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The game against warrington


does anyone know if this match is being televised through foxpay or cha9 and when and at what time


First Grade
Not sure. But fox has had the rights for the last few years. So I'm betting it will be on one of the foxsports channels.


I'm looking forward to everybody's thoughts about the squad going to the UK after tomorrow nights CS.

Seems unlikely Rulon Nutia will get a seat on the plane. But i'm keen to hear how he goes against Newtown in the trail tomorrow. Can never have too many good BIG men we hope!


I'm looking forward to everybody's thoughts about the squad going to the UK after tomorrow nights CS.

Seems unlikely Rulon Nutia will get a seat on the plane. But i'm keen to hear how he goes against Newtown in the trail tomorrow. Can never have too many good BIG men we hope!

Must admit, whilst I have always embraced the CS, tomorrow adds so much more to the event. Never can I recall so many spots up for grabs. Think about it, with the exception of say 3-4 forwards, our halves, 1 winger and Duges, the rest os open slather. With 4 on the bench, thats 9-10 spots in the balance.

Highland Saint

Must admit, whilst I have always embraced the CS, tomorrow adds so much more to the event. Never can I recall so many spots up for grabs. Think about it, with the exception of say 3-4 forwards, our halves, 1 winger and Duges, the rest os open slather. With 4 on the bench, thats 9-10 spots in the balance.

Some clubs would be concerned about not having a solid starting 17 but here at the Dragons we know that itsa good thing. More competition for the spots ;-) With further news that Merrin is unhappy Packer is looking like an even more desperate necessity. Troubling times


Some clubs would be concerned about not having a solid starting 17 but here at the Dragons we know that itsa good thing. More competition for the spots ;-) With further news that Merrin is unhappy Packer is looking like an even more desperate necessity. Troubling times

HS, I have always said, without any so called in side info, that Trent was gone. The fact it has dragged on so long... case in point BMoz, suggests unrest. I doubt he will play for us this year.. at best, he will linger into 2015 and leave next year. Either way, Mez and the Club at at serious odds.


First Grade
HS, I have always said, without any so called in side info, that Trent was gone. The fact it has dragged on so long... case in point BMoz, suggests unrest. I doubt he will play for us this year.. at best, he will linger into 2015 and leave next year. Either way, Mez and the Club at at serious odds.

Hey mate, I didn't see the tv thing...was it direct from Merrin?
If that's the case, I'll bet his team mates are reeeeal happy to hear that.
Record offer on the table and he's not happy? The poor thing
Withdraw the offer and let his slimy agent deal with it. I'd be focussing on a suitable replacement now :(


First Grade
does anyone know if this match is being televised through foxpay or cha9 and when and at what time

It's live on Fox Sports 1, Saturday February 21 with kickoff around 7am - probably a 15 or 30 minute pre-game show


Hey mate, I didn't see the tv thing...was it direct from Merrin?
If that's the case, I'll bet his team mates are reeeeal happy to hear that.
Record offer on the table and he's not happy? The poor thing
Withdraw the offer and let his slimy agent deal with it. I'd be focussing on a suitable replacement now :(

Totally agree JB.
You were on the ,money again ;-)


First Grade
OT - but it seems like Trent Merrin was unhappy with Paul McGregor's coaching style & it was a case of my way or the highway. I think the emphasis on the record offer to a Dragons forward was a means for the club to make it look like Merrin is being greedy if / when he leaves. "We did everything we could with a record offer..."

If you think about it, the Dragons never go public with details for offers & always downplay their interest in signing players. Once the record offer was "somehow" made public, the situation shifted away from them & moved to Merrin about being loyal.

If he signs with another club, they should grant him a release. I know the club is struggling for quality forwards, but will his heart be in it for 2015 ?


First Grade
OT - but it seems like Trent Merrin was unhappy with Paul McGregor's coaching style & it was a case of my way or the highway. I think the emphasis on the record offer to a Dragons forward was a means for the club to make it look like Merrin is being greedy if / when he leaves. "We did everything we could with a record offer..."

