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Three years jail for ex-Knight Danny Wicks


The average joe isn't a professional sports player that has written in their contract and been told time and time again the consequences of using illicit drugs.
Your 'average joe' takes drugs and goes to work where they could possibly put lives at risk - far worse than anything a footy player could ever do.
Footy players are probably a bit thicker than an average cross section of young guys - not some elite group that is above human failings.


Your 'average joe' takes drugs and goes to work where they could possibly put lives at risk - far worse than anything a footy player could ever do.
Footy players are probably a bit thicker than an average cross section of young guys - not some elite group that is above human failings.

I'm not sure what your point is here. Not only is that complete nonsense, but it has nothing to do with my reply.

I replied to this comment of yours:
It amazes me that people on the forum keep expecting young league players will be the only group of young men in the country who don't use recreational drugs - when over half the forum members do (statistically).


You obviously want to make some point about alcohol, which has nothing to do with this discussion.
You know the answer to your 'question' - and i'm not going down your silly sidetrack - so f**k you very much.

What f#$king side track. No matter what you answered, I wasn't going to bag you. I would consider alcohol and nicotine as recreational drugs, whereas all the $hit Wicks has been involved in, is just plainly illegal drugs.

I think you need to calm down a bit champ.


not at my club. We sacked Mitchell Sargent for testing positive to cocaine a few years ago (shock horror, who did he sign with a few days later TIC). He was a decent player and I hated seeing him have to go, but I was proud for once at the way NQ handled something of a controversial nature. I will admit, if it was a player like JT or Bowen, I'm not sure if it would have been handled in the same manner, but I would like to hope that they would. I do not want players like that in the team I love so much.


No idea if you think the Cowboys handled it openly and honestly....

You think Sargeant was the only one? FMD....


It amazes me that people on the forum keep expecting young league players will be the only group of young men in the country who don't use recreational drugs - when over half the forum members do (statistically).

This Roopy, is about the only part I disagree with you on the whole topic.

The public also expect us ADF members to keep off the same substances, I joined 12 years ago as a 17 year old and have never had the need to experiment with any of that sort of $hit. I don't begrudge anyone who does, whatever, it's your life. I admit I love my alocohol and have had the odd a$$clown night out on the town or at the footy footy, but nothing that compares to the crap these boys are getting into. I just don't understand what drives these blokes to do some of the things they are doing.

I love my job, I enjoy being with my mates, I love having to keep somewhat fit, I enjoy everything that my job can provide and I love representing my country. Somewhat similar parallel to these guys you would say??? But without the bulk wage though triple the responsibility. I just get the impression some players think they are above the law and above being applied with the same morals that the rest of society value.


hopefully if he is found guilty or he gets sanctioned he can go away think about things, maybe he should talk to matt seers and then he could get back to playing footy


I am extremely pissed off at this fat bag of sh*t for what he has done to my club.

but can you explain to me how drugs are a moral issue?

without turning this into an ethics/morals debate, morals (from my understanding) are generally a set of rules that society tends to think that is wrong or right. Whilst I agree that society doesn't always have the "finger on the pulse" so to speak will every issue out there, you would tend to think that the majority of people who think that taking/supplying illegal drugs are bad, are spot on the money.

I'm not sure where you are going with this Mac.


First Grade
Testing Wicks may not have even found the problem out. Dealers often do not touch their own sh*te because they know the dangers involved.

Great f**king point mate!

'Some' people are assuming because he is selling he uses.

I don't know about it because I have never touched the sh*t but I have always heard Dealers won't use because they really will never make a profit.


Great f**king point mate!

'Some' people are assuming because he is selling he uses.

I don't know about it because I have never touched the sh*t but I have always heard Dealers won't use because they really will never make a profit.

true, but I suppose does it make it worse if he wasn't using??( If he is found guilty mind you)

if he was supplying to aid his own addiction, whilst still wrong, you could probably understand his situation a bit more, but if he is not using and doing it only to support his own greed for $$$$.....which blows you away considering the money the knights fans are saying was on whilst there, I suppose when you have money, you just want more.


no, I am not that nieve', but until they are caught, what proof do I (or anyone for that matter) have in tarring them all with the 'sargent' brush??? As I said in the original post, I would hope the club would treat all players the same as in the Sargent case, but wether or not they would is a different matter.

and without revealing too much of my own personal life, on the times I have been tested, I never had a clue prior that testing was going to be conducted. Wether drug or alcohol. Where I work is pretty professional about it all. Not sure where you work is the same or what you have heard about the ADF is accurate or not.
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