Ahh Australian Idol.........................
I have worked with Guy (teaching) and I know that he is a very talented and passionate muso and he shone amongst the other contestants by a mile last year.
Admittedly I only watched the last couple of weeks of it but from what i saw none of the others came close as far as talent and marketability is concerned.
My big gripe with idol, as one who works full time in the music industry, is that it doesn't reflect the amount of work (ie a lifetime) that it takes to be successful in the industry. Most of the contestants have been working at music in one way or another for many years, as have many others who will never get a look in as they don't fit the image that the record companies want to push.
Record companies aren't interested in music they only want to sell cds, it's all about the bottom line.
Good luck to the contestants, the proof will be if they are around in five or ten years time, I suspect that Guy will and shannon or anyone from this years series that I have seen won't.
Anthony will win this year but it will have little to do with his talent and most to do with his looks and the shows ability to suck in the teenage girls who do the majority of the voting. (I hope I'm wrong)
P.S I don't really like Guys musical style much but I respect his drive.