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Team versus the Eagles

African Monkey

First Grade
This is one of the best pieces Ive ever read.

Ive never been speechless on LU before, now I dont know what to say.

I cant add to it except to say kill or be killed.

Sugar should make this wisdom a sticky. I will lobby him this weekend.

Another string in AM's arrow.
Thank you so much dave. I just want us to get that premiership #21.


Thank you. :)
no problem
can you feel the blood surge through your veins?
it reminds me of a Wilbur Smith book where the Impi start a low chant then build up slowly until the redness in their eyes grow unitl their bloodlust is unsatiable and as they spear their enemies through to the hilt of the short stabbing spear (Assegai's) they shout "N'gidala!" --->"I Have Eaten!"

Dave Q

no problem
can you feel the blood surge through your veins?
it reminds me of a Wilbur Smith book where the Impi start a low chant then build up slowly until the redness in their eyes grow unitl their bloodlust is unsatiable and as they spear their enemies through to the hilt of the short stabbing spear (Assegai's) they shout "N'gidala!" --->"I Have Eaten!"

We should give you a role in motivating the side Lynchy.

Dave Q

Thank you so much dave. I just want us to get that premiership #21.

I know and you are right (as usual) its not too much to ask for the boys to win at least one premiership in two generations.

Instead of being the in comp for all that time, the whole club could have been at one long party at Warren Ryans house.

Thousands of people and millions of hours invested in 37 years of players who want to smile and befriend guys on opposite teams.

What a frigging waste.

It has to stop.

No shaking of hands after the match, what about a little spit in the face and a nasty shove with a "fug you bastard"

Being nice at NRL level is for losers.


Its simply a matter of kill or be killed.

I feel like belting someone at the moment... to get a taste of the winning feeling for a change.

I cant of course because its illegal. But at NRL games its OK to pound someone in a tackle.

How good is that?!!

If the players are caught drinking grog during the season, they should be docked 3 months pay.
thats the end of the drinking problem.

And as AM's suggests, all the boys tucked in at bed by 9pm the night before a match due to the "big day ahead" That is an awesome rule.
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African Monkey

First Grade
Thousands of people and millions of hours invested in 37 years of players who want to smile and befriend guys on opposite teams.

What a frigging waste.

It has to stop.

No shaking of hands after the match, what about a little spit in the face and a nasty shove with a "fug you bastard"

Being nice at NRl level is for losers.


Its simply a matter of kill or be killed.
I agree with you dave. I'm sick of seeing our fans celebrate every win as if we've won the grand final because in reality, all it is is one small step forward. This has to stop and it stops now. I also want our players walking off after every game thinking how we are going to improve next week and how we are going to fix our problems at training. No more mr nice guy from here on in unless we win the grand final. Fire up players !

Yeah we don't need to shake hands after the game's finished. We should be warming down and talking about what went wrong out there instead of laughing and joking with the opposition. They're our enemies, not our friends. F**k being nice to the opposition. We won't win premierships that way. It's time to harden the f**k up and start giving back to the fans what they want. As dave said, hate = win.

Kill or be killed.

Dave Q

....And our bench should make a point of elbowing the other teams trainer on his way out. what do we get now? we get players making a nice passageway out for the other teams trainers. A bow and a courtsy even. Probably even some words of best wishes and kindness. Its sickening, its anti-souths and it has to stop.

The game has changed and so must we.


kill or be killed!

African Monkey

First Grade
....And our bench should make a point of elbowing the other teams trainer on his way out. what do we get now? we get players making a nice passageway out for the other teams trainers. A bow and a courtsy even. Probably even some words of best wishes and kindness. Its sickening, its anti-souths and it has to stop.

The game has changed and so must we.


kill or be killed!
Well that's what we've been talking about. You're right, we must change and get this hard-nosed approach back in the club. It's clear to us that being nice doesn't win you anything. Being angry however does get you somewhere and it's time for our players to get angry.

We're facing the premiers on Saturday and yes, I would like to see one of our bench players shove Geoff Toovey over. He deserves it as well.

Us fans are sick of coming in the bottom 3 every year and we've made it clear that we want results and as I said earlier, I want this 37 years of agony to end. Fire up Souths !

Kill or be killed.

Dave Q

Your words are so inspirational A.M.

After I read them, I just feel like going out and belting someone.

Fire Up Souths, fugging explode or fug off out of our team.

The game has changed and so must we.


Kill or be killed!

big country

i must admit i get a little too excited when we win a weekend round game (heck, i'd hate to think what i'd do in the moments after we win the grand final!)

heck i'm even convinced think that if some of the players had as much passion and really hurt as much after a loss as some of our supporters i'm sure that our premierships since 1971 would stand at more than nil.

i want our players to wake up in the dead of night with a cold sweat thinking about what each and every one of them did wrong during a defeat and vow to never do it again and to win the following week

as Richo himself said back in Jan 'no more excuses'

i want to bloody win - i'm happily married with 2 kids, have a nice modest house, have very little debt and no worries at all but all that bloody keeps me up at night is the fact that my footy team hasn't won a premiership (or come close) since i was bloody 3

i mentioned i would save my tirade until i assess how we go in the next 2 weeks - this is just 1% of what to expect - lol!!

African Monkey

First Grade
Your words are so inspirational A.M.

After I read them, I just feel like going out and belting someone.

Fire Up Souths, fugging explode or fug off out of our team.

The game has changed and so must we.


Kill or be killed!
Thank you dave. You are an inspiration not only to myself, but to the whole of LU in general. We need your support on Saturday not for the cheering and praise, but for the encoragement and criticism which the players need to hear in order for them to improve. Get as many people as you can to the game on Saturday dave to get the boys home.

Nothing short of a convincing win will be accepted against average teams like Manly if we are serious of winning the NRL this year. We must work hard, tackle like we have never tackled before, hold onto the ball as if it is pure gold, grind them into the ground and hurt them. It's time to fire on attack as well. Big performances are expected from Sandow, Sutton, Luke and wing otherwise they could be fighting for their positons. It's time to get out of their comfort zones and start earning their right to be in the team. C'mon boys, your time is now.

Kill or be killed.

Dave Q

i must admit i get a little too excited when we win a weekend round game (heck, i'd hate to think what i'd do in the moments after we win the grand final!)

heck i'm even convinced think that if some of the players had as much passion and really hurt as much after a loss as some of our supporters i'm sure that our premierships since 1971 would stand at more than nil.

i want our players to wake up in the dead of night with a cold sweat thinking about what each and every one of them did wrong during a defeat and vow to never do it again and to win the following week

as Richo himself said back in Jan 'no more excuses'

i want to bloody win - i'm happily married with 2 kids, have a nice modest house, have very little debt and no worries at all but all that bloody keeps me up at night is the fact that my footy team hasn't won a premiership (or come close) since i was bloody 3

i mentioned i would save my tirade until i assess how we go in the next 2 weeks - this is just 1% of what to expect - lol!!

A nice start for someone who is not trying very hard BC. :?

Look, I think its Ok to get angry and bitter sometimes and I think this hate therapy is a good way for us to alleviate dark and grim feelings.

But its up to us to turn this despair into hard grit.

Take the sadness and mould it into sheer unadulterated hatred and do it now before its too late.

If we keep kissing backsides, we will lose (again).

If the players dont put in, they should be punished and dealt with extremely harshly. If they dont listen and do what JT wants, they should have to wear fluffy headphones for a week and live in the silence they chose to worship during the game.

If they throw a bad pass, they should be docked a $1000.00

For every uselss penalty another grand.

For a penalty that results or contributes to a win for the opposing side, they should be docked $20,000

37 years as a retirement village and junior training ground. Well Iis all over.

We have to make them more frightened of losing a game from us than they are of being walloped by the biggest forwards in other sides.

If we come out like meek mice v Manly, Im burning my membership card.

Failure is not an option.

Kill or be killed :x

Dave Q

Thank you dave. You are an inspiration not only to myself, but to the whole of LU in general. We need your support on Saturday not for the cheering and praise, but for the encoragement and criticism which the players need to hear in order for them to improve. Get as many people as you can to the game on Saturday dave to get the boys home.

Nothing short of a convincing win will be accepted against average teams like Manly if we are serious of winning the NRL this year. We must work hard, tackle like we have never tackled before, hold onto the ball as if it is pure gold, grind them into the ground and hurt them. It's time to fire on attack as well. Big performances are expected from Sandow, Sutton, Luke and wing otherwise they could be fighting for their positons. It's time to get out of their comfort zones and start earning their right to be in the team. C'mon boys, your time is now.

Kill or be killed.

If they muck us about, they should be locked up and not be allowed to eat for three days.

From top of the ladder to fourth. What a joke.


African Monkey

First Grade
From top of the ladder to fourth. What a joke.
This is the attitude that our players and management should be taking on board. They should be ashamed of themselves for dropping 3 places in the space of a week. This is simply not good enough and us fans deserve better.

Imagine what damage we would have done to the Bulldogs if we decided to play for 80 minutes instead of 10. We were shocking on Monday and we got what we deserved - a loss. Losses are unacceptable at this club and will not be tolerated by fans anymore. This is not 2003 where we would have celebrated like we had won the grand final if we had lost by 2 points. This is 2009 where nothing short of convincing victories will be accepted by the fans. Anything less (barring grand final day where any win will be accepted) and us fans will want answers not just from the players, but the management as well. Times have changed and we want results.

Kill or be killed.

Dave Q

I am channelling my anger.

This time last week, we were the gods of the NRL.

We were prancing around and people were kissing the white cheeks of our backsides in tribute.

Now we are fourth. Fourth. I mean thats almost like being bundled out of the eight alltogether.

I cant be pleased about it.

I have noticed that the Souths LU forum heavyweights are staying off this thread.

That is because they are extremely worried.

Its not for them to damper spirits as they are our inetellectual and moral leaders.

They dont want to cause a panic amongst the ranks.

I tried to ring one after the game on Monday, he was so upset by the performancce... that he wouldnt or couldnt take my calls.

Getting us upset and worried is a result of the players being soft and squidgy.

If we had played the full 80 like our lives depended upon it, we would have won by 60 points easily.

But we dont, even when we have won this year, its been too cruisey. No glint of terror in the oppositions eyes at all. No pitter patter of troubled hearts.

The official NRL stats tell us that the games standards is well down on last year. Such is life, every season should be taken on its own merits. We are still in the phoney war with the teams sorting themselves out.

But where we should be rising to meet the challenge, at times we have been backsliding slinking cowards.

I mean the dogs are pathetic misfits who will be lucky to win 4 or 5 more games this year. They have recruited rejects and socially geniused try-hards.

And our team, dripping with some of the greatest names in the game, wre put to the torch. And it was own fault. It was a disgrace.

We will get no origin recognition at all because we just arent tough enough. They will look at our players and wonder if any of them can fluff a pillow for the likes of a teenage Jennings or one of my ex neighbours the gifted and friendly Peter Wallace. We are not even good enough to pack Billy Slaters naughty magazines in his knapsack for the Qld Origin camp!

We all should easily be able to hate Manly and what they stand for, there are really no motivational excuses for us to rely upon for losing.

At the end of the day lads, Im afraid to say, but i will be honest with you my respected and well-liked LU rabbitoh brethren:

This world is one messed up place.

Those who are mean, selfish, greedy always seem to get rich and win. They lead happy lives because they are cruel, ugly and entirely self-centred.

Its up to Souths to change the world by showing that a decent club with the most decent membership and fans can win.

Weve tried the soft option, it hasnt worked.

So we have to use the evilness against itself.

We have to sell our soul to save ourseleves.

Sell-out Souths!


Kill or be killed.
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I am channelling my anger.

This time last week, we were the gods of the NRL.

We were prancing around and people were kissing the white cheeks of our backsides in tribute.

Now we are fourth. Fourth. I mean thats almost like being bundled out of the eight alltogether.

I cant be pleased about it.

But we dont, even when we have won this year, its been too cruisey. No glint of terror in the oppositions eyes at all. No pitter patter of troubled hearts.
Why would you be dancing and prancing this time last week?
Even JT said that we were only on top by points differential and that means nothing.---->its the destination that counts not the journey.

Have you forgotten the absolute flogging we handed to the roosters in the opening round?

dont get too down Dave, there are still positives to take from whats been happening this season

African Monkey

First Grade
Great post dave. Yesh dave, the world is one f**ked up place at times. It hurts me to say this but in professinal sport, nice guys go nowhere. Since re-admission back in 2002, performances have been nothing short of diabolical. We have been too nice for way too long and look at where it's gotten us - one lousy 7th place where we got knocked out in first round anyway. Other than that we've been coming last and 2nd to last which is embarrassing not only for the players, but for the fans as well. I'm sick of it and I want wins. Pretty losses are no good anymore. Wins are and that is what the fans want. Yes it's a f**ked up world but it's time to get angry and care for nothing but the club.

However, the question is 'can we do it?' If we work hard, get good nights sleeps, place an alcohol ban on the players and coaches, fight for each other and toughen up not just physically, but mentally as well, yes we can. I f you think otherwise, f**k off now we don't want you at our club. We're here to gain rep jerseys but most importantly, bring back premiership #21. This is our year and it's time for our players to make it happen.

As dave has said in his posts, hate=win. We hate every team we come up against. We're not here to find more friends for our facebook page. You can do that on your days off. We go into every game from here on in expecting to win every game. If not, changes have to be made pure and simple. We can't carry deadwood come training and gameday. It's not 2006 anymore where you held your place in the side regardless of the result. In 2009 we have players who are pushing for spots in every position. Start performing or play for norths.

Kill or be killed.

African Monkey

First Grade
Have you forgotten the absolute flogging we handed to the roosters in the opening round?
Why are we dwelling on the past ? We can't live off that victory for the rest of the season. The way I see it, we're on a losing streak. It's time that losing streak ended. Last year that victory would have made our year but not anymore. Times have changed and we end this losing streak on Saturday against Manly.

Kill or be killed.

Dave Q

Lynchy, first on the table sends a clear message to the whole fugging world that Souths are the best team in the NRL.

I dont know what that means to you but I know it meant to my Souths buddies. A spring in the step, a glow in the heart, a sparkle in the eye. In other words, a little more than a hell of a lot.

Now we have been wrenched of that spot and into the sewer of the innards of the NRL table.

And the worst thing is, we did it to ourselves.

We played really stupid football for just about the whole night. The players should have put bags over their heads and played.

As I have said, I dont respect the bulldogs this year as real contenders, they are the first to admit that they are re-building and doing a good job at that task. But when you come last, there is only one way to go.

We also lost against a sub-standard eels side. I was there, it was bloody disgusting. We were never in the match.

We lose track and then we dwardle around like drunk garden gnomes. We close our eyes and wish we could win.

Well fug that approach.

And as AM has said: "winning is everything"

Theres no more theory or petty argument. Only one thing matters and thats to win.

We have just about the best players in the comp and weve worked bloody hard to put them together. There are no excuses.

Someone makes an excuse, they deserve a thrashing.

Our rioting fans did more than our players, what a disgrace.

Im very angry now. Its freezing here in the Penrith player catchment. I feel like putting the cat out into the cold night, not because its annoying me but for the sheer fun.

To see it shiver and meowing at me through the glass door.

And I can sit there and laugh and make ugly faces at it.

Thats what people have been doing to us for 37 years.


Kill or be killed.

Enough fugging thinking- just bring on the hate!!
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