I hate fools who still think they are right, despite the person they are arguing with is better qualified and has provided proven theoretical concepts with statistical data to back it up. I hate fools who have a sook when they can't keep up with intellectual gymnastics. People who go to university are superior in at least one area by the fact they are better educated nine times out of ten. What the hell do you want me to say? That he is right? He wants to question my character then he is going to cop it back!
Do I need to spell it out for you?
- It's not the physical number that matters. It's the percentage. The percentage is the statistically significant piece of data. Not the physical number.
- If you want to compare crowd figures then you need to compare against population growth. Not against year to year crowd figures. You can't compare a variable against itself. You need to run a t-test and compare the variable against another variable. Either as a paired sample or a single sample.
- If the population increases, then the percentage attending needs to increase in line with population growth. Even if the physical number increases, if the percentage doesn't increase against population growth then crowd numbers have dropped off. In other words if there are more people in the state, then by nature crowds should increase in line with that increase.
It's like saying someone scored this many tries in a 26 round competition, and then saying they scored more tries in a 30 round competition and then scored more tries again in a 34 round competition. Sure, the number of tries scored might be higher, but is that a percentage increase or just a number increase due to longer seasons? It's the percentage that matters.