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Thoughts on society.....

Moffo: "Jesus had a missues? Well, thats news to me " Well I saw Jesus Christ Superstar when I was a kid...twice! Once at the Capitol Theatre and again at the St George Leagues Club and in that Trevor White (Jesus) was definitely ron cooting Marcia Hines (Mary Magdalene).

So your suggesting that Jesus was shagging/ron cooting/bonking/boning/porkinghis mother? Hmmm, somehow, this does not make sense. And last time i checked, i never saw Mary and Joseph on Divorce TV, so i don't think this idea holds




Assistant Moderator
Moffo: "So your suggesting that Jesus was shagging...his mother? "
Moffo... you've been caught out old sone... got a top edge and been snuffed out for a golden duck.

Mary Magdalene was Jesus's girlfriend (a prostitute by most accounts) and not his mother... unless you've got some sort of oedipus thing going with your interpretation of the bible, I suggest you do a little more research.


Assistant Moderator
Just to jog your memory Moffo...
Mary Magdalene was like a groupie. She was a prostitute that followed Jesus and his apostles around. A number of the apostles didnt like this because they didnt think it was appropiate that woman of her profession was hanging around. They used to stone prostitutes back then.
Jesus told them all to pull their heads and leave her alone. The quote, 'he who has not sinned cast the first stone' will probably help you to recall.
Although in JC Superstar, it looked more like. '...bugger off you lot, she's mine !'.


But if they are saying they are using telepathy to stop wars and famine etc, then they better try harder then because it aint working.

That comment is exactly what Iwas talking about earlier. They claim to have scientific proof that they can do these things yet you've dismissed them.

I think words like paranormal (sorry my word) and telepathy are probably not right. From what I can gather they say by some people meditating it effects others who are not in a positive way. The reason why there are still problems in the world is because not enough people are meditating in order to effect the whole world all the time.



Mary Magdalene was Jesus's girlfriend (a prostitute by most accounts) and not his mother...This needs to be qualified by saying, according to the movie JC Superstar. The only actual accounts of Jesus's life on earth are the 4 gospels in the NT, and they don't contain the remotest suggestion of Jesus having a sexual relationship with Mary Magdalene. This is an idea that people make up to discredit Christ and Christianity


Assistant Moderator
JoeD: "That comment is exactly what Iwas talking about earlier. They claim to have scientific proof that they can do these things yet you've dismissed them. "

Joe, that really wasnt the context of my posts on the subject. You've only read half of it.

I never said that they don't have scientific proof but suffice to say we don't know much about the type of 'proof' they are referring to. Good luck to them... outside of the Maharishi being mates with Beatles and the fact they they enjoy meditation, I know bugger all about Transcentalists. The only information we have here is their website address which you've posted.

Its my understanding that meditation is a personal thing and not to with the paranormal or telepathy. If everyone got into meditation, the world would probably be a better place. I thought I was clear enough but obviously I have to say it again.
In any case, I think we have common ground there.

CS: "Mary Magdalene was Jesus's girlfriend (a prostitute by most accounts) and not his mother..." - Willow.
"This needs to be qualified by saying, according to the movie JC Superstar. " - Canadian Steve

Bloody nora... I thought I qualified it by saying it was JC Superstar... twice I reckon. Yes, that's where I was sourcing my information from and in doing so I obviously not being serious. Once again I thought this was pretty clear.

"This is an idea that people make up to discredit Christ and Christianity"
Come on Steve... lighten up. Seriously mate I don't want fight about this.Christians spread bullshit around to discredit evolution and Atheists are called all sorts of names but so what? Lifes too short.

I suppose we could continue to be thinned skinned about it and go on a roundabout to see who can belch the most gas but quite frankly,this 'us vs them'stuff is all a bit fruitless.

Here's a joke for you.
Q. Whats the difference between a Christian and an Athiest.?
A, An Atheist knows he's lying to you.



Nevertheless,there is a bit of evidence to support that one species can change into a new species, given time.
.....Other examples include Frogs which start life as tadpole with gills and turn into air breathing animals. - Willow

Willow, did you know that the DNA of a tadpole and a frog is the same? ...If they turned into different species then each would have a different DNA fromthe other.

All your witnessing here is micro-evolution in action (changes within a species) not macro-evolution (changing form one species to a new one).

A tadpole will end up becoming like a frog because it's DNA is programmed to make that change. Just like when we (humans) start off as an embryo all the way to an adult human. For example, when we hit puberty our body goes through certain changes - boys start to grow hair in places new places... voice gets lower... girls start develop breasts... hips get wider... etc. We are not turning into new species butchanging into what our DNA has programmed us to become which is an adult human.

Sorry, I dont understand how Scientists creating biosteel by manipulating DNA blows a hole in the evolution argument...
Scientistshave already or are close to creating life itself...does this make them Gods? -Willow

If scientists have created a goat that can produce spiders silk in its milk, using the knowledge of how to manipulate DNA (adding a gene from a spider which produces spiders silk ... to that of a goat), how can the evolution theory prove that this goat which has the ability to produce spiders silk in its milk come to existance?

Scientists that can create a goat that produces spiders silk in its milk... is certainly god-like properties imo. What do you think?



Assistant Moderator
Tadpoles turning into Frogs was just an observation as to how changes can happen. You beat me to the example of the human embryo changing from almost reptilian looking to human. I'm well aware that the DNA signature is the same in both examples but as I said it was an observation of nature at work, ie dramatic physical changes which include a water animal turning into an air breathing animal.

