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The Worst Team in the Competition


My point Ronnie is that the kicking game is now intergral.
I have admitted that we are in a rot.


Gee I love these group bonding sessions. I have just read six pages of absolute codswallop about being all warm and fuzzy regarding our present dilemma. You know it is only round 3, there were some nice signs, the 50/50 calls not going our way, et al.

Personally I think our Club is in meltdown, but those positive words are truly inspirational. As Nero said, "were is my fiddle"?


Guys we are just down on confidence. If Kyle Stanley and Drinkwater were fit it would all be a different story. We don't need any more players, we just need another season for the team to gel. Price knows exactly what he's doing.


Next week it will be four and on it goes. Death by inches, the ship is sinking and we don't have enough plugs.

Mr Red

First Grade
LETT for NOW, CUMMINS LATER - Lett for Cutters shows more than beale
DRINKWATER - yes Not ready, But hey in one game creates more than Sow
CAMERON KING - Yes Why Waste him or Lose him, Better than Sow and Fin

seriously if you think that lineup would be performing any better you are dreaming..
in an era where one or two key signings can make the difference between a top 4 and a bottom four team the dragons have failed. we are now paying the price for inept recruitment.


Your not getting it........................

We remain supporters (as always) we just want to see the club make the kind of decisions necessary to keep us competitive!

Your comment is very naive! How do Manly, Canterbury, West Tigers etc all do it and manage to stay competitive and why can't we?

We're not about to jump ship, we just want some simple F&*(ing decisions made that will give us a FUTURE!!!!!!!!!

I get it now, I am naïve.

The way to go is to berate our players and coaching staff!!!!

Not sure I can do that, I prefer being naive.

I will continue to have faith in the club being able to turn things around and for the time being I feel the best way to participate is to support them.


Dragons are like the ALP, needing a whole make over...Price is the most stupid, stuck, boring, oversafe, ultra conservative imbocile ever to 'coach' here. Enoughs enough, hes ANATHEMA to the fighting spirit of our great club! We have a go, how about a few changes?? Kind of mix things up? Total imbocile!! He better get CUMMINS in there and QUINLAN, RUNCIMAN as soon as he can, give them a go, get them some experience, Beale is avge, Frizzel and Harrison nothing special, all hype, Cooper retire this second your over...Soward a total JERK and totally GUTLESS and ballless!! Be gone you pathetic whimp!! Creagh DROPPED!! Captain my *&^ what creepy sadistic self serving A*&&^ we have running this club!! we need 10 changes!! The ONLY players putting in are Fien, Merrin (who should be Captain!!!) Bmoz, Nights, Hunt, Weyman, PRIOR (leave him alone one of the BEST in the team look at THAT tackle!!!) King, Rein....goodbye ALL the rest, SO embarrassing the Price comments get the *(&^^ outta here you boring moron TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT < ANYTHING YOU INSANE TOOL!!!! MY CAT COULD COACH BETTER!!! ENUFF THANKS NEW COACH NEW MANAGEMENT NEW TEAM< NEW START!!!!!! NOW!!!!:crazy:


I get it now, I am naïve.

The way to go is to berate our players and coaching staff!!!!

Not sure I can do that, I prefer being naive.

I will continue to have faith in the club being able to turn things around and for the time being I feel the best way to participate is to support them.

Yet if we say it like it is we are 'selfish'.

I will remain supportive of the Dragons and be filthy at those who have enabled things to get this bad for the club I have supported all my life.


First Grade
Dragons are like the ALP, needing a whole make over...Price is the most stupid, stuck, boring, oversafe, ultra conservative imbocile ever to 'coach' here. Enoughs enough, hes ANATHEMA to the fighting spirit of our great club! We have a go, how about a few changes?? Kind of mix things up? Total imbocile!! He better get CUMMINS in there and QUINLAN, RUNCIMAN as soon as he can, give them a go, get them some experience, Beale is avge, Frizzel and Harrison nothing special, all hype, Cooper retire this second your over...Soward a total JERK and totally GUTLESS and ballless!! Be gone you pathetic whimp!! Creagh DROPPED!! Captain my *&^ what creepy sadistic self serving A*&&^ we have running this club!! we need 10 changes!! The ONLY players putting in are Fien, Merrin (who should be Captain!!!) Bmoz, Nights, Hunt, Weyman, PRIOR (leave him alone one of the BEST in the team look at THAT tackle!!!) King, Rein....goodbye ALL the rest, SO embarrassing the Price comments get the *(&^^ outta here you boring moron TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT < ANYTHING YOU INSANE TOOL!!!! MY CAT COULD COACH BETTER!!! ENUFF THANKS NEW COACH NEW MANAGEMENT NEW TEAM< NEW START!!!!!! NOW!!!!:crazy:
Whoa boy why don't you tell us what you really think! don't hold back!!


