The issue is not anti development, it is development which is obscene and out of scale with the surrounding suburbs. Those not familiar with the issue should be aware most of the support for this development is from supporters living outside of Cronulla, Wooloware and Caringbah.
The fact the scale and size of the development is determined by the debt of your club is in itself damming.
To have a rep advise we cannot reduce the size because it will not pay off the debt is pathetic. A development limited to say six stories stepped back from the bay would be acceptable I would think to most residents.
The Club would not have the western playing fields were it not for Council. A case of biting the very hand that feeds you!
As for Kurnell. the planned closure has been well known to local residents for quite some time;-)
All major developments in the Shire and surrounds can be classified as obscene.The units near Caringbah railway station,the many high rise and closely packed units near Cronulla beach,the closure of Cronulla street for a mall that means only two entries in and out for South Cronulla people.The high rise at Miranda near the netball courts.Northies is obscene.
Big ugly Miranda Fair on a brick pit site,smack bang in the middle of a housing area.Have a geek at the expansion of boat ramps in Gunnamatta Bay.
One could well argue the last seniors, development on the car park,approved unanimously by Council could be an eye sore and obscene with a hotel.This with underground car parks.
This development does not impinge on nearby housing like these mentioned.As well we have factories right near the mangroves on Cpt Cook drive.
Every development on this planet is also motivated by financial gain : profit.Scoop:roll:
I have lived in the Cronulla and Caringbah areas for decades when half the land was vacant,I am a supporter,and I know more than a handfull of the same view.I am more than aware of the issues.
I am also concerned about the future generations for jobs,housing,not just my own creature comforts.Why the hell should a few decide what will benefit the many.Smacks of totalitarianism.Any increase/decrease in traffic and shopping opportunities or living opportunities may well affect me in one way or another. The Sutherland to Surf affects me to be pedantic.
It was rumoured and not well known about Caltex, that was the position..
Regardless it is still one less operation and employment for up to 700 people meaning less traffic volumes,added to Abbotts,Carbon Black .The fact it may have been known is pointless,people have lost jobs.
The site could well have had unsightly factories on it also.The ground was a garbage dump,filled in.The club made it what it is today.
Of course the issue is anti development.Every time in the Shire someone wants to build something,there is a next door neighbour/s whining,or a mob of greenies.It would not matter if they were 6 stories high,there would be the objectors.
The record of development by the Sutherland council and some of their abominations,they gave the OK to,is embarrassing.
We may as well all shut up shop,and get back to living in caves.We are only here for a short time,we don't own the flipping Shire in perpetuity.
If this fails to get off the ground,I trust the land will revert to industrial with a scrap metal recycling centre,to really give the antis something to whine about.