If you think about it, the Dragons never go public with details for offers & always downplay their interest in signing players. Once the record offer was "somehow" made public, the situation shifted away from them & moved to Merrin about being loyal.

If he signs with another club, they should grant him a release. I know the club is struggling for quality forwards, but will his heart be in it for 2015 ?

Mate, with all due respect, a few players didn't like hearing an honest appraisal of their 2014 performances. We don't know the exact conversation but one only need read between the lines. You can't have the tail wagging the dog as has been the case for the last 3 years. I'm under the impression things have certainly hardened up in the squad and players have been told they are accountable....much like any other job really ! The mark of a man is how they respond to constructive criticism and I won't be swayed by the 'greedy' or 'loyal' throw away lines offered by others. I'm all for these guys earning a decent wage if they are in fact the marquee players they think they are. However, the fact remains, in a team environment, I don't think he has really done his best in displaying a 'keep at all costs' attitude or performance. Not interested in stats but more so how he should be stepping up as a team leader and not sitting back 'hoping' Slimeball Beavis will jag him a gig at around the $800k mark...eventually....somewhere. I think we have been fair and to me, something's not right with Merrin and 'where he's at'. I put it down to possible personal issues or his new manager running his mouth off and putting him on a pedestal. If he's not happy and buying into the new culture, cut negotiations and pursue a couple of gun players that are contracted elsewhere for 2016, or even this year...our competitors do it, so why don't we? The worst that will happen is force them to pay more to their existing players :D
Alternatively, Merrin re-signs and gets on with the job at hand immediately. I'm not fussed either way anymore...

Highland Saint

Too many variables and unknowns for me. I'm not gonna get the knives out for Bmoz, Mez, Soward et al.
I‘ll admit that I dont have great confidence in our mgmt at the moment and find it hard to believe that half our star players have suddenly become heartless mercenaries.
Either way its definitely a hole we gotta dig our way out of and we need players who want to be here.

Anyway, gotta stop hijacking this thread
Mate, with all due respect, a few players didn't like hearing an honest appraisal of their 2014 performances. We don't know the exact conversation but one only need read between the lines. You can't have the tail wagging the dog as has been the case for the last 3 years. I'm under the impression things have certainly hardened up in the squad and players have been told they are accountable....much like any other job really ! The mark of a man is how they respond to constructive criticism and I won't be swayed by the 'greedy' or 'loyal' throw away lines offered by others. I'm all for these guys earning a decent wage if they are in fact the marquee players they think they are. However, the fact remains, in a team environment, I don't think he has really done his best in displaying a 'keep at all costs' attitude or performance. Not interested in stats but more so how he should be stepping up as a team leader and not sitting back 'hoping' Slimeball Beavis will jag him a gig at around the $800k mark...eventually....somewhere. I think we have been fair and to me, something's not right with Merrin and 'where he's at'. I put it down to possible personal issues or his new manager running his mouth off and putting him on a pedestal. If he's not happy and buying into the new culture, cut negotiations and pursue a couple of gun players that are contracted elsewhere for 2016, or even this year...our competitors do it, so why don't we? The worst that will happen is force them to pay more to their existing players :D
Alternatively, Merrin re-signs and gets on with the job at hand immediately. I'm not fussed either way anymore...

I like this boy ;-)


First Grade
Alternatively, Merrin re-signs and gets on with the job at hand immediately. I'm not fussed either way anymore...

I agree, but as others have said - how about that game against Warrington ? ( might become more topical after the Charity Shield I suppose )


Hey mate, I didn't see the tv thing...was it direct from Merrin?
If that's the case, I'll bet his team mates are reeeeal happy to hear that.
Record offer on the table and he's not happy? The poor thing
Withdraw the offer and let his slimy agent deal with it. I'd be focussing on a suitable replacement now :(

Who are we going to sign? Almost every forward we have been linked with has either re-signed with their current lub or gone elsewhere.


