I never understood why they couldn't start the telecast at 3pm, and just have the game delay as it went along ie ads breaks could be inserted, and the game would pick up from where it left off, it would still be close to live, close enough for me to be happy anyway. Once the game is finished, you could have a highlights of the rest of the games of the round, or get guys discussing the game in general. It would still fill in the time till 6pm.
Because people would switch off after the match and not watch the highlights show. 9 wants that match to lead into the news which kicks off the nght and keep viewers right through primetime viewing where the money is. A better solution would be a 4:00 kick-off with the match shown live. Would cost some money though as it is less advertising for 9. People would still complain about that though. Saying shit like its too late to get home after the match and get the kids in bed for school the next day or some other bullshit. Overall I'm pretty happy.Have been holding off on getting Pay TV but I might now