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The Burrow

That's not to mention the thousands of dollars of funding received from South Sydney Rugby League Club.

If that doesn't qualify as rent-a-crowd then nothing does.

JL Bunny

Ahhhh I love it. Funded thousands of dollars? I must be missing something. Clevo? Duff? Know anything about thousands of dollars?

I am Burrow member, been there from day one. Absolutley love the mates I have made from the Burrow, and love sining my heart out to support Souths if the opposition hear me or not. I mean you have Joe Blow at the other end of the ground yelling out to the ref and the players every 5 seconds for a bad call or to lift their game, but they don't even know the guy is in the ground. Yet he still goes home without a voice knowing he was vocally and passionatley supporting his team. Thats what the Burrow do but in a group.

We are fans like everyone else in this forum who go to experience our team play the way we like most, thats by standing, singing and cheering our hearts out. We have songs we sing in jest to our oppositions and we have heard many back... it's f***ing fantastic!

I have to say I am pretty sure most of the Burrow have their teeth! We are normal everyday fans who make the most of a footy match, following the team we love most. I am sure you can all relate to that. I could say the Cowboys are all bare feet farmers, the roosters are all latee sipping gays, the dogs are all trouble making jerks, but I don't believe that.

Without getting personal, which sadly happens in forums, Daithi O'Conaill I don't know where you get your information but that source is a GIANT dramatisation. The club help us because they like the support we give. I would hope the chook pen and the doggies army (and the others) would have their club back them for the support they show. But 'thousands of dollars funding' is way over the top.

We have membership in the Burrow which is fantastic. Every member puts their $10 in to see the colour of the burrow grow. We have contacts of members to organise away trips (ther Burrow have missed only one big away trip in since we have been back, this being one of the NZ matches) and make sure we get as many fans to the matches as possible. If they don't want to join, they can still sit with us and join in til their hearts content. But I have to say we are normal fans, who love our team who will always have rivaly with others... it's sport, it's the way it is.

I can not wait til the SCG match. I love the songs the Burrow and the St george Illawarra army sing at eachother... it creates an atmosphere that we don't see very often in league. Bring it on I say!

Good luck to you all..... GO THE MIGHTY RABBITOHS!


Staff member
Have The Burrow ordered their giant Souths jumper yet??

now where would they get an idea like that from?? ;-)

JL Bunny

Southernsaint said:
Have The Burrow ordered their giant Souths jumper yet??

now where would they get an idea like that from?? ;-)

We decided against the jumper... thought it was cheesy lol.

I was gobsmacked when I saw the St George jersey though, it's a wonderful idea.

Always the first to bag out others, run like rabbits when it's pointed out that South Sydney is topping up their coffers. And yes JL, to the tune thousands of dollars. Clevo, Duff et al aren't racing in to deny it because they cant.


You want to know what the blokes who made the jersey did to raise the necessary funds? They sent a hat around The Army and everyone donated what they could. They made up the significant short-fall themselves.

JL Bunny

Daithi O'Conaill said:

Always the first to bag out others, run like rabbits when it's pointed out that South Sydney is topping up their coffers. And yes JL, to the tune thousands of dollars. Clevo, Duff et al aren't racing in to deny it because they cant.


You want to know what the blokes who made the jersey did to raise the necessary funds? They sent a hat around The Army and everyone donated what they could. They made up the significant short-fall themselves.

Ahhh ever think they might not be online?

All I can say about the 'thousands' is prove it!

You know what the Burrow do to raise necessary funds? Gain members, make mates and have a sh!t load of fun. I sure as hell have't been payed to go to a game, and have even lost out at work with pay because I have been out of state to watch souths. And will continue to do so.

Over and out from this side. I love footy, I love Souths, but I don't like forum members who have no proof, and talk sh!t. All the best to the St's Army... GL in the season.
I could go find proof or I could just wait for Clevo to come in here and explain how "it was just a few grand, and really what's that in today's world?".



Dathi??? Is that you Adrian???

The Burrow received $1000 as a show of support from the club and to help us repair and buy flags, banners and help spread our name. If only your club would look after it's supporters a little better rather than merging thier team behind thier back.

Was it you who told me that the St George management all but paid off the supporters who rallied against the Easts merger so they would keep quiet about the deal with Illawarra??? I'm sure you'd all much prefer that than to have $1000 given to your supporters group :roll:

Honestly, if laughing at the fact we are a Pty Ltd group and that our club decided to show their support behind our initiatives by donating $1000 to our cause is all you've got then i'm sure the Burrow don't have too much to worry about now do i?

