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Team named

Mr Red

First Grade
Give price some time. I think he does hav the potential.

However saying that, If we are in the same position this time next year then you start thinking of replacing him becasue by that time he would have had enough time to effect change and if it's not happening then we don't want another Nathan Brown situation where he outstayed his welcome by about 2years.

For now support him let's see what happens.

This time next year is the absolute latest you need to make a decision, this allows a new coach to come in and start recruitment and have a proper off season in place before the following season. i think by the end of this season though Price would have had enough time to show whether or not he has any future.
sometimes being an excellent assistant coach (which i think Price was to Bennett) doesnt necessarily mean that will translate to being an excellent head coach...

Mr Red

First Grade
No, you said the coach was implementing a level of attack that was beyond the players' skill level.

"was in reference to trying to play at a more skillful level in attack under Price but without the skill level of the players to match." said you.

Perhaps you've had a re-think.

same thing in my books...
Price is trying to implement a game plan that doesnt match the strength of the players.
our strength is solid defence and structured sets of six to reduce errors. trying to play a more attacking style will introduce more errors and produce less structure with the players we have because it isnt playing to their strengths..


This time next year is the absolute latest you need to make a decision, this allows a new coach to come in and start recruitment and have a proper off season in place before the following season. i think by the end of this season though Price would have had enough time to show whether or not he has any future.
sometimes being an excellent assistant coach (which i think Price was to Bennett) doesnt necessarily mean that will translate to being an excellent head coach...

yeh by round 10 next year they need to make a decision. Unles we finish with the spoon I can't see Doust sacking Price this year.

He's too loyal.

64 Dragon

same thing in my books...
Price is trying to implement a game plan that doesnt match the strength of the players.
our strength is solid defence and structured sets of six to reduce errors. trying to play a more attacking style will introduce more errors and produce less structure with the players we have because it isnt playing to their strengths..

I don't see any evidence of any "game plans". All I see is 5 hit ups then a kick, usually, but not always, a bomb. No set plays, not even the old "run-around" to deceive the defence and TOO MANY DROPPED BALLS!

Sorry,sometimes we throw the ball wide, and sometimes we score.

64 Dragon

So now it's Dice Price as our new slogan yeah?

The point I am trying to make is that I don't think Price has introduced anything that the players are incapable of handling. I think he is trying to keep it simple. It's not working because of the mistakes. It's impossible to play mistake-free footy but we could do better.

In the Bunnies game our penalty count was way down and so was our actual mistake rate. It was our decision making which was lacking. In my opinion!

big pat

The point I am trying to make is that I don't think Price has introduced anything that the players are incapable of handling. I think he is trying to keep it simple. It's not working because of the mistakes. It's impossible to play mistake-free footy but we could do better.

In the Bunnies game our penalty count was way down and so was our actual mistake rate. It was our decision making which was lacking. In my opinion!

although 3 very bad errors did cost us, morris knocking the ball on from the scrum, they went down and scored a try, hornby not catching the ball, same re vidot, the 3rd souths try i think we knocked it on 10 mtrs out, then gave a penalty, need to fix them up, the positive was guys like stockwell, de belin, marketo, can make worthwhile contributions to the team, having said that i hope creagh,merrin come through origin ok, and maybe scott comes back early than expected.

Mr Red

First Grade
The point I am trying to make is that I don't think Price has introduced anything that the players are incapable of handling. I think he is trying to keep it simple. It's not working because of the mistakes. It's impossible to play mistake-free footy but we could do better.

In the Bunnies game our penalty count was way down and so was our actual mistake rate. It was our decision making which was lacking. In my opinion!

in your opinion why has the decision making abilities of senior players who have been quite capable of making the correct decision more often then not over the last 3 years suddenly fall into a screaming heap?

would you say that they are being asked by the coach to consider different options and make different decisions, such as the last tackle options?

would you say that someone like soward who was widely regarded as having one of the best tactical kicking games in the comp over 3 years suddenly starts to put up more high balls causing no pressure, and kicking the ball dead in goal more often are purely co-incidence, or soward being instructed to use different kicking tactics in matches?

woudl you say that switching soward and hornby to the opposite sides of the field has left the team less organised in attack and lacking structure, and also causes the play makers to make incorrect decsions when picking out the ball runner and who to pass to since its totally different combinations?

mate in all honesty its too big of a coincedence to see solid performers over three years like Soward, Creagh, Cooper, Stanley, Scott etc.... to all suddenly lose form, make silly excessive mistakes, and do things that they would never have done in over 3 years all happen in the space of a few weeks this season.
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Penfolds Wines

in your opinion why has the decision making abilities of senior players who have been quite capable of making the correct decision more often then not over the last 3 years suddenly fall into a screaming heap?

