Why do you carry on as if men don't complain about other sh*t men being on the show - that they only complain when a sh*t woman comes on the show..
How dare we criticise a panel member! It must be because she's a woman and we're all h8az on here. Have you read any of this thread? 80% of this thread is probably dedicated to bagging hopeless panel members male and female.
The panel should be made up of the best four people suited for the job. If that's 4 women, so be it. If that's 4 men, so be it. We're not complaining because a woman is on there. We're complaining because there's a sh*t panel member on there who delivers no input. I can't believe it but I actually agree with Timmah - it's not about gender! Sure there are some that will say it *is* about gender, but a pro-tip; it's the internet and anonymity is a popular game here. They are either trying to rile you up (successfully I might add) or just post something for shock value or for the lols.
The fact that they keep getting women who give little input on there and begging for their opinion makes the whole new angle of 'lolz we're includin wimmin nao' so weak and transparent. Especially because it's always been a male-dominated panel.
Perhaps if they found some women who were actually on the show because of their knowledge and not because of their gender, there would be nothing to argue about.