You call this micro-evolution which is fair enough because it happens over a short period of time but imo, it opens up new questions about the possibility of greater changes over eons of time.

Unfortunately, we don't have anyone who is 6 million years old to provide a witnessed accountof 'macro-evolution' and only have fossilised evidence to look at. Birds descending from the much more ancient Reptiles is one example of the research going on.

Re the goats milk and spiders web thing. I understand that you're saying that scientific advances like this give the impression that scientists are god-like and this in your opinion may debunk the theory of evolution but imo, this is just one of many such advances. People have been exploiting naturally occurring elements and organic matter for centuries. Its quite a normal experiment to join two unique substances together, stimulate them and create a new substance. Many alloys, plastics, chemicals, and drugs have been made in labratories by scientists.

The Human Genome project and the manipulation of DNA is all very exciting but its still just a scientific advance and like other advances, genetic engineering will be simply taken for granted one day.

Anyway, still not sure where you are leading on that one. Are you saying that men are becoming gods or that men were created by scientists and we are the result...?


Anyway, still not sure where you are leading on that one. Are you saying that men are becoming gods or that men were created by scientists and we are the result...?

I think where Marcus may be leading is that evolution is supposed to have happened by itself, so to speak, without a creator. If scientists can create new life, or alter DNA, this is an example of intelligent beingsdesigning/creating something. It backs up the concept of creation, because the scientists would be doing in a minute way what God did on a much bigger scale in creating the universes.

That's my take; Marcus can speak for himself of course.



Assistant Moderator
"..evolution is supposed to have happened by itself, so to speak, without a creator."
Rightio, back to God again.

OK... just when I thought it was safe to go back into the water,we seethe return ofthe jaws of judgement.
Marcus is cagey fella but do you think he was really trying to set up an answer?
I thought we were simply having a discussion about the different angles of evolution and in doing so trying to find common ground... a rarity for Marcus and myself.

"If scientists can create new life, or alter DNA, this is an example of intelligent beingsdesigning/creating something. It backs up the concept of creation.."
This is really dull but what you are doing is twisting logic to suit your own view.
I can do the same if you like....it can be argued that there is no God because humans are creating life/something. We have proof now that God is not the only creator.The church is already changing its doctrine to accomodate genetic engineering advances. This being the result of failed attempts to discredit such things in the past.

"That's my take; Marcus can speak for himself of course." Thats what I thought as well.



THE END IS NEAR Kiss-and-chase in space


A recently discovered asteroid is playing a cat-and-mouse game with Earth. The space object, which follows a similar path to our own around the Sun, will cross the Earth's orbit on Wednesday. Astronomers say there is no danger of it hitting the planet because the Earth's gravity keeps it at bay. <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width=150 align=right bgcolor=#ffffcc border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td>
There's no possibility that this asteroid could hit Earth

<br clear=all> Don Yeomans, Nasa

</td></tr></tbody></table>The asteroid, known as 2002 AA29, will pass within 5.9 million kilometres (3.7 million miles) of the planet. This is the closest it has come for almost a century but is no near miss in astronomical terms. The asteroid was spotted last year by an Air Force telescope used by the US space agency (Nasa) to track near-Earth objects. The rock is about 60 metres (200 feet) across and has a very unusual orbit. Read more about Earth's little brother
Sneaking up The asteroid races around ;)



Hi Canadian Steve and Marcus..I haven't got the time to go through hundreds of threads to see if this has been covered before..BUT..Do either of you guys believe that the Earth is only 6000 years old ??


I can't answer that without mentioning God, and Willow has decreed he doesn't want that anymore.;)
Without rehashing all the old arguments again I believe there is enough evidence in Eiensteins 2 theories, relativityand quantum mechanics,along with the latter string theories to substantiate the how of creation of the universe. In any casethe mapping ofplasma within the universe which will be finalised in 5 years willfinally prove ordisprove the big bang theoryonce and for all.

The point here is that while science will one day incontravertably prove"how" the universe and life was created itwill never be able to answer"why" it was created. "Random chance" or "by heavenly intervention", take your choice it is a matter of faith and is aquestion that science makes no attempt to answer for it is beyond the realm ofquasars andsingularities.
We have proof now that God is not the only creator.The church is already changing its doctrine to accomodate genetic engineering advances.
Not sure you have this quite correct Willow. In fact if my bible reading days serves me correctly the good book actually defines the end of the world as being the time when man attempts to emulate God by creating human lifeitself. The church therefore isvery steadfast in its objections to such endeavours as cloning and genetic engineering,quite understandbly so if they really believe what is written in their book.


We have proof now that God is not the only creator.The church is already changing its doctrine to accomodate genetic engineering advances.
Not sure you have this quite correct Willow. In fact if my bible reading days serves me correctly the good book actually defines the end of the world as being the time when man attempts to emulate God by creating human life- Rasputin

One question is who did Willow mean by "the church", and does he have an example of "changing doctrine," or was it just an off the cuff statement.

Not sure where in the bible you mean, Rasputin. In the book of Revelation, where it talks about the end times a lot (but not the only place in the Bible that does), I don't think it specifically talks about man attempting to create life. Do you have a reference?



Assistant Moderator
Some church leaders are accomodating science. I guess it depends on which one gets his mug on the box.

CS: You can talk about God as much as you like....please don't hold back on my account. I'm sure Dubopov was genuine with his question.