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The TNA Impact Thread **Spoilers**

Once Dead

PARANoIR said:
If it's Enemy you're thinking of, all it features is a paralyzed guy with one leg climbing up a heap of stairs, to throw himself off the top of a building. No TNA talent, that I recognise anyway.

I can't believe I forgot about the video. That was released with the initial release of ALL THAT REMAINS...they are probably re-releasing it as a single or TNA theme and simply repackaging the video over new footage...

Once Dead

Nah, they're stressing 'video premiere' so it will most probably be a repackaged video featuring some wrestling action that will stir a bit of mainstream interest with the recent signing of Kurt Angle. Then again, I've been wrong before lol too many times before


Staff member
Chris Jericho debuting in TNA as an actual worker wouldn't stun me to the same extent Angle has. Jericho hinted at it before he left the WWE (albeit in a tongue in cheek manner), he has close friends there (Christian, mainly), and like Angle, he had legitimate beef with the WWE's way of using his character - particularly in his last feud with Cena.

As for Vince Russo's booking, people need to remember that he did good stuff as well as bad. Yes, he was a key man in the latter years of WCW, but he was also aboard an already fast sinking ship. His work in the WWF Attitude Era was tremendous, and even some of his WCW work (particularly in emphasizing the importance of the tag and cruiserweight belts) was quite good also.


How different was Kurt Angle's entrance. With the music and the elevator lift thing, i thought Darth Vader was going to come out.


The PWTorch Newsletter reports that Kurt Angle recently spoke on his WWE departure on Bubba The Love Sponge’s show on Sirius Radio. He had very few good things to say about several WWE names, mainly Vince McMahon and Triple H.

He says that when he told Vince about his addiction to pain pills, Vince didn’t want him to enter rehab. He told Vince "I'm Gonna Die", to which Vince responded with telling him to figure out his problems on the road. He said Vince needed to keep him around to help put over John Cena.

Angle also spoke on Triple H, saying that he doesn’t respect him as a person and that he likes to hog the show with his booking power. He said that HHH was against Angle getting the title because he thought Angle was too small. When Jerry Brisco suggested that Triple H do a shoot fight with angle to see how much his physical size really held him back, Triple H backed down.

Once Dead

Absolutely loving the Sting mini-vids, the biblical voice over sounds freakin' cool and I am dying to see THE STINGER come back with the blonde hair and coloured face paint! I'm just dying for it!

BTW-Anyone know where I can get this week's Impact, I checked Rajah and there's nothing up yet and the last time this happened i missed the show altogether! :crazy: Any help would be cool, e.g. forum links - i know there are more than just Rajah forums out there but where!?!?!?!?!?


Be patient chief. Impact on Rajah will come, it always appears without fail. Usually takes 3 or 4 days :p

The same bloke usually posts Impact and SD, and neither are up yet.

Once Dead

That message was more frustration with my job and the lack of time it gives me the week than frustration with posters on messageboards, they do a freakin' top job and without them I'd be struggling biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig time. I just don't wanna miss a show and during the week, with no lameo time to watch the show I hate missing shows so I check rajah like every 5secs on the wkends hahaha i'm a bit eager, I gues


Staff member
I've mentioned it before, but if you can handle waiting until the end of each month, you can have a month's worth of Impacts plus the PPV mailed to you on DVD. That's how I get my TNA fix, given that we don't get Impact and we have to wait for PPVs on delay.


Staff member
411mania (and TNAWrestling) has this interview up with Vince Russo. Interesting reading.

TNAwrestling.com has an interview up with Vince Russo where he talks about many things. Below are some highlights.

On how the current Russo is different from the Russo of years ago: I'm so much different. When I started with WWE and WCW, I was a man on a mission. It was all about the ratings, all about writing the best show I possibly could. It was tunnel-vision because it really was a personal challenge to me. Today, at 45, it's not about that. My goals today are much, much different from what they were 10 years ago. My goals today are to make the wrestling industry a better place and to really give the boys in the business a better working environment, to give them an opportunity, to give them a chance. I care a lot about people today, much more than I did 10 years ago. You certainly could say that, 10 years ago, it was me first and everyone else second. It's not that way today because it's not about the personal goals and the personal challenges. It really isn't. Instead, it's about trying to make a difference in an industry that I've been a fan of since I was a little kid. I really want to make a positive difference in the wrestling industry. That's what drives me today. I think that's what drives TNA as well.

