I'm over TV Rick and his emotional problems. Sack up ffs. If only the Governor cut his hand off so he had something genuine to cry about. Everyone else has lost someone and carried on functioning.
Bring on Abraham, although Kirkman will probably find a way to make him overly emotional.
Rick has been through a lot, in a "real time" sense he killed his best friend, something which still haunts him (As we saw at Woodbury), lost his wife and is trying to raise Carl the best he can to be "normal" a well as maintaining and running the prison.
Abraham will be awesome. With Gimple as showrunner, he won't be that. If it Mazzara, different story.
Considering the absolute mess Mazzara left, I always expected the first few episodes of this season to be a little over the place. The virus, new characters not being introduced well, etc.
But the sooner they end the prison arc and move on, the better the show will be. Being a fan of the comics makes it a lot easier to enjoy the show knowing, if they don't f**k it up, what's to come will blow everything done so far out of the water and with Gimple as the showrunner, I think they'll nail it.
I quite like how they fixed the prison, but it's run it's due date. They need to move on, the risk of them being on the road again needs to be present.
Does anyone else think the chick who wanted the pet walkers is the one feeding them ?
Also I reckon D'Angelo is the one causing the ruckus eg bringing witch trials back
The missus clicked onto the whole micchone lost kiddie thing straight away
Ricks back baby aw yeah boyyyyyy
Of course she's the one feeding them. Can't be anyone else unless it's someone trying to sabotage the prison from the inside. Does the governor have a mole?
f**k depresso rick is annoying..
the pigs allegedly contaminated yet he gets a mouthful (haha) of pig blood and not a worry in the world.
im not whinging but the characters just seem played out.
Rick is back. Finally we are going to see a more bad-ass Rick who is going to take the world for what it is, and not what he wants it to be for Carl.
What I find interesting is that whoever is doing it would be in full view of the two geniuss in the watch tower. You would think that someone out late at night with a flashlight would immediately get their attention.
Well, in fairness she probably needs to avert all her focus and attention on finding Glenn's wang.