would you say that they are being asked by the coach to consider different options and make different decisions, such as the last tackle options?

would you say that someone like soward who was widely regarded as having one of the best tactical kicking games in the comp over 3 years suddenly starts to put up more high balls causing no pressure, and kicking the ball dead in goal more often are purely co-incidence, or soward being instructed to use different kicking tactics in matches?

woudl you say that switching soward and hornby to the opposite sides of the field has left the team less organised in attack and lacking structure, and also causes the play makers to make incorrect decsions when picking out the ball runner and who to pass to since its totally different combinations?

mate in all honesty its too big of a coincedence to see solid performers over three years like Soward, Creagh, Cooper, Stanley, Scott etc.... to all suddenly lose form, make silly excessive mistakes, and do things that they would never have done in over 3 years all happen in the space of a few weeks this season.

You speak good sense.
It's always going to be a tough act to follow when taking over from arguably the best ever NRL coach.
Price is not a Bennett clone, so naturally he has a few different ideas, and he's asking the players to change from a formula that won them a premiership less than 2 seasons ago. That is always going to lead to some issues with cohesion and tactical decision making which will take time to settle into a natural rhythm.
As supporters we need to realise that it's not 2010 anymore, things have most definitely changed, and the pain we are feeling now is hopefully a necessary evil, with better things to come soon.

Mr Red

First Grade
It's always going to be a tough act to follow when taking over from arguably the best ever NRL coach.
Price is not a Bennett clone, so naturally he has a few different ideas, and he's asking the players to change from a formula that won them a premiership less than 2 seasons ago. That is always going to lead to some issues with cohesion and tactical decision making which will take time to settle into a natural rhythm.
As supporters we need to realise that it's not 2010 anymore, things have most definitely changed, and the pain we are feeling now is hopefully a necessary evil, with better things to come soon.

thats what i first thought 5 weeks ago... however thats also what they said last season at Parra when Kearney came on board (Kearney has discipline and structure it will take time for the players to adapt).. a season later and look at them... they then bought Sandow who is the exact opposite type of player to Kearney's tactics... but they thought they could change him.... FAIL.
its a VERY DANGEROUS stance to have a coach with a game plan and tactics in mind that cannot be delivered on the field by the players..
you either need to change the coach or the players if the two cannot agree on common ground.... Price treading on dangerous ground in my opinion..

Godz Illa

Some changes are necessary from year to year, regardless of who the previous coach was. A team needs to evolve - and there were plenty who were critical of they way our team played in the second half of 2011. Sharpening the knives for the coach at this point is ridiculous.
thats what i first thought 5 weeks ago... however thats also what they said last season at Parra when Kearney came on board (Kearney has discipline and structure it will take time for the players to adapt).. a season later and look at them... they then bought Sandow who is the exact opposite type of player to Kearney's tactics... but they thought they could change him.... FAIL.
its a VERY DANGEROUS stance to have a coach with a game plan and tactics in mind that cannot be delivered on the field by the players..
you either need to change the coach or the players if the two cannot agree on common ground.... Price treading on dangerous ground in my opinion..

But mate we had to change the coach - that was a given. And there have been changes to the roster - also a given for most clubs every season. A major reason any player of 1st grade standard has achieved that level is because they can execute a game plan given to them by the coach. And they've all played under multiple coaches.

The Sandow example is a bad one, because he had issues at his previous club as well with consistency. It's not necessarily Kearney at fault there.


First Grade
I don’t think Price is the problem. He is a first year coach after all….a bit much to expect him to work miracles day 1.
Simple truth is, we have lost a number of players key to our successes from 2009-11. And some the remaining players have lost a step or two (Hornby, Young for example) This has not been adequately catered for. We have not recruited particularly well, nor have we brought along our juniors as well as we should. Young players need game time and clubs to have faith in them to test themselves at the highest level…we saw it first hand on the weekend with Adam Reynolds.
Price can only do so much with the current players he has….and as much I hate to say it, the team as it currently stands will be lucky to make the 8.

Father Ted

First Grade
in your opinion why has the decision making abilities of senior players who have been quite capable of making the correct decision more often then not over the last 3 years suddenly fall into a screaming heap?

would you say that they are being asked by the coach to consider different options and make different decisions, such as the last tackle options?

would you say that someone like soward who was widely regarded as having one of the best tactical kicking games in the comp over 3 years suddenly starts to put up more high balls causing no pressure, and kicking the ball dead in goal more often are purely co-incidence, or soward being instructed to use different kicking tactics in matches?

woudl you say that switching soward and hornby to the opposite sides of the field has left the team less organised in attack and lacking structure, and also causes the play makers to make incorrect decsions when picking out the ball runner and who to pass to since its totally different combinations?

mate in all honesty its too big of a coincedence to see solid performers over three years like Soward, Creagh, Cooper, Stanley, Scott etc.... to all suddenly lose form, make silly excessive mistakes, and do things that they would never have done in over 3 years all happen in the space of a few weeks this season.

