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The Arrogance of Andrew Johns


This is really rather pathetic..Whether you all like it or not johns is one of if not the best player to grace the game..the best of the modern era, and its the fact that his reputation and presence on the game is so high that anything to do with johns is sensationalised.

Most people in the situation would have sworn at the touchie. Is that an excuse no its not. However we are all human, Joey and all footballers work their asses off in the off season, in the games for the chance at winning a premiership, and when something as pathetic as the decision has a major negative impact on that goal that has taken so much effort you're bound to be rightly pissed off and let emotions out. Johns is certainly not the first to do it either, scotty hill and the melbourne boys had altercations early in the season with a ref, point is it happens and not once has it bein escalated into something of this proportion.

Im finding it really really repetitive and boring how this has become a thing of andrew johns persona and arrogance and all that bullsh*t. The media pounces on anything to do with johns, much more so then other players. Its them blowing the trumpets not johns. All it takes is one comment and articles are all over papers, hes not creating the euphoria behind this pathetic debacle atm the media and the nrl are. Whether you agree with the penalty or not, whether you agree with what he did, or not, is fair enough and both sides can be fairly argued with reasons, its a give or take situation. But the bullsh*t of the fans of other clubs, and people in the media, such as mike coleman and warren smith from fox, that think their word is sacred and their personal opinions on johns are important to the world are utterly rediculous.It has nothing to do with the issue, it is in fact arrogance itself, and is initiating debate and negativity on something unnecessary. Especially considering most peoples opinions are being voiced with such conviction, and in places that have power over the individual, such as media people aka smith and coleman above, and the fact these people themselves are influenced by media and its all hear say no one knows wats going no one knows wats being said, cus the media is so f***ed up with its sensationalism and manipulation of fact. ITs all anti johns, johns sells papers and so we keep hearing this sh*t ten folds.

Johns has done good for the game, johns will do good for the game in this finals serious and next year. And johns is not arrogant with major wraps on himself blowing his own trumpet, and is not a negative influence on the game due to consistent actions. He makes the odd mistake or says the odd stupid thing which most players do, most people with some sort of fame or authority do. Its the fact that the media and the nrl find him so important to there own agendas, that issues become so much larger with johns and have so much more importance and coverage where he is concerned. Ive had my speel im just sick of hearing the repetitive crap from these shallow supporters of the game. I dearly hope newcastle comes out and wipes the smirks off the "negative" fans of other clubs and proves that they can perform without johns. And then wat teh hell that johns comes in pissed off from this whole escalade, does what he does best which is playing footy, and wins the title, the thing that his desire for has caused this mess in the first place...

Ron Jeremy

Most people in the situation would have sworn at the touchie. Is that an excuse no its not. However we are all human,

I stopped reading after that, he is human and deserves a few weeks to be suspended if he was, no excuse whatsoever, most people would've called a touchie a farkin merkin? last guy i knew that said something similar got 7 weeks, and that was a while back, and mistakes happen every week, did you hear the West Tigers fans calling the ref farkin merkins after a bigger and more costly f**k up? and believe me they had more to whinge about then a pissy top 4 spot. Consider yourselfs lucky.


Yea mate you raise a very good point. I can live with his suspension to an extent, i can live with the fact that he was in the wrong and that he shouldnt have said it. Just raising some things i guess most people have overlooked, in what has become a character judgement. But yea, i agree with u there. 100%


Post Whore
Just becuase you get a bad decision DOES NOT entitle you to absuse a touch judge. Sorry. The facts are that it would be a 2 week ban if Joey didn't decide to elbow Josh Lewis in the head the week before. That is his fault. He gets a extra week for being a repeat offender. It is not just this incident either, he really has to act the way the premier player has to.

Do you see Lockyer absusing referees or touch judges? No. Referees make mistakes. I didn't hear any problems from Joey when he threw the ball at the ref against the Sharks and got the scrum feed. To me that is a bigger mistake than a 50/50 call in the tackle area. Every team gets some good ones and some bad ones. That is life. Players and ESPECIALLY captains need to realise this and just get on with the game!

Ron Jeremy

Pure_Knight said:
Yea mate you raise a very good point. I can live with his suspension to an extent, i can live with the fact that he was in the wrong and that he shouldnt have said it. Just raising some things i guess most people have overlooked, in what has become a character judgement. But yea, i agree with u there. 100%

fair enough.


Yup i agree, the best thing would be that they get on with the game, you're exactly right. But emotions tend to differ and that will always be a problem, you can only tame emotions so far. And no emotion is not an excuse it doesnt make it right, its just a fact.

God-King Dean

LOL, are you guys kidding yourselves ?

He doesn't wanna leave. He's just throwing his big fat arse around.

He's just using this to get his sentence reduced (which it will be IMO).


First Grade
Pure_Knight said:
Yup i agree, the best thing would be that they get on with the game, you're exactly right. But emotions tend to differ and that will always be a problem, you can only tame emotions so far. And no emotion is not an excuse it doesnt make it right, its just a fact.

Emotions are a part of it yes, but his article wasn't in the heat of the battle, it was the next day, he had a chance to reflect and think about it. Instead of coming out and saying, my emotions got the better of me my actions were wrong ect, he chose to come out and have another go.