I'm sure you'll come up with the usual no teeth, wooden spoon rhetoric, if it makes you feel better then by all means carry on with it.

The dragon army are nothing but a rabble, you have tried and very spectacularly failed to get a singing element into your group but i actually hope that one day you succeed.

The Burrow owns the dragon army in everything that is needed in a supporters group bar numbers and we are catching qutie dramatically.

Have fun....
$1000? Bit more than that mate.

Be honest now.

You're just showing you're ignorance w/ your Army comments. We've had a singing section for the last ten years and exactly the same as the Burrow, they're a small group who whose noise doesn't carry at all.

A rabble?

I got home at 5:30 on Charity Shield day, said what the hell I'll go to the game. Called a few mates, jumped on the train and arrived with ten minutes to spare.

What did you do? Get there a few hours early to make roll call and secure a spot, hold a shareholder meeting, have choir practice and meditate a bit?


Honest??? You wouldn't know honesty.

Is it you Adrian or not? From memory there isn't many more staunch IRA supporters than yourself and judging by your nick i have to assume it would be you.

If so, the whole, "what the hell i'll go the game" is absolute shite, you were never going to miss it.

Didn't you knowe, the meditation is the only reason i go the games, uummmmmmmmm #-o
I'm not Adrian you fool.

Anyway are you going to up your $1000 figure? If being funded by your club isnt embarrasing for you then you should have no trouble doing so.


Getting funding from my club isn't embarassing for me and no i won't "up it" as that is exactly what the club have given us. As a Pty Ltd we have to keep on file all incoming and outgoing money that comes through The Burrows hand which coincidentally is open for public view. Send an email to the right person and they will give you a copy of it if you like.

And sorry, after speaking to Adrian i am aware that you are not him. I think i may have met you in the city watching an Old Firm match according to Adrian.

I am not to sure where you got your information from but next time try and verify it before coming on any forums and posting misleading and incorrect propaganda.

Anyway, your small group of singers is much smaller than ours and unlike your group we are growing. Once again, have fun.

May i put it to everyone though, what would you prefer, your club showing their appreciation for a group of supporters in the vicinity of $1000 or your club all but paying supporters to keep quiet while they merged your team???

Over to everyone i guess.............
Well if you'd just said you where a Celtic fan then we could have ended all of this a long time ago. :mrgreen:

And yes I think I remember you.

However, $1000 is still a fair way short of the mark.

I'm sure Clevo or Bunny Boy will be only be to happy to state the full amount when they're next on. ;-)


I wish i could tell you it's more considering your a hoop and Republican to boot but honestly i promise ya, in regards to funds coming in and out of The Burrow, i would say i know more than both Clevo and Bunny Boy about the money we recieve and the club has given The Burrow 1g and nothing more.

Any other money has been through the sales of scarves, fundraising initiatives, memberships and sponsors. One particular sponsor was once on the board of the club but was long gone off that board at the time of the sponsorship and it was very much a private sponsorship for his company Botany Bay Signs.

Paul Hewson

It has been well documented that The Burrow recieved $1000 in support from the club. Is there something wrong with a club helping out their major supporters group?

Some would think so. I know plenty of Souths supporters are angry from this. I'm sure the powers that be on The Burrow committee will spend the money wisely.

The Burrow deserves credit for sticking behind their team after the last few years that have been. Can you imagine what it would be like in Bay 38 if there is a huge year?

Daithi you talk about The Burrow getting there early to secure their spot. Bay 38 was already organised as The Burrow bay. I'm sure that this was organised quite early. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they wanted to get there early to support the lower grades? I see them out there early every game in support for the Flegg and Premier League games. The boys appreciate this so much that they come over to acknowledge the crowd.

The talk of the giant jersey has been talked about. I think they are going towards a giant banner. I don't know where it is now but I do know that there was talk about it. So the Dragon Army have a giant Jersey. I think it is great that you guys have that. But you have to realise that we all have seen it overseas in the soccer. It is a great thing to have at the games.

To see the passion of both groups are great. I have seen The Burrow more closely and know what they go through. The main thing about both the groups is that each week you get to go to the footy with your mates and meet many people who have a huge interest like yourself.

JL Bunny

'The Burrow help Souths so why can't Souths help the Burrow.'

I like that quote the best ^

However, all fans deserve recognition, because the fans who sit across from us are just as wonderful as the Burrow... got to love their passion!


Daithi O'Conaill said:
My sources tell me your club gave you $2000 last year. 8)

IMHO, that sh*t aint cool.

Thats bullshit, it was $1000
either name your source and give some proof of your allegations or stop posting bullshit, its that simple.

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