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The TNA Impact Thread **Spoilers**

Big Tim

First Grade
Another thing....

Does anyone know where I can see the Lockdown 2006 match?? I saw highlighs and it looks great!!!!

CWB, I clicked your link but the page will bot work.



so lets take a look at the card for mondays victory road

TNA World Title/X Division Title/ Tag title

Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe vs Team 3D

Christian Cage vs Chris Harris

Abyss/Sting vs Tomko/AJ Styles

Rhyno vs Chris Storm

Ultimate X 10 man match

Gail Kim & Eric Young vs Miss Brooks & Robert Roode

any other matches ive missed? it looks like a pretty good ppv actually, harris vs cage could be a match of the year IMO

Once Dead

Parki said:
so lets take a look at the card for mondays victory road

TNA World Title/X Division Title/ Tag title

Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe vs Team 3D

Christian Cage vs Chris Harris

Abyss/Sting vs Tomko/AJ Styles

Rhyno vs Chris Storm

Ultimate X 10 man match

Gail Kim & Eric Young vs Miss Brooks & Robert Roode

any other matches ive missed? it looks like a pretty good ppv actually, harris vs cage could be a match of the year IMO

Ooops, didn't realise it was on Monday!

Angle and Joe to win the belts!
Chris Harris can be a huge babyface if handled correctly
Rhyno v Storm should be a barnstormer - these guys know how to bleed and how to put on some great in ring action
I'm not sure about other matches yet.......apparently the Ultimate X match has a nice prize in store for the winner


Staff member
Results as they come in:

10-Man Gauntlet Ultimate X Match
It will be a 10-man Gauntlet, you can be eliminated by being tossed over the top rope and once the 10-men have made their way to the ring, who ever is left is eligible to begin Ultimate X. The winner is the #1 contender for the X-Title.

Christopher Daniels is #1. Black Machismo is #2. Daniels attacks before the bell and we're off. Chops by Daniels, off the ropes and jabs by Macho now. They are using the elevation X structure for the match. PUMA is #3. He attacks Macho and off the ropes, elbows by Macho and Puma gets a basement dropkick. Suplex countered and kicks by Puma. 619 deal by Puma and a spin kick to Macho. #4 is Homicide! One minute intervals it seems. He pairs off with Puma and then backdrops Macho. Dropkick and a Cutter on Macho! He and Puma play nice and they all work over Macho. GURU Sonjay Dutt is #5. Up top and a HUGE cross body by Dutt. RANA and moonsault on Cide. Kick to Daniels, springboard onto Daniels. Irish whip to Puma and boots to Dutt. Kicks to Dutt and #6 is Petey! LUNG BLOWER to Daniels! Neck breakers and the crowd is into Petey. Russian Leg Sweep to Daniels. Destroyer try countered and then Puma levels him. CANADIAN DESTROYER ON PUMA~! Petey tosses him and then Dutt tosses Petey! #7 is Sharky! Missile dropkick to Cide. Neck breaker to Daniels. SHARK BITE~! Clothesline to Daniels and tries to toss him, #8 is Elix Skippper! Elix looks reverse well. He tosses Sharky! Dutt and Macho try to double team and we find out Elix has a fractured hand. Elix eliminates Dutt! #9 is Kazarian back in Frankie gear! Leg lariats to all and a sweet springboard leg drop on Daniels. Dropkick to Daniels in the corner and he is on fire. #10 is Senshi!

