Talking about trees (gum) and councils(Sutherland in particular).About 10 years ago,I got a call at work from (she who must be obeyed),that she had been involved in an accident,driving down Yathong road.Apart from nearly fainting and falling of my chair,she advised I'm badly shaken but Ok,but a huge tree branch just lobbed in my car and jst clipped the front windscreen.
The bonnet has taken a hammering.Some one who was there stated a couple of cms toward the windshield ,and I would have been a widower.
She stated no need to rush home ,just having a cup of tea with a nice neighbour who lived there,who advised me the Council had known about the poor borer condition of the tree for some time.
Well if that didn't want me to invade Poland,nothing did.
As soon as I heard the news ,I rang the Council to the section involved.Evasive as all b...,the Shire has many trees in the streets blah blah ....
I wrote to council,again the response was typical standard no responsibilty.
Yet these f...whits are the very same mob of bandidos,who will front up and fine you for trimming back gum trees that over hang your house,chop em down if they have a dangerous lean when a storm is forecast.
If the council knew about it ATT they should have acted.
And low and behold a mate of mine (lightning does strike twice) had a branch lob on his car,about 3 years back.He wrote to...wait for it.....Captain Capsis.Who was as effective as a can of aerosol against a herd of water buffalo.
I love my trees,but damn it I love my family more,get it Sutherland council.