If Johns hadn't come out like he did in his article, then giving the media the fingers whilst leaving training ( ironic when one considers wanting to be part of the media was one of the reasons he stayed in league and he puts his name to a media column ), had shown any remorse then chances are he'd be serving maybe 1 week, 2 at worst.

Johns actions may have been "heat of the moment" or "emotions", everything else though wasn't. Deserves the full 4 weeks.


Post Whore
Pure_Knight said:
Yup i agree, the best thing would be that they get on with the game, you're exactly right. But emotions tend to differ and that will always be a problem, you can only tame emotions so far. And no emotion is not an excuse it doesnt make it right, its just a fact.

Sorry, I just don't buy that. Do you see other captains do what Johns does? Nope. He has been acting this way and getting away with it. Take Lockyer for example, does he abuse officials? No. Does he swear- yes but he does not direct it at officials. Joey is not a very smart man really. He was irresponsible and will be punished for it as a result. As a captain you job is to make sure your team stays cool under pressure. Yes you received a bad call, but you recieved a very good one 2 weeks ago against the Sharks. They even themselves out!


hmm ok ive already admitted he was in the wrong and shouldnt ahve done it..we get that bit.

The sharks call and the sea eagles call, totally different situations totally different weight in effect. But thats got nothing to do with nething ive argued so im not gona go there i agree that no matter how bad the call he shudnt have done it.

Other captains...um yea. Same game in fact, ben kennedy went off his nut about being held in the tackle. Swearing yes. Yelling directly at referee yes. So other captains do make similar mistakes.

But hey ive agreed it was wrong, and should not have been done so i dont even know why that is still being pushed. As i mentioned before, im just throwing up some things that people dont seem to take into account when they are so easy in demeaning someones character.


Kiwi said:
Emotions are a part of it yes, but his article wasn't in the heat of the battle, it was the next day, he had a chance to reflect and think about it. Instead of coming out and saying, my emotions got the better of me my actions were wrong ect, he chose to come out and have another go.

If Johns hadn't come out like he did in his article, then giving the media the fingers whilst leaving training ( ironic when one considers wanting to be part of the media was one of the reasons he stayed in league and he puts his name to a media column ), had shown any remorse then chances are he'd be serving maybe 1 week, 2 at worst.

Johns actions may have been "heat of the moment" or "emotions", everything else though wasn't. Deserves the full 4 weeks.

Yea mate my apologies. I get where your coming from there. Emotion is no excuse for that bit of behaviour. He was in a position there where it could have been dimmed to some extent and did not. Bad call on his behalf.


First Grade
Jobdog said:
What a surprise, yet another thread tearing down the greatest footballer to ever play the game. And also what a surprise that the word "petulent" also appears. FFS folks, get over it and start concentrating on ur own teams run into the semis instead of all jumping into the queue of "We all hate Andrew Johns and even though there are 100 other threads saying the same thing, we'll contribute to this one anyway."
What a surprise, a Newcastle fan coming in on the side of Andrew Johns.


First Grade
Red and Blue Knight said:
Who the f**k cares what you think, from what i've heard you probably think Hauritz is the third greatest ever! :lol:
And given your form, you probably think that what Joey did was okay.


Staff member
What a dick Joey is if he leaves over this. He may as well shove off if thats how he is going to react after a suspension.
He won't leave over this. Its just the work of the player scum that is the Player Managers. Fordham would have instigated this to hopefully sway the judiciary process. I read the articles online and Joey wasn't quoted in any of them.


Ewan McGrady's Lovechild said:
He won't leave over this. Its just the work of the player scum that is the Player Managers. Fordham would have instigated this to hopefully sway the judiciary process. I read the articles online and Joey wasn't quoted in any of them.
Finally some common sense...no wonder the Telegraph sells so well. They put this tripe out in their papers and you guys lap this sh*t up.

Here is a tip boys - just because it is on the internet and in the paper, it does not mean it is correct.

Or do you guys just look for another opportunity to rip into a player you guys could only wish your halfbacks have a drip of the talent that he has?


He won't leave because the NRL won't give him four weeks. The press is already starting to go around to Joey's side today, after lambasting his behaviour for the previous few. Whereas previous articles about the incident talked about Johns' petulance, childishness, and immaturity, take a look at the Telegraph or the Herald today and most of the numerous articles are lambasting the refereeing standard instead, talking about what Johns has done for the game, and how four weeks would be unfair.

If Johns were to leave, it would guarantee that the media would make him into a martyr and use this incident as the impetus to attack the NRL, its referees and the judiciary. It'd be a public relations disaster for the NRL, and worse, it'd only make sure that the situation they hoped to stop by checking Johns is exacerbated. Referees will be viewed with less respect, not more, because every newspaper around is going to be running stories about their blunders, or talking about how they are a 'protected species' and given more concern by the NRL than the players. Kids will empathise even more with Johns' alleged 'passion', and rather than being dissuaded from following his example will be encouraged to do so.

Johns' management knows all that. That's why they're pulling these stories about him leaving out of their collective arses. It makes it fairly clear what the NRL's choices are. They can suspend Johns, and watch him destroy them in retaliation, or they can give him a comparative slap on the wrist, thereby being seen to have been 'tough' on their petulant star, and let him play in the finals.


nqboy said:
And given your form, you probably think that what Joey did was okay.


Wanker, i suggest you read the 4 week suspension thread moron.