And now we can begin ULTIMATE X! Kaz climbs and Senshi battles and kicks Kaz. DRAGON CLUTCH ON THE TRUSS~! Senshi climbs now and Elix, Macho, Cide, Kaz and Daniels are in. Elix up and pulled off and that had to hurt. Chops by Cide to Senshi, off the ropes and a spin kick by Senshi. Daniels climbs now and Kaz grabs a leg and pulls him down. Kaz up now to climb as Macho works over Elix. Macho up as well and so is Daniels. Senshi up now and they all climb. 4-men go for it and Elix and Cide pull men down and they all fall. Sweet enziguri by Kaz to Daniels. Skipper with a spin kick and eats a Yakuza by Cide. Senshi levels him and Macho and Daniels take men out. Daniels climbs now and uses his legs as well. Macho up and knees Daniels and falls and Daniels is upside down…SICK CUTTER OFF THE TRUSSES BY KAZ~! Crowd loves this. Enziguri to Kaz by Senshi. Tidal crush misses and Macho nails Senshi. TOWER OF DOOM QUAD GERMAN~! Kaz climbs and is all the way up top. Elix is up and walks the trusses! They are all the way up and fight…they stand off and fight! They hang now and Kaz kicks at Elix…and they fall! Daniels gets backdropped by Macho and LETHAL COMBO by Macho! SUDDEN DEATH BY ELIX to Macho! Wave of the Future by Kaz to Elix! Cide up top…kick by Kaz…and then up top…FLUX CAPACITOR TO CIDE~! Daniels tosses Kaz into a truss and climbs now. Macho over and tosses him back into the ring. He climbs now… Daniels up and climbs as well! Elix grabs Macho and pulls him off. He and Senshi Double team kick him and Daniels gets the RED X and wins!

Winner: Christopher Daniels @ 19:00

-Daniels, Elix and Senshi all celebrate and do the XXX POSE~!

Basham and Damaja w/Hoyt and Hemme vs. VKM w/Roxxi Laveaux

BG has a mic and does his intro. He introduces the newest member of the VKM, the Voodoo Queen, Roxxi Laveaux. Not a clue who she is.

Crowd chants "WHAT IS THAT?" Tremendous. BG and Damaja to begin. Headlock takedown by BG, reversal and leg shots by Damaja. Rights to BG, forearm shots and jabs by BG. He cleans house and then nails Hoyt. Kip in now with Basham. They exchange rights, off the ropes and a reversal and atomic drop by Basham. Off the ropes and Kip gets a dropkick to Basham. Shoulder block to Basham, Basham misses a dropkick and Kip with a headlock, Hoyt trips up Kip and Basham nails him. Clothesline to Basham, he nails Damaja and chases Hoyt. Hemme in and slaps Kip. He isn't allowed to hit her and Roxxi is in now. The ref grabs her and Basham attacks BG and tosses him to the floor. Hoyt slams him to the railing. Rolled in and Basham covers for 2. Damaja beats him down, slams him to the boot of Basham and Basham in and a double team knee drop. Rolls him and covers for 2. BORING chants now. Slam by Basham, up top now and MISSES a head butt! BG avoids Basham and Damaja in, BG rolls and tags Kip. Cleans house and elbows to all. Tosses Basham and Jackhammers Damaja for 2. Corner splash by Kip but Basham in with the leg lariat. Damaja covers for 2. BG in and tosses basham. Hoyt in with a chair and tosses it to Kip, boots him in the face and Damaja covers for 2! BG in and nails Damaja with the chair! Kip covers and gets the win.

Winner: VKM @ 7:00 via pin

James Storm w/Jackie Moore vs. Rhino

Rudi Charles tosses Jackie Moore before the bell! Rhino attacks Storm before the bout begins on the floor and they brawl! Rhino beats him down as they brawl on the rams and then tosses him into the crowd! TNA EVERYTHING STYLE~! Crowd loves the brawling. Rhino nails Storm with a bottle and then tosses him into the wall, breaking it! Rhino gets a beer and then tosses it away. Back ringside and Storm battles back. Into the ring they go and Rhino has a chair. After 3-minutes of brawling we "officially" begin. Irish whip by Rhino and a clothesline to Storm! Rhino climbs the ropes and Storm knocks him off all the way to the floor! Storm slams him to the railing and then rolls him in for a 2 count. Storm celebrates as Rhino holds his head and neck from the bump to the floor. Storm works the hurt area and applies a chin lock. Tenay plays up Rhino's precious neck issues and Storm then tosses Rhino over the top rope to the floor and Rhino took a MANLY bump! Rights by Storm now, back into the ring and the ref checks on Rhino as Storm covers for 2. Knee and then a leg drop by Storm gets 2. Another chin lock by Storm, into the headlock and down to the mat and the ref checks on Rhino. Rhino fights back, off the ropes and a shoulder block to Storm. Back elbow and a corner gore by Rhino. Boot by Storm, and then a neck breaker as he goes back to what worked for him and a cover for 2. Storm to the floor and gets the beer bottle. The ref tells him not to use it, and he puts it down. Rights by Storm, Irish whip and a charge and to the apron goes Storm, enziguri to Rhino! Storm up top…Rhino up and stops him. Rhino up top…SUPERPLEX by Rhino and a cover gets a CLOSE 2! Clothesline misses Storm and nails the ref. Storm levels Rhino and sets for the superkick…Rhino stops it and gets a belly to belly on Storm! Storm has the bottle now… Gore try…and REATS the bottle to the face! Ref up and Storm covers for the win.