First Grade
OT - but it seems like Trent Merrin was unhappy with Paul McGregor's coaching style & it was a case of my way or the highway. I think the emphasis on the record offer to a Dragons forward was a means for the club to make it look like Merrin is being greedy if / when he leaves. "We did everything we could with a record offer..."

If you think about it, the Dragons never go public with details for offers & always downplay their interest in signing players. Once the record offer was "somehow" made public, the situation shifted away from them & moved to Merrin about being loyal.

If he signs with another club, they should grant him a release. I know the club is struggling for quality forwards, but will his heart be in it for 2015 ?

I'm not a McGregor supporter,but I am sick of these pampered pricks complaining about 'coaching'.You are a professional expected to perform,that's what you are paid for.Who do they think they bare.
This is why I don't believe in leadership groups,a captain and vice capt is enough.
The game is results driven so if the results aren't there then the coach goes.
(Dragons excepted that is)


Hey mate, I didn't see the tv thing...was it direct from Merrin?
If that's the case, I'll bet his team mates are reeeeal happy to hear that.
Record offer on the table and he's not happy? The poor thing
Withdraw the offer and let his slimy agent deal with it. I'd be focussing on a suitable replacement now :(

Was Josh Massoud outside the Leagues club...Stated It will Take a major change of Heart to keep Merrin At tHe Dragons.

Firstly - Merrin has hesitated at an offer which would have made him the highest paid forward in the history of the Club.

Secondly- He is Telling Rival Clubs that he hasn't been happy at the Dragons for a Long time.
Merrin told Warriors Officials he wanted out of The Dragons and was ready to leave. No Direct quotes from Merrin.

Then cut to McGregor and he basically said "Trent and his Manager and Peter Mulholland will make a decision and whether Positive or Negative we will move forward from there"

Then stated in moving forward the Dragons were sweating on hearing back from Dylan Napa on the large offer they had made to him.
Hope that makes sense.
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First Grade
Was Josh Massoud outside the Leagues club...Stated It will Take a major change of Heart to keep Merrin At tHe Dragons.

Firstly - Merrin has hesitated at an offer which would have made him the highest paid forward in the history of the Club.

Secondly- He is Telling Rival Clubs that he hasn't been happy at the Dragons for a Long time.
Merrin told Warriors Officials he wanted out of The Dragons and was ready to leave. No Direct quotes from Merrin.

Then cut to McGregor and he basically said "Trent and his Manager and Peter Mulholland will make a decision and whether Positive or Negative we will move forward from there"

Then stated in moving forward the Dragons were sweating on hearing back from Dylan Napa on the large offer they had made to him.
Hope that makes sense.

Yeah thanks mate. Ended up seeing the clip early this morning from Yahoo7.


First Grade
Was Josh Massoud outside the Leagues club...Stated It will Take a major change of Heart to keep Merrin At tHe Dragons.

Firstly - Merrin has hesitated at an offer which would have made him the highest paid forward in the history of the Club.

Secondly- He is Telling Rival Clubs that he hasn't been happy at the Dragons for a Long time.
Merrin told Warriors Officials he wanted out of The Dragons and was ready to leave. No Direct quotes from Merrin.

Then cut to McGregor and he basically said "Trent and his Manager and Peter Mulholland will make a decision and whether Positive or Negative we will move forward from there"

Then stated in moving forward the Dragons were sweating on hearing back from Dylan Napa on the large offer they had made to him.
Hope that makes sense.

Isn't Josh Massoud a Dragons fan ? He seems to be trying hard to corner the market for rugby league gossip while Danny Weidler is away.

The whole frenzy to sign players like Merrin, Cherry-Evans & Foran is driven by social media these days. The "demand" for them is pumped up by a player manager & their contacts in the media who use it as content & the "story" gains momentum. It's mentioned on Twitter & someone mentions that in here. Then someone else sees it here & mentions it on Facebook. Then it's seen by other people who repeat it in this forum or on Twitter etc etc. The people "in the know" think they add to their credibility by mentioning phrases like "my mail is..." or " I'm hearing...".
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