On his goals in TNA: First and foremost, I want to give as many people as I can the opportunity. Create opportunities for them on the show. I really want to help make dreams come true for the talent. I want to do the same for TNA as well. They have worked so hard, and come so far, I just want to give them the best product possible within my talents.

On the addition of Kurt Angle to TNA: Huge. I think Kurt will be a locker-room leader, much like The Undertaker was at the WWF when I was there. The boys really respected The Undertaker, almost like a father figure, teaching them right from wrong and keeping them in-line, making sure they didn't go into business for themselves, that it was the company first. I think Kurt Angle, with his experience and what he's accomplished in this business, is going to have a great influence and a great impact on that locker room, which will really help the talent grow up in a hurry. And that's what they need because most of the guys are so young. That's why I really feel that Kurt will be just as valuable behind the scenes as he is on-camera – and that's huge unto itself. The move to prime time is the opportunity. Let's face it, 11 p.m. ET is when a lot of people go to bed, so that's a very difficult time to get people to watch the show. With a 9 p.m. ET/PT time-slot, it is now our job, our responsibility to keep those viewers who check us out. Every show needs to be the best possible show it can be.

On TNA's top guys: Wow, that's tough because there are a lot who I like.

I'd have to top the list with A.J. Styles because A.J. is wonderful on-camera, in the ring, but also a wonderful person away from the ring; he has a wonderful heart. Even though I'm at least 20 years older than him, I was looking up to him and the way he led his life before I turned my life around. And what he can do in the ring is just incredible; it's hard to describe it at times. Every time I watch him he seems to top himself. He no doubt is the future of wrestling, no question about it.

Lance Hoyt. I really like him. He's a big guy, a good-looking guy, someone who can do some incredible things in the ring. For whatever reason, the business of professional wrestling may have been what has kept him down. Hopefully not for long.

Ron "The Truth" Killings. He has all the talent in the world; which has made it tough for creative to match that talent. He has more energy than anyone I've ever seen.

Samoa Joe. I'm a huge fan of his in-ring work. I also really like the kind of human being he is; he's a great guy.

Kurt Angle. Kurt was coming into the WWF right when I was going out and, truthfully, the first time I really watched Kurt Angle was a few weeks ago on iMPACT! when he did the thing with Samoa Joe. The one thing that just blew me away was the intensity that Kurt has. And remember, I've worked with everyone in this business, from Hulk Hogan to The Rock to Steve Austin to Mick Foley. I know how important that intensity is, because you cannot teach someone intensity.

And to go into business for myself, and add a sixth favorite—I think LAX is one of the hottest things in wrestling right now. It's just real. Konnan and I go way back, and I've always respected him both as a talent and a man. He just always finds a way to re-invent himself.

On possibly working with Bill Goldberg: Bill Goldberg probably was the hardest and the toughest individual I've ever had to work with. Bill Goldberg came (to stardom) so fast, in such a short period of time. He became a huge, huge star in the wrestling business and there was a part of Bill Goldberg who believed he could lose it all as quickly as he got it. So, instead of looking at where something creatively might help him in, say, six months, he instead simply looked at how it would effect him immediately. But all talent has to realize, and this isn't just about Goldberg, that creatively we know where we're going with the character … and yet they, unfortunately, don't - they simply see what they're going that night. They're only seeing chapter one, not the whole book.

Big Pete

On Goldberg I think this was due to the fact that pretty much when Nash beat him for the title in WCW his character started going down hill and when Russo came into it...his character became a joke.

Then again in a different environment such as TNA having Goldberg could up things for them.


TNAs primetime debut is tonight in america.

Kurt Angle makes his wrestling debut for TNA against Abyss. Should be a good match.