Winner: James Storm @ 10:40 via pin

-Rhino is busted open and Storm grabs a rope from under the ring. It's a noose, he takes to the ropes and ties his hands behind him! I sense a stealing of Raven vs. Punk here. Jackie is back with a MINI KEG OF BEER! Storm KILLS Rhino with the chair shot, gets the keg and spray sit in Rhino's face as Jackie takes a picture of it! Refs are out as Storm takes a picture of Jackie posing with Rhino! More beer for Rhino. Storm drinks some beer now as Rhino is tied up and bloody. Storm talks sh*t to him as they try to get him out of the ring. Storm gets another chair and KILLS Rhino again! Damn.

Jerry Lynn and Bob Backlund vs. The Murder City Machine Guns (Shelley and Sabin) w/Nash

Bob and Sabin to begin. Bob to the floor and talks to the fans and back in. Lock up and Bob sneaks past him and dances the wacky Bob way! Lock up and an arm drag by Bob. Test of strength, go behind by Sabin and a full nelson. Bob escapes and gets one of his own. Sabin escapes but Bob get another. To the ropes they go and Bob breaks. Sabin tags in Shelley and JL tags in as well. Boots by Shelley, chops and an Irish whip and reversals, arm drag misses by Shelley and then Shelley tosses him down, snot rocket and JL arm drags him and into an arm bar. Shelley tags Sabin, and into an arm drag by JL. They choke JL in the corner, Shelleyin and an arm bar by Shelley, but JL gets an arm bar and then LUCHA arm bar! Dropkick by JL and Shelley runs to hug Sabin. Sabin in now, go behind and rights to JL, Shelleyin and slaps JL and then JL ducks and Shelley Enziguri's Sabin. Back spinning elbow by JL and then a SPIKE DDT to Sabin gets 2. Shelley in, Sabin misses and a MIST of water by Shelley, poetry in motion into a dropkick on Bob. They celebrate and pose, eye poke to JL and then chops by Shelley. Shelley tosses JL to the floor and Sabin works him over. JL gets the slingshot sunset flip and 2 as Sabin breaks that up. Abdominal stretch to JL by Sabin. JL escapes and crawls for a tag and gets it, but the ref didn't see it as Nash tosses his belt into the ring. Sick kicks to JL by Shelleyand Sabin, crotch him in the corner and a baseball dropkick and the LEVITATION dropkick as JL was in the tree of woe! Bob in and cleans house 80's style! Crowd not happy with him. Atomic drop to Shelley and he falls to the floor. Nash is in and a butterfly suplexes to Sabin and he lands on JL's knee. Big boot by Nash to JL! Sick series of kicks by the MCMG's and that is all for JL.

