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Take Action on the Development.

gunnamatta bay

With council elections in September, Mr Hazzard said there would be the usual rush of councils heading to the Land and Environment Court to fight applications because it suited their political interests
At great cost to their unwitting constituents who will nod approvingly win or lose!


First Grade
Provan is showing me around her home, a $3-million waterfront she bought last year with her second husband, Ross. (Her first husband, Peter, died in 2010.) The three-bedroom house in Burraneer Bay is done out in a French-provincial theme, with white walls and lots of polished mirrors, large glass-topped tables and a remote-control bar with a drinks cabinet that pops up at the push of a button. ("Isn't it fun?" Provan giggles.) In the absence of reading material - there isn't a magazine, newspaper or book to be seen - a colossal 65-inch flat-screen TV dominates the living room. The whole place is serenely clean and clutter-free, with floor-to-ceiling windows that look out onto a tiny private beach and a jetty.
"Ross is a waterskier," Provan says, walking me outside. "He keeps his powerboat, a Malibu, in the garage." She then points to houses around the bay - "Ricky Ponting lives just over there ... and Glenn McGrath, he's over there ... And just down there" - she waves her hand along the waterfront - "are some Italians and a Greek family. It's very multicultural."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/if-you-go-down-to-the-shire-today--20120625-20y4c.html#ixzz1z8cdB5da


oh dear..that is awesome newman.

there's one in the spot light
he don't look right to me
get him up against the wall
is that the guy that hosts it?

he is a contemptible merkin.

interesting show though. they went to a detention centre where the southpark locals were complaing about goobacks "taking der jeeerbs"

seriously. it was out of a cartoon.


Not showing my bias here but that merkin hilderbran is a stooge Murdoch journalist for the daily telecrap.

So him, hosting a show, which causes a sensationalist stir.... what do you expect.

You might remember that two indigenous ladies, slightly intoxicated beat him up at a Darwin Hotel after filming. They went looking for him and the crew apparently. it made the news up here at the time. They had CTC film of the two gals ransacking the reception room looking for the crew.

He is a grub of the first order in my books.

Ronnie Dobbs

I like Joe.

He makes me laugh with his piss taking.

Laugh Quigs. Laugh.

Its good for the soul.

And remember, you blokes are only around these days because of Murdoch.

Ronnie Dobbs

Provan is showing me around her home, a $3-million waterfront she bought last year with her second husband, Ross. (Her first husband, Peter, died in 2010.) The three-bedroom house in Burraneer Bay is done out in a French-provincial theme, with white walls and lots of polished mirrors, large glass-topped tables and a remote-control bar with a drinks cabinet that pops up at the push of a button. ("Isn't it fun?" Provan giggles.) In the absence of reading material - there isn't a magazine, newspaper or book to be seen - a colossal 65-inch flat-screen TV dominates the living room. The whole place is serenely clean and clutter-free, with floor-to-ceiling windows that look out onto a tiny private beach and a jetty.
"Ross is a waterskier," Provan says, walking me outside. "He keeps his powerboat, a Malibu, in the garage." She then points to houses around the bay - "Ricky Ponting lives just over there ... and Glenn McGrath, he's over there ... And just down there" - she waves her hand along the waterfront - "are some Italians and a Greek family. It's very multicultural."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/if-you-go-down-to-the-shire-today--20120625-20y4c.html#ixzz1z8cdB5da

Carol didn't waste any time getting back on the Horse, did she.

Has an Honest Vic Heslop feel about it.

"Its bloody Ross. Ross, what are you doing here? What are the odds?"


First Grade
I got stuff going through council at the moment waiting to be approved.
Been 4 weeks so far ...looking at another 2 apparently.


6 weeks for a pissy little extension.
Mate took the merkins 4 months to ultimately reject my application for a deck.

Depends how much of a knob your neighbours are.

Ended up getting a complying certificate through a private certifier with a few changes to the plan and built the f**king thing anyway.

Old wannabe capsis pissant neighbour is still doing his best though with 'mayoral orders' for council ss troopers to sniff around my house.

The good guys will triumph though!


How big is the extension mate??
Mate took the merkins 4 months to ultimately reject my application for a deck.

Depends how much of a knob your neighbours are.

Ended up getting a complying certificate through a private certifier with a few changes to the plan and built the f**king thing anyway.

Old wannabe capsis pissant neighbour is still doing his best though with 'mayoral orders' for council ss troopers to sniff around my house.

The good guys will triumph though!

Ronnie Dobbs

Mate took the merkins 4 months to ultimately reject my application for a deck.

Depends how much of a knob your neighbours are.

Ended up getting a complying certificate through a private certifier with a few changes to the plan and built the f**king thing anyway.

Old wannabe capsis pissant neighbour is still doing his best though with 'mayoral orders' for council ss troopers to sniff around my house.

The good guys will triumph though!

Get a Pit Bull.

Starve it. Tease it. Teach it to hate.

Then cut a hole in your fence.


First Grade
How big is the extension mate??

40 square mtrs. had to go to council because over 1 mtr high by about 20cms.

Redesigned to be under by 1cm but exactly same dimensions. We've built it now, but had ok from private certifier.

I'm gunna invite the old cutie neighbour and the eastern planning division of sutho council over for a barbie in the beautiful winter sunshine now it's done.

But yes, council can make you tear it down if you don't get it right. cutie of an experience.


I have been having troubles with my neighbour, who has only been around for about 5 years.

Long story short his missus is paranoid about trees and of course I have a few big trees along my side of our boundary fence. They were there a long time before I arrived. I have lived here for 26 years now.

Anyhow the neighbours which is quite within their rights continually cut the overhanging branches back. That I can understand but what pisses me off they never had the decency to approach me in a neighbourly manner and just ask or mention it. Anyhow it got to the stage when ever I was away from the house I'd come back and my trees and shrubs would be trimmed back over a metre inside my boundary.

I let this go on for a little while. Then one day I came home and a heap on my side had be cut back exposing four or five staghorns that i had to relocate to survive. When I mentioned it to the bitch next door she went off her head and became hysterical screaming that she rang the council and she can cut down my trees blah blah blah...

Well I had tallied up this was about the fifth such incident, which included attempted poisoning of trees etc.

So I just waited for about 30 minutes and grabbed my big garden shears and walked around to the front of her house where her manicured hedge was and as she was standing on her front verandah I started into her manicured hedge with the shears, laughing and smiling as I set about my work.

She grabbed her phone and was onto her husband "He's Here!!!, He is here!!! he is cutting our bushes!!!

After a quick five minute chop chop I walked back to my tora bora cave.

Got aheated call from the neighbour some fifteen minutes later, just told him to farkkk off, he knows where I live, we can escalate it if he likes...

A few weeks later got a letter from his solicitor, fronted him and told him if thats the way he wants to play it good....

Anyhow alls quiet in the camp at the moment, I think the neighbours now know my feelings on the matter.

There are just some people in this world that are a few floggings short of being good people.