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The end of the road for 2013?


Well the speculation is rife.

1. Fraud.
2. Sheens Lover.
3. Steve Folks white anting.

One sounds the most plausable, but then again it could be all three.

Elementary my dear Watson! What was that Sherlock?

Slippery Morris

First Grade
No.7 is very crucial mate. The Dogs made the GF last year on the back of the brilliance of Keating at 7. Quality player Keating. Future rep. That will do me....

Steve Price is Draining the Dragons.....


The coach is the tradesman. The players are his tools.

Tis a poor tradesman that doth seek to blame his tools. :)

As I said before a fraud & a dill. We know the club is looking to improve our roster where it is needed, yet you still want to blame the coach.
I will support the club, they have more knowledge than dills on this forum.


Assistant Moderator
they have more knowledge than dills on this forum.
Hay, I taike eggseption to dat. Brain is gud. Gimme anuther crownie.

For example, I know Old Timer is an expert when recalling historical facts. Hell, sometimes he repeats word-for-word what can be found on google. It's almost like he wrote the book.


Hay, I taike eggseption to dat. Brain is gud. Gimme anuther crownie.

For example, I know Old Timer is an expert when recalling historical facts. Hell, sometimes he repeats word-for-word what can be found on google. It's almost like he wrote the book.

Thanks Willow for your expert comments. Why am I not suprised.


......For example, I know Old Timer is an expert when recalling historical facts. Hell, sometimes he repeats word-for-word what can be found on google.....

Hmmm dill and fraud I see as complementary, but the imputation that I would stoop to google, is, well, an outright attack on my impeccable character. :eek:

Google is for troglodytes. DuckDuckGo is for sophisticated chaps like my good self. :)

Comparison link here; http://www.searchenginejournal.com/duckduckgo-vs-google/52574/


Don't worry OT I am sure a lot of other posters beat me to the observation.

Correct Karuah. On the niceness scale, your observations come in as a two, but no doubt with some forethought, a three is eminently reachable. Hang in there. :)
You've made all good points and made them very well.
But when you decided to start pigeon-holing people as "Pro-Price", you lost me.

I don't consider myself "Pro-Price" or "Anti-Price" for that matter. I'm "Pro-Dragons", like the rest of us.

I just believe the simplistic view of blaming the coach for all the issues the club has, and inferring that people are defending him blindly is glossing over the difficulty of the entire situation the club and Price find themselves in.

In my view the main reason that the club has had difficulty bringing juniors through our system - and retaining them - can be in a large degree attributed to the strength of the roster we had for several seasons. Basically the squad was full of representative quality players, and youngsters coming through naturally went looking elsewhere for opportunity. Now when the club needs that generation of players to be assuming more senior roles, they aren't there, but we do have a premiership to show for it all.

I guess I'm just happy to have the cake, where others want to eat it too...

DtD, calling anyone 'pro'-Price infers 'anti'-Price. It is a poor choice of words by me. It's a bit George Bush-ish war or terrorism, your either for us or against us - it's divisive, so, sorry. I just did not want to use 'Price Lover' for what is already a very emotive topic.

The posts on what's going on in Juniors is for me very interesting - another dimension to the problem if there is one there, which I admit I am not across at all.

I understand there is lots of middle ground, but just really meant that I would like to hear people's opinions on what is good about Steve Price - where his strengths are - not reasons or excuses as to why he doesn't have the runs on the board, so as to speak.

We sure have great debate here !
Some of you like to blame 6/7, some of you like to blame the forwards, some like to blame Chase Stanley.. some Price.. some Doust.. some all of the above.

We all know the 2013 squad isnt a serious finals contender, but end of the day Price has to get them playing somewhere near their potential & vaguely following his gameplan, if they arent doing that and you think thats ok.. well.. there is our problem.

This is the reason why I posted what I did about Steve Price. He is the common denominator for all arguments as to what's wrong on the field.

It's not as much that we are losing so many, but HOW we are losing is the scariest thing. I'm worried about culture and discipline the most. That is unequivocally coach stuff.


....I would like to hear people's opinions on what is good about Steve Price

Morning Black Forest. Well he is a snappy dresser. Has a larrikin smile. Personable. The sort of guy, who would make a good neighbour. Does not seem to have a bad word to say about anyone. Accepts the club's executive team decisions without any challenge. Is at times somewhat aloof. Follows his own agenda. :)
As I mentioned in my previous post. Who should get dropped, but most importantly who replaces them....
...So how about it OT tell me which players should be dropped & who you think could be promoted to help the team.

Karuah - dropping a senior or star first grader is a pretty drastic step (especially when there aren't qualified replacements) but even then sometimes you gotta bite the bullet and make a statement to protect the integrity of the coach, the team and it's processes, moreso than any one individual.

The point I wanted to make is it should've started a long time ago with Steve Price giving a more honest assessment on the perfomances of individuals and the team - openly.

Now it's really hard - but never too late.
Morning Black Forest. Well he is a snappy dresser. Has a larrikin smile. Personable. The sort of guy, who would make a good neighbour. Does not seem to have a bad word to say about anyone. Accepts the club's executive team decisions without any challenge. Is at times somewhat aloof. Follows his own agenda. :)

I think he is a passive agressive that needs to throw a chair or break a door off its hinges. Hec, Nathan Brown slapped faces !

good morning, sunny 20 degrees here in the black forest. It has finally stopped raining.