It's also quite possible that senior players are off their game because their minds are distracted by some of the things newer players are doing ( or not doing).
Another thing may be through injuries and changes to the team the combinations are not quite there.
What I see is a team that just wins or just lose's with the occasional belting through in. Thats not good enough to consider winning a comp this year and unless they get someone special or some hither to unknown talent explodes on the scene I can't really see us doing much for 18 months .
I don't for the life of me understand when we have the junior blue's halfback as a local junior .
Why then have we not made a bigger effort to sign him? If we have stopped signing great local talent then we have to do as BBC said and buy elsewhere .

Mr Red

First Grade
I don’t think Price is the problem. He is a first year coach after all….a bit much to expect him to work miracles day 1.
Simple truth is, we have lost a number of players key to our successes from 2009-11. And some the remaining players have lost a step or two (Hornby, Young for example) This has not been adequately catered for. We have not recruited particularly well, nor have we brought along our juniors as well as we should. Young players need game time and clubs to have faith in them to test themselves at the highest level…we saw it first hand on the weekend with Adam Reynolds.
Price can only do so much with the current players he has….and as much I hate to say it, the team as it currently stands will be lucky to make the 8.

"I don’t think Price is the problem. He is a first year coach after all" - thats the point... why get a first year coach again after the nathan brown debacle? surely having learnt that an experienced coach can bring success why go back to the bad old days?

"Simple truth is, we have lost a number of players key to our successes from 2009-11" - and done nothing about it

"And some the remaining players have lost a step or two" - most saw this coming 12 months ago... why didnt the club?

"We have not recruited particularly well"
- agree, what has the Price and recruitment scouts been doing? Price has been there for a long time and knew well in advance he was taking the reins.. yet failed to prepare

"Price can only do so much with the current players he has" -well he chose to recruit or re-sign a lot of these players over the last 2 years.. recruitment has been the poorest i have seen since the brown days.

"I hate to say it, the team as it currently stands will be lucky to make the 8" - yeah i agree, although we still have time to turn it around... but does Price have the skills to do it? a big test for him the next 5 weeks.

Father Ted

First Grade
"I don’t think Price is the problem. He is a first year coach after all" - thats the point... why get a first year coach again after the nathan brown debacle? surely having learnt that an experienced coach can bring success why go back to the bad old days?

What experienced coach would want to follow Bennett

"Simple truth is, we have lost a number of players key to our successes from 2009-11" - and done nothing about it

"And some the remaining players have lost a step or two" - most saw this coming 12 months ago... why didnt the club?

No bagging Teflon on this forum son

"We have not recruited particularly well" - agree, what has the Price and recruitment scouts been doing? Price has been there for a long time and knew well in advance he was taking the reins.. yet failed to prepare

Before and after Bennett we always bought players like this . We are the clever KMart shoppers of the league world.

"Price can only do so much with the current players he has" -well he chose to recruit or re-sign a lot of these players over the last 2 years.. recruitment has been the poorest i have seen since the brown days.

"I hate to say it, the team as it currently stands will be lucky to make the 8" - yeah i agree, although we still have time to turn it around... but does Price have the skills to do it? a big test for him the next 5 weeks.

Mr Red

First Grade
It's also quite possible that senior players are off their game because their minds are distracted by some of the things newer players are doing ( or not doing).
Another thing may be through injuries and changes to the team the combinations are not quite there.
What I see is a team that just wins or just lose's with the occasional belting through in. Thats not good enough to consider winning a comp this year and unless they get someone special or some hither to unknown talent explodes on the scene I can't really see us doing much for 18 months .
I don't for the life of me understand when we have the junior blue's halfback as a local junior .
Why then have we not made a bigger effort to sign him? If we have stopped signing great local talent then we have to do as BBC said and buy elsewhere .

all fairly good points..
and as you say if you cant see the club in its current state doing anything for at least 18 months then surely the club itself can see this? Gets back to my point regarding Price and by round 10 next season there must be a big turn around compared to the shambles we are now otherwise he is gone.

Father Ted

First Grade
I know I'll get misquoted but I think Price is an excellent coach but the timing may be wrong for him.