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The secret meeting to run Smith out of town


What are we talking about? The fact that Frederick doesn't care what he said, or that he called him a cripple?


Perhaps if Singleton and Newton want a say in the running of the club they should stand for the board.

This article has zero credibility because does anyone actually believe that Newton is doing all this out of anything but pure spite and the slim chance that by outing Smith, he can perhaps shoehorn his boy back into the club.

Plus have a look at the pathetic bunch of potential coaches mentioned, hardly an inspiration there.

Lets hope the board has a little more bottle than this article gives them credit for!

Another shoddy hatchet job from News, its quite pathetic really the lengths that they will go to in this instance.


Frederick said:
I only just noticed thisAhh the good ol reliable, yet un-nameable reliable source :lol:

In fairness to the journalism profession, unnamed sources are a legitimate part of the job. Often they provide details and colour that would not otherwise be published -- they're more often accurate and necessary to get the real story.

Alas, in this case, it seems the Telecrap's sources are off the mark. The poll in Hunter St, the implication that most Knights fans want Brian Smith gone and everything else they have peddled in recent weeks; it's all out of touch with the fans that I know.

The club has needed a cleanout for a while. There is a lot of deadwood assets among some excellent components, and clearly the defence is just atrocious. For the Sydney media not to see the statistical reasons for Reynoldson's non-contract and the decline of the club's performance, is naive (or recklessly ignorant). It is the worst defence in our 20 year history, yet some want to blame that on the mood in the club and Brian Smith's willingness to make the necessary structural changes to the club. What I want to know is: why did Michael Hagan not get the same treatment in 2005, when we lost 13 in a row? In terms of significance, that was our worst period on-field, yet Michael's spot was never questioned.

As for the not-so-secret meetings aimed at driving Coach Smith out of town. This secret group might wield tremendous power in terms of money, but it's ultimately the fans that drive the club (or should drive the club). Without fans, the sponsors will want to pay less because there will be less people seeing their ads and making a connection to their commercial brand. Without the fans, the club will struggle for gatetakings. Without the fans, the players won't want to play for the club. As a member of the Knights, and someone who watches all of the games either at the ground or on TV, I consider myself to have sufficient power (collectively with the tens of thousands of others) to keep Brian Smith in Newcastle.

While I know several fans who are a bit concerned about the loss of local juniors, I've only met one Knights fan who genuinely believes the club will improve without Brian Smith next year. That's a sign that he's on the right track. The players should be uncomfortable -- some of them have had it easy too long.


Frederick said:
I'm pretty sure when NBN news interviewed Leigh Maughan last week for his views on what's happening, they introduced him as "number 1 ticket holder Leigh Maughan"

Ahh, true. I remember seeing that report on the news, and to be honest, he made quite a few good points.

Jack Newton's title is "#1 fan", but I'm not 100% sure if that is self-proclaimed or offical. Either way, it is hardly fitting of someone with the #1 fan tag to come out in the media and publicly barrack for the opposition.

And bugger this so called league of businessmen looking to oust Smith. We only just signed the biggest sponsorship deal in the NRL with Coal & Allied a few weeks back. Not all of our financial backers appear to be as petty as this mob.


Take this for what it is.
A bashing from News Ltd, which stems from Newcastle's stand up for the ARL during "the war".
Plus the "2GB" mob because of Hadley's personal fued against Brian Smith, which has been ongoing for about the last 10 years.

What has happened at Newcastle has been needed for at least 5 years.
As for Kirk Renoldson, he can count himself damn lucky that Hagan & Sargent were stupid enough to offer the contract they gave him. It was probably double his worth at the time & triple it ever since the ink dried. Goodbye & good luck Kirk wherever you go next.


There was no way i could read this article without laughter as soon as they put "tackling machine" in front of Reynoldson's name.


Ben said:
There was no way i could read this article without laughter as soon as they put "tackling machine" in front of Reynoldson's name.

I'm sorry, but you clealy aren't giving Reynoldson's tackling heroics the credit that they deserve. In the 104 first grade games that he has played in his illustrious career so far, 2 of those have invloved him making 40+ tackles.

That is a staggering rate of 1.923077%


First Grade

The crap continues on it seems - nothing to worry about from this mob you would imagine.


Burwood said:
I'm sorry, but you clealy aren't giving Reynoldson's tackling heroics the credit that they deserve. In the 104 first grade games that he has played in his illustrious career so far, 2 of those have invloved him making 40+ tackles.

That is a staggering rate of 1.923077%

God that's awful! I would have thought he'd make 40+ atleast once every 5 games!

What a joke.

I also wouldnt like to hear his average metres made in those 104 games... I daresay it wouldnt be higher than 70m per game.


Jono078 said:
I also wouldnt like to hear his average metres made in those 104 games... I daresay it wouldnt be higher than 70m per game.

It's a 'respectable' 83m. His average at newcastle is slightly lower at 79m


Frederick said:

All Singleton cares about is the money he lost on what was a pretty pathetic ad campaign to begin with (which he claimed to have pulled from all stations last week, yet was still airing at EAS on Friday :-k)

And as for the cripple...seriously, who the f**k cares what he has to say?

This crap really gives me the S%@ts. If Michael Hagan had done his job properly while Head Coach of the Knights, this issue would never have resulted. Instead, he leaves and picks up a team that could very well win this years premiership, all on the back of....'what was his name again.....oh that's right??????.....Brian Smith". If the current group of players don't like what is happening, maybe they should go and get a real job. I am sick of supporting this team, regardless of the result....yet knowing in my heart they are going to get a flogging. Why is this happening??? Because Brian Smith hasn't had the time to put the players and infrastructure in place that he wants and needs to ensure success.

Wait till 2008. We won't win the comp (that will happen in 2009), but we will be one of the best defensive teams, and our attack will be that of 'Andrew and Matthew Johns' era.

If the Knights have to let some 'financial backers' leave the club to ensure success, then I reckon let them go, because their actions will be proven to be foolish in the long run.

Bring on 2008.