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Todd Carney caught Drink Driving!!



Tried to make that work for you didn't you......

Well when Shillo also gets done for neg driving, bolts from the cops to leave he's injured mate to take the wrap, p*sses on his mates head and gets banned from his home town after smashing up some cars........then we'll compare their behaviour.

Clutching at straws much?
Funny, all of that happened when he was at the Raiders. What a f**ked up driving culture they must have down there.


Who is defending his actions? Most rooster fans have suggested quite harsh punishments in the way of fines/driving suspension which is the correct course of action. Others on LU and the media (this is not a shot at you personally) have suggested ridiculous punishments against both Todd and the club and that is what we are arguing against. In addition to that the Media has hung him out to dry whilst completely ignoring other recent situations regarding other players i.e. Watmough who have just as bad behavioural records.

In addition to that the actual incident is a very minor one. Granted, this cannot be looked at as a one off thus the reason we are suggesting a very lengthy driving ban. If I were looking at this as a one off I would be suggesting the minimum fine as well as the minimum driving ban/points deduction depending on whether he is a red or green P-plater.

I still don’t see how your first point is in any way relevant. Firstly you claim it is a statistical certainty then you say it is “almost impossible” to be caught first time. SO which is it? Is it a certainty or near certainty? Secondly let’s assume that you are right, what do you want to happen? Do you want Todd to be convicted of this DUI as well as 3 others based on a formula you have come up with that determines the probable amount of times someone has broken the law before being caught?

As for your second point, we are not using Watmough or anyone else as an excuse. We are merely comparing Carney’s actions with Watmough’s, both of whom have a bad record yet only one of them makes the front page of the newspaper....[/QUOTE]

Your a f**kn idiot, Watmough was all over the news. Major headlines on the website, back page on the paper WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?? Go cry somewhere else DUI with a record like Carney is f**king terrible form you roosters fans need to get the f**k over it. 4 weeks suspension and a fine should sort that boy out :cool:



Your a f**kn idiot, Watmough was all over the news. Major headlines on the website, back page on the paper WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?? Go cry somewhere else DUI with a record like Carney is f**king terrible form you roosters fans need to get the f**k over it. 4 weeks suspension and a fine should sort that boy out

What a load of absolute garbage. It was barely mentioned on fox sports news. What paper was it on the back page of? I don’t recall it being back page news.
It's quite clear that footy players and the off season don't mix. The NRL should seriously consider a shorter off season, say, a week?

Red Bear

If he wasnt on his p's he would be fine, it sounds like he still had grog in him from the night before.

Which is not really an excuse, it was always the concern amongst myself and friends whilst on our p's, how long to wait to get back to xero, because often the next day you feel dine but may be slightly over the limit.

Clearly should've waited longer before driving.


What a load of absolute garbage. It was barely mentioned on fox sports news. What paper was it on the back page of? I don’t recall it being back page news.

Your a deadset goose, you're right the roosters got shafted after all the fluff we heard last year about the reformed glory child your crying over some hard truths. DUI is not the first offence for Carney so stop being a little bitch!

Watmough was all over the Daily telegraph, the Australian, fox, 7/9 news....





What about the articles about how Manly got caught by the honeytrap? The only team in the NRL who got named. f**k it pisses me off that your implying Manly get off lightly with the media, where the f**k have you been for the past few years.

But hey your right they swept this under the table & just waited for the Roosters to come in & steal the limelight....WANKER!
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Your a deadset goose, you're right the roosters got shafted after all the fluff we heard last year about the reformed glory child your crying over some hard truths. DUI is not the first offence for Carney so stop being a little bitch!

Watmough was all over the Daily telegraph, the Australian, fox, 7/9 news....





What about the articles about how Manly got caught by the honeytrap? The only team in the NRL who got named. f**k it pisses me off that your implying Manly get off lightly with the media, where the f**k have you been for the past few years.

But hey your right they swept this under the table & just waited for the Roosters to come in & steal the limelight....WANKER!

He had one article from the major news sources that is all and I know that the Telegraph on was not back or front page news. Did he have an online blog dedicated to the incident and his past discretions? Did he have outrageous suggestions of punishment? Did anyone suggest manly be stripped of points?

I am not implying Manly got off light with the media you f**king imbecile. I am implying that Carney has been treated harsh by the media and one comparison that proves that is Watmough.


Mate go f*ck yourself, the media are always going to jump on this sh*t, after all the fluff written about your club over the past 12 months promoting the roosters you have to expect this over-reaction when a star player who was apart of the 2011 NRL launch gets done DUI, again!

Watmough is no comparison, he was named & shamed for his fine & copped sh*t for it, BUT HE DOESNT FACE POSSIBLE GAOL TIME...... are we supposed to feel sorry for the roosters because Watmough didnt get an online blog?? STFU you sook! I dont agree the roosters should be punished, Carney will get his day in court and thats fair, Carney shoul'd be fined & dealt with by the club. end of story, your just going to have to deal with the media bullsh*t.
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Godz Illa

Way to soft


Looks like the five point plan should lead him to redemption though. Can't get enough redemption


Seems about right to me.

Suspension would have been ridiculous given his clean record over the past 2 years and the multitude of DUIs and other repeat offenders who've not been met with suspension in that time.

Frankly the NRL built a rod for its own back when it stood down Stewart for 4 weeks in 2009. They'd previously allowed 2 other players to continue playing in the NRL while rape charges were brought against them so had no reason to suspend him. They tried to cover it by declaring it was for being drunk at an official function, and the floodgates opened from there.


If this is the punishment thats fine Carney has his court issues to deal with, Gallop now needs to apologies to B.Stewart for suspending him when it was never proven Stewart was drunk by anyone in court. After all that was the reason he got suspended wasnt it Gallop.....disgusting!!

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