I want a little help with my article, I am not sure whether it needs help or not, I want to know if it's good and some pushes in the right direction if it does need help because my head is in lala land. For some reason Kylie has not been around much lately, she works too hard. Anywho, any assistance would be muchly appreciated
Sorry about not being around much everyone.
New projects at work, for a company that likes to tell us how worthless we are on a daily basis they sure expect a lot of you
the PM function is your friend
I haven't had time enough to sign into LU but I do check my emails and read PM's there. (and hopefully get back to you rather quickish, though must admit I'm still trying to catch up to myself after this past week)
and I also gave you all my mobile number in the PM I sent out, your welcom te use it, that's why I gave it
but I wanted to know who to pm
Me darling, always me :lol:
ok... well, Pistol is a great F7's wealth of knowledge... so I gess you can ask him too :sarcasm: :lol: