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The 10 per cent of Canterbury fans that give the Dogs a bad name


This is the type of Bulldogs fan we're talking about, and their are plenty of them.

I remember watching a bulldogs game a few weeks back (May have been the semi they won) with teenage middle eastern fans lifting up their shirts, grabbing their crutches & after their win still giving the finger to the camera as it brushed over them.

Were they trying to be Michael Jackson in Billie jean?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I do in fact have a solution
Day games only for dogs games, extra security/police put on when they do play day games, funded by the Bulldogs club, and when they cant scheduale a day game, the team is forced to play to an empty stadium.

The dickheads wont go and the dogs due to the finacial hit they are taking will be forced to actually do something about their fans. Instead of these bandaid solutions and brushing their hands of them once they leave the stadium. They are dogs fans, inside or outside the stadium, they are dogs fans and they are the bulldogs problem to deal with.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shire Panther

The boys are gangstas.

Cop da tip:
If you want to stop it you gotta go brutal. They aint dumv they no nothing will happen to them so tha cops gotta go in and snap some bones.

Yeah they will cry racism at firdt opportunity. Its the easy way out. Not my fault that aussies quiver in dere spine at being called 'racist'.

Its like kryptonite for white people.

My solution is GET RACIST and get racist hard if you wanna beat my boys.

But i know its a useless suggestion and i dont care saying it loud because community too PUSSY to get tough on 'em.

I gave da solution, if ya'' cared you'd fix it.

Is this some Middle Eastern jibber i mean language:lol:?? this must of been what language one of the wankers that wanted to fight me for pushing him away from a 3 yr old kid was "speaking" on friday night no wonder i couldnt understand the tool.


First Grade
The club can't chaperone these dickheads to their front door. It's a law enforcement issue. It's the police's job to enforce the law, yet they can't even control these dickheads.

The fact that they're Bulldogs fans doesn't make any difference. They're thugs and criminals and they're parasites that use the Bulldogs as their unwilling host. The club and any supporters who care for the club don't want them there. If there was a realistic solution, they would have used it before now.

Huge fines need to be introduced. And for those who say it won't worry them, it's the only thing that will worry them. If they can't afford it, confiscate phones and cars. Lifetime bans are too hard to police. Pleading to them to respect people and the club is pointless. They're more interested in causing trouble than they are in the well being of the club and other fans.


When have we not admitted it??? Us Canterbury fans on here have agreed with you guys every time this topic is brought up. We know that they exist and we know they are little troublemakers.

But what we keep saying is, what more can the Canterbury club do??? Once they are outside the stadium, the bulldogs have no control, it becomes a public matter then.

And what i think should be done is, none of these warning craps or bans, give these little sh!ts a big fine (make it a couple of grand) you will then see them decline cause money is a massive deterrent.

I am as sick of these people as most of you are, i have got into arguments with them at games cause ive told them to sit down and shut up but they listen cause they think that everyone is just gonna agree with them, i dont think so.

Correction. 99%. I found the decent Dogs supporter!

The boys are gangstas.

Cop da tip:
If you want to stop it you gotta go brutal. They aint dumv they no nothing will happen to them so tha cops gotta go in and snap some bones.

Yeah they will cry racism at firdt opportunity. Its the easy way out. Not my fault that aussies quiver in dere spine at being called 'racist'.

Its like kryptonite for white people.

My solution is GET RACIST and get racist hard if you wanna beat my boys.

But i know its a useless suggestion and i dont care saying it loud because community too PUSSY to get tough on 'em.

I gave da solution, if ya'' cared you'd fix it.
All ya need to sort out these gutless twigs is someone with 3 marshall stacks slaved cranking out some old Sabbath riffs and these wimpy gangstas would melt.

Canterbury's solution, therefore, is to play some loud metal and these hip hop twigs would be hiding under mummy's bed wetting themselves. Average home crowd would increase, too.
Correction. 99%. I found the decent Dogs supporter!

All ya need to sort out these gutless twigs is someone with 3 marshall stacks slaved cranking out some old Sabbath riffs and these wimpy gangstas would melt.

Canterbury's solution, therefore, is to play some loud metal and these hip hop twigs would be hiding under mummy's bed wetting themselves. Average home crowd would increase, too.

Love the idea,Greenberg should look in to it.
Please. You obviously used that 10% to try and make a point that there is a massive problem among Dogs fans. By your maths of the 35,000 or so Dogs fans there last night there were 3,500 trouble makers. I'm surprised you got out there alive with that many crazies running around.

You would struggle to find a single Dogs supporter who doesn't acknowledge the fact we have a group of f*ckwits who come to our games to cause trouble. But these are the same f*ckwits who cause trouble in society. The club has put alot of effort into dealing with the problem. But if the police/government are unable to remove this element from the street, how do you expect the Bulldogs to stop them coming to our game?

You say that, bloody hell you may think that but your club buries its head in the sand with every incident, by claiming "these people are not real fans", guess what they are, if your club and the NRL is happy to take money of these thugs from mechandising then you do have to accept the responsability.

3 trains were severly damaged after the Roosters game just over a month ago, witnesses , including Train Crew, passenegrs, reported the incidents in which a total of 9 carriages had windows missing, seats missing and been deficated in by these people of middle eastern appearance in Canterbury jerseys.

They damaged one train with carraiges full of kids between oly park and lidcombe.

Most of the damage done was on 2 trains from lidcombe to sydenham via Bankstown, in fact between Yagoona and Birrong they hit the emergancy brakes and alighted onto the tracks.

Your clubinstead of denouncing it played the naive fool and asked for descriptions, names, pictures etc etc

It is common knowledge amogsnt train personall, transits and police that these Dogs games and esp the banko services will be trashed, why dont the dogs club/ nrl pay for extra security on these services, to ensire the safety of averyone, including the decent hard working majority of bulldogs fans who have had enough.

They may be scum but they are YOUR TEAMS FANS.

I will not attend a dogs game ever again, these turds had the gall to charge me with assault when i broke some mullet wearing knobs jaw after the ROOSTERS/DOGS brawl at the SFS.

We left early when the game was won and the fights were erupting, we travlled back down the M$ into the maccas at Eastern Creek, my daughter was in the park, when this burly guy comes running over and asks if that was my 6y0 daughetr in the park, i asked what was wrong and he todl these these scum had spat at her because she was wearing a Roosters jersey.

i ran from the counter and sure enough these grubs in dogs gear had spat at her not once but at least 6 times, myself and this guy ran outside to the car park, i put my foot through his side window and reached inside the car dragged the prick out of the car and decked him, I tried to get the other 3 but they drove off and left this bloke to fend for himself.

I rang the cops myself, the gutlees prat laid charges for assault, which were duly thrown out when they wouldnt appear in court.

The charge did tell me he would not have convicted me and he got what he deserved.

It is sad for you dogs fans that this element of fan base exists, they are the worst fans by a long long way and your club needs to put o=up or shut up in regards to this.It has been getting out of hand now for the last 6-7 years.

oh weel thats my rant.


With the attitude's of some of the posters here in this thread its no wonder you seem to attract trouble . Sure most of the mudslingers on here wouldn't say anything to people in the real world but they're condescending attitude would still be evident . Treating and accusing large amounts people they dont know as "scum" is it be any wonder fights seem to break out around them ?


Assistant Moderator
Please leave this post moderators.
What were you worried about? That 90% of your post would be deemed as bs?

Shire Panther said:
vile 10 % of Canterbury supporters
Shire Panther said:
those 10% of so called "fans" are the young Middle Eastern *ankers

Shire Panther said:
Middle Eastern *ankers

Shire Panther said:
Middle Eastern morons

Shire Panther said:
filthy looking middle Eastern *anker

Did they have tabouli with it?

(i couldnt understand a word of his jibber as i speak ENGLISH)
Is this some Middle Eastern jibber i mean language:lol:??

Suffice to say, there are numerous examples of your racism in this thread.
Shire Panther said:
and pushed me and then 2 or three off his mates came over and one threw a punch that missed when another guy that seen the whole thing grabbed the tool and threw him to the ground.
Sounds like a bunch of sexually frustrated boys getting into a punch up.

Parts of your version sound like a soap opera.

Everyone knows the Bulldogs have a problem with sections of their supporter base, but you probably got involved because you didn't like their racial background.


First Grade
England got the same problem with Pakistani youths while France and Holland has it with the North African lot.
Japan doesn't have any problems.

Shire Panther

Everyone knows the Bulldogs have a problem with sections of their supporter base, but you probably got involved because you didn't like their racial background.

Yep good call the only reason i tried to protect the kid behind me was because it was a bunch of lebanese mind you if it was a large group of Aussies or Africans i would of left the kid to fend for himself, Idiot.


Assistant Moderator
Yep good call the only reason i tried to protect the kid behind me was because it was a bunch of lebanese mind you if it was a large group of Aussies or Africans i would of left the kid to fend for himself, Idiot.
You've embellished the story to make yourself sound like a hero, and to justify your racism.

Shire Panther

You've embellished the story to make yourself sound like a hero, and to justify your racism.
Yep i sure did make the whole thing up and i felt such a hero after it i went and brought a new superman shirt.
Mind you the guy that posted that he was there when it happened and 1 of them barged his gf must be making the whole thing up aswell what a hero......


I think with a name like Shire Panther, its probably best not to include the racist undertones in your story next time

Shire Panther

I think with a name like Shire Panther, its probably best not to include the racist undertones in your story next time
What does Shire have to do with the way the Bulldogs supporters behavior?

And if me being appalled by the beahavior the other night makes me a racist then guilty as charged your honour and by the sounds of it so are alot of the other forum member who have posted here its just a big conspiracy againt The Canterbury Bankstown club.