Please explain so everybody can understand how somebody else walking between Central and the SFS would either prove or disprove it took me 15 minutes nearly a year ago. Better get out the time machine while you're at it you plank. Stop moving the goalposts mentioning platforms and "normal walking pace and answer the question. How can you either prove or disprove it happened? You can't, chump, and it's tearing you up!
ok, I'll make it simple, I'll even try to keep the answer to words of less that two syllables.
You posted a link that says 59 minutes from Campbo to Central, right?
If you read the page it says that time is from boarding to alighting from the train?
Still there are you?
Still understanding?
You posted another link saying it was 22 minutes walk from Central to the SFS, right?
Now, which part of the trip from Campbelltown to Central is missing in your 59 + 22 minutes theory?
If you still can't work it out, let me know and I'll give you the answer in Swahili. Just as much chance of you understanding...
I'm yet to see you even put forward someone to conduct the bet.
Yeah, let's not wait until he week before the first game and find someone who is going.
That'd be geniused.
You even said it was someone we both agreed upon, I put forward someone that was under 25 and was reasonably fit yet you've disagreed to that.
You put forward a moron and someone who will obviously take your side.
So, suggest someone dumbass.
Why not, well, wait until the week before the game?
Let me guess, some 90 year old cripple with a walker would be your suggestion? Moron.
Sure, why not?
Do you know one?
Apart from your love interest.
You know that someone that's reasonably young and fit would have no trouble doing that walk in 15 minutes, and certainly not the 30 minutes you suggested. Just because an old codger like you takes 30 minutes doesn't mean everybody else does. Different people walk at different paces.
Well, derr.
Someone walking at normal pace won't and can't do it in 15 minutes. That's the point and it has been all along.
In the original thread I said as much. It was never about anything else you terminal wally.
"everybody thinks you're a wanker" hahahahaha, throwing the toys out of the pram again!! hahahaha
No one thinks you're a wanker.
They're well past thinking it.
Take the bet, we'll get someone the week before the first Tigers game at the SFS.
Or just keep chickening out.