salivor said:
Males are more likely to be raped by heterosexual males than females or homosexuals.
Add to that the majority of victims are females and the majority of offenders are males which would indicate that the males are heterosexuals especially since heterosexuals are more likely to commit rape than homosexuals.
Salivor - :lol: - you have got to be kidding me!!
Now look, I know you obviously went to a lot of trouble with that post, but honestly -
Obviously most rapes and assualts will be carried out by heterosexuals - because they make up over 90-95% of the population.
What you havent been able to disprove is that homosexuals are
overrepresented in abuse cases. That is - if they make up only a small percentage of the population - 5-10% - then statistically, you would expect them to be involved in a similar proportion of abuse cases. But instead - they are involved in 33% of all abuse cases. It is this disproportionate overrepresentation which you choose to ignore. ((Freund and Watson, 1992) which was reported in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, NARTH)
Predictability is your main problem goangod. You know what polygamy is a ok by me I've decided. As many people can get married as they like.
Thank you - for once again proving my point. Now that we have accepted homosexuality, then we must accept polygamy too. Great - now we can have one 65 year old man married to 5 16 year old boys - enjoying the full protection of the law.
No paedophiles because sorry but that is illegal.
You mean - it's illegal now.
" the release of the 1972 Gay Rights Platform. Activists in Chicago, representing the fledgling homosexual movement, demanded the repeal of all state laws prohibiting private sexual acts involving consenting persons, and the repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent""
Now why would these people do that? Hmm?
Its ok to be attracted to children at birth.
Salivor - You have just destroyed any credibility you have with that statement. It is not OK to be attracted to children at birth - it is sick, disordered, unnatural, deviant and anything else you can think of.
This is where you are Salivor - justifying the right of pedophiles to be attracted to children.
You can't change how you were born. Whats not ok to do is to act out on this attraction to children because this is when it becomes illegal and sexual abuse. Children don't have the maturity to consent to sex.
That's merely your opinion. Dont impose your beliefs on others.
Firstly, where is your proof that homosexuals are born homosexual? There is
no biological, hormonal or genetic evidence to substantiate this claim. There has never been confirmed evidence of the existence of a "homosexual gene." Doctors have NO test which will tell them if a person is a homosexual or not.
I really don't care what certain homosexual groups are promoting.
No, of course you wouldnt. I cannot make it any more clear the close relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia and the parallels in their social acceptance.
Race relations were also in about the same place 30 years ago. Now if I say interracial marriages and sexual relations is un-natural I'll be branded a racist yet its ok for you to come out and be openly homophobic.
Are you disappointed now that these days we look down on racists? What about womens rights? They've come along way. I suppose 100 years ago if you told people that women would be in some of the most powerful positions in the world and be totally independent they'd think you were a nutball.
Sorry Salivor - where your argument falls down is that
homosexuality is a behaviour, not a race. Homosexuality is defined by the act of sodomy (sex with members of the same sex).
The difference as I've said a million times is that homosexual relations is between consenting adults and paedophilia isn't. I will always have the opinion that paedophilia is wrong.
Uh uh. I see where you're coming from so its consent that makes the difference then? What if Salivor, one person gave another person their consent to kill them? This is 'consensual' - would you consider this legal and acceptable behaviour because one party has 'consented'?
Also, if homosexuality is a valid, life giving, alternative lifestyle, would you please explain why Oxford University's International Journal of Epidemiology reported: "Life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men -- nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years will not reach their 65th birthday."
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found that male homosexuals contract the following diseases more frequently than heterosexuals by the following multiples:
Syphilis - 14 times
Gonorrhea - 3 times
Genital warts - 3 times
Hepatitis B - 8 times
Scabies - 5 times
Penile infection - 30 times
Anal Infection - 100 times
AIDS - 5000 times