No kidding, that's why your posts are as fresh and original as ever.....but thanks, that has prompted me to re-read some of your posts, and in particular:
Yeah, I mean "No I'm not taking the bet because" has all the freshness of Willy Mason's socks after a game.
1. Not sure where "platform" has come into it, moving the goalposts are we?
Actually, you're trying to move them.
The train times you posted are from entering the train to alighting from the train. Not from the outside of Central station.
If you get off the train, you aren't magically transported to the corner of Foveaux and Elizabeth Sts. You have to walk there.
2. I've never said normal walking pace, so you're trying to move the goalposts twice.
No, I've said it simply because you'd want the pace to be enough to make your 15 minutes the truth. You want Kerry Saxby, I just want a normal person walking at normal pace.
Do you think the link you posted where it said it was 22 minutes walk from Central to the SFS was based on normal walking pace, a brisk pace or Olympic walking pace?
It's based on normal pace, point to point. There is no allowance in there for the things I've mentioned 10 times already.
You know it, I know it, undiscovered tribes in the Amazon know it.
Yeah, just let go and take the bet as is, stop whining, stop trying to change it, just accept it. It is a fair bet.
There is nothing in the bet that is slanted toward me or you. Of course you'd prefer it to be slanted because you know you're wrong.
25 was my age when I said it took about 15 minutes is all. I figured we may as well have someone that is somewhat alike to me, if you're not prepared to accept me as a candidate.
Clown. You said 15, you posted a link saying it was 22. You can't even make up your own mind you.
Would you accept my word?
If you say yes I'll go to our first SFS game this season.
If you say no, ask yourself why. Then punch yourself in the face you moron.
The point remains however, seeing as I said it took ME 15 minutes, not sure what having SOMEONE ELSE conduct the walk would prove anyway?
It will prove me right and you wrong.
I just did.
It would be like saying Benji Marshall runs the 100 in 11 seconds and then having Chris Lawrence run it. Lawrence may be faster, he may be slower, hell, he may even be the exact same pace, but it still wouldn't prove that Benji runs it 11 seconds. Are you starting to understand now, or do we need to get the crayons out?
You're just trying to save face because you're too gutless to take the bet.
Just accept it, then get ready to leave LU. Or don't. One way I don't have to read your dopey posts any more and the other way I get to hang sh*t on you for being a coward.
Either is fine.