Winners: Murder City Machine Guns (?) @ 8:45 via pin

Eric Young and Gail Kim vs. Robert Roode and Miss Brooks

Roode and EY to begin. Roode talks sh*t and Kim pep talks EY and kisses him. EY KILLS Roode with a spear and starts to kick his ass. Belly to belly by Ey and Brooks in, nails Roode by accident and Kim in. EY KISSES Brooks and Kim dropkick sher into Roode and EY covers for 2. SUICIDE DIVE by EY to Roode on the floor! PLAMNCHA BY KIM! EY and Kim celebrate in the ring and Brooks in, back breaker to Broosk who tags in Roode. Him and Kim face off, she is ready and forearms Roode and tags EY. Rights to Roode, off the ropes and a backdrop by EY gets 2. Brooks trips up EY and Roode is on the attack. They crotch him on the post and the tide has turned. Roode works over EY with the boots, back suplex and a cover for 2. Brooks tag sin and covers EY for 2. Tag back to Roode and he lays the boots again to EY. Headlock by Roode, EY elbows out now and gets a boot and then eats a urnage by Roode for a close 2. Brooks in now and boots EY. Back rake to EY and yells that she hates him! He grabs her and Roode breaks that up. Roodetag sin and slams EY down, up to the 2nd rope and gets the knee drop and cover for 2. Tag back to Brooks and Roode whips her into EY. She tries again, Ey breaks that up and tags Kim in! She nails Roode and levels Brooks repeatedly. RANA to Roode and a side slam gets 2 on Brooks. Kim elbows Brooks, up top…RANA try on Roode and he gets the crab, EY in and a SICK DDT on Roode! Brooks nails EY and he falls to the floor. Brooks attacks Kim, sets her up top and climbs…Brooks tossed off, MISSILE DROPKICK by Kim! Drop toeholds Roode onto Brooks, and then moves and Roode elbows Brooks. He grabs Kim, jaw breaker by Kim and they double dropkick Roode! SHADES OF THE ROCK AND ROLL EXPRESS! Kim covers Brooks and that is all.

Winners: Eric Young and Gail Kim@ 8:30 via pin

Christian Cage vs. Chris Harris

They talk trash and Cage slaps Harris. Lock up and the crowd is split early. Harris overpowers Cage, arm bar and a reversal by Cage. Side headlock by Harris, off the ropes and a tackle and cover for 1 by Harris. Another tackle and another cover of 1. A slap by Harris now, lefts to Cage and chops applied. Irish whip and a boot, and stalling suplex by Harris, lasting about 15-seconds and a close 2 count for Harris. Off the ropes and Cage bails to the floor. Harris follows and backdrops Cage on the ramp. That sounded painful. Back into the ring, Cage with boots to Harris and then leaps but Harris gets a sweet flapjack for 2. Running powerslam try countered and Cage ends up crotching him on the steel post. Cage to the 2nd rope and leaps off with an uppercut for 2. Boots by Cage and then the abdominal stretch. Harris escapes and Cage tosses him to the floor. Cage follows and delivers rights to Harris. Cage has a chair, the ref takes it from him and Harris reverses a whip and Cage eats the steps knee first. Back in, Harris misses a lariat and Cage covers for 2. Harris manages a bulldog and then lefts to Cage. Big lariat finally connects and Harris is up, rights by Cage and Harris to the apron, up top now and Cage up and tossed off, big cross body by Harris gets 2. Cage with a right, 2nd rope and tried an inverted DDT, Harris fights and up top…superplex blocked and Cage leaps off and gets a gord buster on Harris for a close 2. Cage up, unprettier try, escape and a catatonic try is countered into the unprettier try, off the ropes and Harris gets the unprettier on Cage! 1…2…NO! Cage to the apron, Harris tries a spear and eats a knee. Cage springs in and EATS a spear and that gets a close 3. Catatonic try again, countered and Harris charges, eats the steel post off the spear try, Cage covers for 2. Cage rips off the turnbuckle pad, shoves the ref and Harris grabs him and Catapults him into the buckle. Full nelson slam! 1…2…NO! Cage to the floor and he has a chair. Harris shoves the ref away ad Cage nails him. Up top…frog splash by Cage! 1…2…NO! Cage is amazed! DUSTIN RHODES is out to watch the match! Harris rolls up Cage for 2, who was distracted. Cage calls for the troops and Tomko is out and Dustin was in the ring, something happened as TNA Production missed it and Cage rolled up Harris for the win. Dustin nailed Harris with his handcuffs the replay shows us.

