grade
Warning shot my arse. The club is full of it. They know there is no illegality. The club opened the door for Brett and the Bulldogs barged through it

The club can't lie ,they specifically said they didn't shop or ask Brett to test the market,if they did they wouldn't have released anything to us.
It is an emotional situation atm as we are fed up with the club's situation for 3 years,are we going to still take the media's word on this who like to whip up crap.


The Dogs would not be offering 600k + for Morris just as the Rooster did not pay 600k plus for Jennings. The Morris twins want to play together at the one club and Doust and is mates did not facilitate this by not signing Josh last year.

I feel sick now, I'm very frusted with how the people in charge are making such huge errors and stufing up our Club.

Morris is well worth 450.00 and more and should be the last player that we let go. As Price did to Soward, Mary is now doing to Morris; it is a real sham. So what is the plan?

1. Beale
2. Runciman
3. Dugan
4. Mata Utia
5. Nightingale

Save 450k to keep under the cap and have enough to maintain the contracts of Hunt, Stanley, Green, Beale, Farrell, Ah Mau ..............

What about we instead let go Beale, Farrel, Stanley and Green and entice Johs Morris to break his contract?
At the same time we could let go Hunt, Stockwell and a few fringe forwards who have proved to be dead wood and sign Kasiano.

Sign these two good players fromt he Dogs, let go the dead wood and bring our brightest younsters through. That would give us:

1. Dugan
2. B Moris
3. Mata Utai
4. J Morris
5. Nightingale

Why would J Morris and Kasiano leave a team in the finals for a spoon contender?


BMoz has seen what 'outsiders' like Dugan and Marshall are getting, and rightfully so, he is pissed. How many times have you seen this in a workplace? Loyal employee getting paid x amount, only for your boss to hire a newcomer, with less experience, paying them more!

- Offer him an upgrade NOW. Match the 600k. Dragons are entitled to cap dispensation as Morris is a long serving player
- Make him permanent co-captain
- Consider moving him to left centre. If we're paying 600k, might as well be for a more important position than winger. He'd be only playing one position in from what he is currently playing
- If after all this, he still asks for a release, don't grant it. Tell him we will re-consider prior to June 30 next year, but in the meantime he is a Dragon, and needs to act accordingly. This will give us time to continue working on changing his mind.
- If we don't have the money, then this is a serious issue. The board/s need to be somehow challenged and thrown out, with the backing of a potential billionaire suitor. Bruce Gordon? This guy doesn't seem interested in this team. What about that guy in England trying to buy the Knight? Surely they are not going down the same path so soon.
- If by June next year, he still wants to leave, we need to negotiate with the dogs for them to release one of their players. Maybe Tim Lafia? I know they wont release him, but we still need to ask. Need to get something out of those bastards!

Dogs have shown with Barba how it's to go.

Player released for $$$ compensation.


Warning shot my arse. The club is full of it. They know there is no illegality. The club opened the door for Brett and the Bulldogs barged through it

Other sign of the coin could be that the Dogs have offered more $ for 2016 etc then his 2015 contract. Guess we will find out shortly....