Dragons are like the ALP, needing a whole make over...Price is the most stupid, stuck, boring, oversafe, ultra conservative imbocile ever to 'coach' here. Enoughs enough, hes ANATHEMA to the fighting spirit of our great club! We have a go, how about a few changes?? Kind of mix things up? Total imbocile!! He better get CUMMINS in there and QUINLAN, RUNCIMAN as soon as he can, give them a go, get them some experience, Beale is avge, Frizzel and Harrison nothing special, all hype, Cooper retire this second your over...Soward a total JERK and totally GUTLESS and ballless!! Be gone you pathetic whimp!! Creagh DROPPED!! Captain my *&^ what creepy sadistic self serving A*&&^ we have running this club!! we need 10 changes!! The ONLY players putting in are Fien, Merrin (who should be Captain!!!) Bmoz, Nights, Hunt, Weyman, PRIOR (leave him alone one of the BEST in the team look at THAT tackle!!!) King, Rein....goodbye ALL the rest, SO embarrassing the Price comments get the *(&^^ outta here you boring moron TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT < ANYTHING YOU INSANE TOOL!!!! MY CAT COULD COACH BETTER!!! ENUFF THANKS NEW COACH NEW MANAGEMENT NEW TEAM< NEW START!!!!!! NOW!!!!:crazy:

Yeah, sack them all, sack everyone, the coach, most of the team, the clubs management...that's the way to go, the Parramatta Approach, its working brilliantly for them!!

oh, wait...


The fish rots from the head....and I'm afraid our CEO, Mr Doust has completely mismanaged the re-building of this club post Bennett. Anyone who says we are paying for our success for the 2010 premiership is kidding themselves.

Look at Manly and Melbourne. They've won premierships over the last few years and continue to be strong. We on the other hand have gone backwards and will take at least 2 years to be a competitive and vying for a top 8 position. Thank you Mr Doust.
You know guys, we were really gutsy out there. There was a lot of good stuff. But when you are down, you are down. That first Raiders try summed it up for me. What a bullshit bounce. A Dragons player bounces a Raiders player onto a Dragons player and they score. It's called a "hoodoo". The first try disallowed to Morris. Under the new laws, probably true. But Creagh had absolutely no influence on that try. Then we hold them out for (was it 5 sets?), finally get the ball and Creagh throws a miracle, and stupid, pass. We get down their end, King goes high and gets penalised. It went on and on and on. Yeah there was some silly stuff but it was a high pressure environment. I'm proud of my team. We have the basis of a very competitive side but have very few game breakers and no halves. Not hard to fix. End story.

Agree 100%.
With 15 mins to go, it was 24 to 15 (i think) and we were still in it.
The defensive effort was very good - apart from a few lapses.
The boys put in.
Canberra had a massive first half - their field position and kicking game saw us stuck in our half for too many sets. 60-40 possession.
It told in the end.
Unfortunately we are one or two "game breakers" short of a top 4 side.
That's about all it would take.

On a brighter side..
did anyone try the Lime Milk samples, at the game?


The dragons are copping deserved criticism from every qurater at the moment...the media, the fans...even Johhny Raper has said he is disgusted. Its like the whole club is imploding. Its surely time that management ie Doust & Price came out and told the supporters what plans are in place to get the club out the hole it is in...not just we are always interested in quality players. This is a real time of crisis for everyone who loves the dragons. The club owe it to the fans to give us some leadership and explain what is going on behind the scenes to make us a competitive football team again....


well on tab we are the worst team in the comp. having us at 100/1 to win the premiership. they have the warriors better than us.
even immortal johnny raper wont put a dollar on them thats how pathetic they are he said


First Grade
Old Johny does love to lay the boot in :) some fans don't like him for it, but I'm with him 100%. If the team has been consistently woeful as it has been since mid 2011. Then as a Immortal and a legend of the club, he has every right to publicly show his disgust in what is going on ATM. Some quotes from the man himself-
"I'm disgusted. I hope the players think this is a nice kick up the arse."
in regards to the betting blow out of 100/1
"They have let down so many people. Their supporters, the club and themselves. It is a matter of pride. Having pride in the emblem."