Winner: Christian Cage @ 13:58 via pin

Sting and Abyss vs. Tomko and AJ Styles

AJ and Abyss to begin things. Leg kicks by AJ and he dances. Quickness by AJ and more leg kicks, by AJ hurts himself. AJ runs now and Abyss follows. More kicks by AJ as they come back in. Rights by AJ and Abyss just stands there. Another and AJ is less cocky and hits him again, tries to whip him and then tries a cross body and slams off of Abyss. Side back breaker by Abyss, AJ escapes and dives for a tag to Tomko. Tomko in and they stand off. Forearms traded and they rock each other. Chops by Tomko, and a tag to Sting. Chops by Sting, Tomko looks mad. More chops by Sting, he unloads on Tomko and an Irish whip and a reversal and Sting hits hard. Misses a splash and AJ hits Tomko. Splash by Sting to AJ and then Tomko! Tag to Abyss. Splash to Tomko and the Clam bake to AJ! GOOZLE ON Tomko, escape and a big boot to Tomko gets 2 as AJ makes a save. He nails Sting and works over Abyss. RANA try and Abyss goes for a clash and Tomko boots him to save AJ. Tomko tosses Abyss to the floor, they brawl and slams Abyss to the railing. Back into the ring and he lays the boots to Abyss. Tag to AJ, stiff kicks to Abyss. Shoulder rams by AJ in the corner, AJ taunts Sting and Tomko chokes out Abyss. AJ tags him in, rights by Abyss to Tomko. Big boot by Abyss and they hit the ropes and double clothesline each other. AJ tagged in leaps off of Abyss and nails Sting. AJ off the ropes and eats a HIGH back body drop. Sting tag sin and starts to clean house on AJ. DDT, boot to Tromko and the bulldog. Rights to AJ and then Tomko. Sting tosses Tomko and now goes after AJ. AJ low bridges Sting, Abyss up top and AJ dropkicks him off and he lands on Tomko! Asai DDT try and Sting tosses AJ to the floor and he lands on Tomko and Abyss! Sting up top and DIVES onto all three men! Sting and AJ back in, scoops the legs and goes for the deathlock and AJ rams into Tomko and an Enziguri by AJ levels Sting and a cover for 2! Tomko press slams Sting and then gets the fall away slam. Tomko nails Abyss and covers Sting for 2. AJ in with a clutch variation on Sting. Sting up and fights out, SWANK dropkick combo by AJ! That gets 2. Tag to Tomko, boots to Sting and then a running powerslam for 2. Tag to AJ and rights to Sting. Sting battles back, but AJ sets him up op…AJ up as well and a RANA is stopped by Sting and e then gets a clothesline on AJ! Sting crawls for the tag…gets it and Abyss cleans house on both. DOUBLE GOOZLE but they escape and Abyss just tosses people around. GOOZLE on Tomko and a chokeslam connects for 2. PELE by AJ! Tomko covers for 2 as Sting makes a save. Tomko tosses Sting to the floor, Abyss has AJ up…SHOCK TREATMENT~! Tomko in and TREE SLAM on Abyss! 1…2…NO! Sting back now and gets the deathlock on Tomko! AJ distracts the ref and Tomko taps. AJ flies n and knocks Abyss into Sting. Uh oh. Sting tosses AJ to the floor. BLACK HOLE SLAM by Abyss on Tomko and that is all!

Winner: Sting and Abyss @ 15:40 via pin

-Sting and Abyss celebrate. James Mitchell is back! Enjoy this while you can, because there are debts to be repaid and the doomsday clock is ticking…

Once Dead

Andrew 'TEST' Martin makes his debut on Impact this week by coming to the aid of Sting and Abyss......now known as THE PUNISHER he received what was described as a great ovation


hard justice card looks good too

so far we have

Every title on the line - Joe vs Angle

Six Sides of Hell barbed wire steel cage match - Andrew Martin Sting Abyss vs Tomko Cage Styles

Dream Match - Steiners vs Team 3D

VKM (yawn) vs LAX

Bar room brawl match Rhyno vs James Storm

mcmg vs xxx vs sonjay dutt and black machismo

and something with chris harris and dustin rhodes

Ari Gold

Whoa "Pacman" has signed for TNA, that was unexpected.

That ought to get people's attention in the US.

Once Dead

Below is the final match lineup for Sunday’s “Hard Justice” epic event live and exclusively on Pay-Per-View! The event is available on InDemand, DirecTV, Dish Network, TVN, Viewer’s Choice Canada and others. Call your local cable or satellite provider for availability!

The TNA Wrestling newcomer will speak out about his decision to join Total Nonstop Action!

Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle vs. “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe

Sting, Abyss & “The Punisher” Andrew Martin vs. “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles & Tomko

The Steiner Brothers vs. Team 3D

“The War Machine” Rhino vs. “Cowboy” James Storm

Eric Young vs. Robert Roode w/ Ms. Brooks

The Latin American Xchange vs. The Voodoo Kin Mafia

“Wildcat” Chris Harris vs. The Debut of Dustin Rhodes’ “Black Reign”

The Motor City Machineguns vs. Triple X vs. “The Guru” Sonjay Dutt & “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal

Raven vs. Kazarian


First Grade
robyalvaro said:
Whoa "Pacman" has signed for TNA, that was unexpected.

That ought to get people's attention in the US.

pacman can't wrestle said:
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Adam "Pacman" Jones can appear at a wrestling show Sunday, with a couple of provisions: The suspended Tennessee Titans cornerback won't be allowed to touch or be touched, use or be hit by any object or anything else that could injure him.

That doesn't leave much for Jones.

But at least he can be in the building for the Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event. The arrangement was approved by a Tennessee judge Saturday following an agreement among the Titans, Jones' attorney and lawyers for TNA Entertainment.
The Titans received a temporary restraining order Friday that prohibited Jones — suspended from the NFL for the 2007 season for violating the personal conduct policy — from even being present at a TNA event. With Jones promoted to appear at the "Hard Justice" show Sunday night in Orlando, Fla., lawyers worked to resolve the Titans' concerns. Judge Jeff Bivins approved the deal following a 10-minute meeting in his chambers. Jones did not attend the hearing.

Steve Underwood, chief operating officer of the Titans, said nothing changed as far as the team is concerned.
"It doesn't mean he can't participate and be present at whatever he's under contract to do with them. It just means that he can't participate in anything where he's going to get hurt. That was always our concern," Underwood said.
And what if Jones does get hurt?
"We're not going to go there. He's not going to get hurt," Underwood said. "He can't do anything that poses risk of significant injury, and all parties are in agreement with that."
The NFL isn't scheduled to review Jones' case until after the Titans' 10th game, which is Nov. 19 at Denver. Jones lawyer Worrick Robinson said the Titans made it clear they still care about his client and want to see him return to the football field.
The original court order applied only to Jones. TNA and co-founder Jeff Jarrett joined the talks and were added as parties to the agreement. An attorney representing TNA was asked if company officials preferred to have Jones wrestle after Jarrett had worked with the cornerback on his ring skills.
"We're very happy he's going to be there and be part of the program," Robin Mitchell Joyce said Added Robinson: "I think the limited grappling that he was going to be involved with in the first place was not going to take place immediately. But he is fine. He's willing to work within the bounds of what he's agreed and what the judge has ordered."

Jones made his first appearance with TNA during its weekly cable TV show "iMPACT!" Thursday night.
The Titans responded Friday by obtaining the restraining order prohibiting him from participating in the show in any way, even as a spectator or announcer. The Titans cited the NFL player contract that prevents him from engaging in activities in which he could injure himself.
Robinson said TNA may decide to have Jones be in the ring, working within the approved agreement. "He wanted to put on a show, and he wanted to prepare himself for putting on a show. That's what he was doing," Robinson said. "His role has just changed somewhat now."

Once Dead

Yeah, it could work both ways, he could have been pedestrian wrestling wise........anyway, he could play a nice "Don't touch me, or I'll sue" heel character




Once Dead

Stonecutter said:
It shuts down alot of options for him. So now the only talent he can use is his mouth lol.

In wrestling, that's the key talent to have! No doubt they'll find a way to get something done......I'll keep you posted

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