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Todd Carney caught Drink Driving!!


No, he was sacked because the photos showed he was so drunk he was falling over and barely able to walk in Cronulla mall. It was a repeat offence from someone with a serial case of heavy drinking issues.

And Carney's history is different how? Are the Roosters on the "you take this player at your own personal risk" mandate that the NRL gave to the Warriors? The NRL basically said the club would be sanctioned if Seymour infringed in any way in the future.


First Grade
The Taylor/Fa'alogo dust-up aside, what other major off-field incidents have Souths players been involved in, in the last 10 years that have brought shame on the code?

They don't need to.

Souths fans bring enough shame on our code with the moronic drivel they come out with so the players don't need to try.

Look, re this incident. Yes it's disappointing and Todd has made an error of judgement. But if you sit at home with some friends on a Friday night and have some wine with dinner, followed by a few beers and finish drinking around 12, then have 6 hours sleep, get up and drive to a meeting, chances are you're likely to be over the drink drive limit.

The current drink driving campaign that the Police are running is designed to highlight this.

Most people would not be aware that they are over the limit after having drinks the evening before - and you don't have to be screaming drunk the night before to fall foul of being over the limit either.

The level of histrionics and calls for bans and points deductions etc show nothing more than the jealousy held by League fans towards Todd Carney's on field ability or their deep seated hatred for the Roosters.

I suspect Todds being over the limit is nothing more than an honest mistake, one most of us have probably made at one time or another after drinking the night before. Thankfully there have been a few sensible comments - but the level of f**kwittery in this thread is strong. But then again, I expected nothing less.

Had this been Nathan Hindmarsh, Sam Burgess or Darren Lockyer, chances are the replies would have been completely different.


Carney should have his license taken away even if is low range as he has been disqualified before and running from the cops as well so someone like him should not have a slap on the wrist for this.
as for playing rugby league that should not come into the equation


First Grade
And Carney's history is different how? Are the Roosters on the "you take this player at your own personal risk" mandate that the NRL gave to the Warriors? The NRL basically said the club would be sanctioned if Seymour infringed in any way in the future.

Carney's behaviour at the Raiders was no different and he lost his job over it too.

This falls more in the honest mistake category than the "boys behaving badly" criteria


The rule of thought is just being over the limit itself (0.05... although Carney's is 0.00) is that your chances of having an accident involving injury is double, and the chances of fatal accidents even more.

do we know what percentage of those 25% of road fatatilites were caused by low range drink driving i.e .05 -.06? not being a smart ass, serious question.

i am in no way condoning his actions i think anyone that gets in a car and drink drives with intent is abhorrent. just trying to put his actions into perspective.


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First Grade
Carney should have his license taken away even if is low range as he has been disqualified before and running from the cops as well so someone like him should not have a slap on the wrist for this.
as for playing rugby league that should not come into the equation

There is every chance that this will be the outcome of this

As bad as that will be for Todd personally for such a low range offence, it will actually highlight in a very public way something that many will not be aware of.

So in that respect, the media coverage this will receive because of Todd's profile and previous history could actually be highly beneficial and will stop other people making the same mistake.
The Taylor/Fa'alogo dust-up aside, what other major off-field incidents have Souths players been involved in, in the last 10 years that have brought shame on the code?

And sure, my opinion on the Roosters indescretions is clouded somewhat by the fact that I am a Souths supporter, but Blind Freddy himself could see that this club has a culture problem that has not been sorted despite changes in CEO and coach. So since slaps on the wrist from the NRL won't solve the problem, points deductions must be considered. These frequent and incessant incidents heap as much shame and embarassment on the code as any salary cap rort has.

Sandow anyone?


whatever...low range. Obviously (i hope :lol:) wasn't drinking in the morning, obviously leftovers frmo the previous night.

Eels Dude

Hmm no big deal in my opinion. He was just over the limit. A lot of people say there's no excuse for drink driving etc, but for everyone saying that do you carry around a portable breathalyzer to make sure if you do have one beer you're definitely under the limit, or if you have half a dozen do you use your portable breathalyzer the following morning to make sure you're under the limit? If not, then how are you to know you've not done the same thing? Is 0.052 that much worse than 0.049?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Someone hit the nail on the head earlier.

Watmough is another player with a string of priors (obviously not to the extent of Carney's), he recently got done for speeding excessively. There's no two ways about it - what he did was a deliberate, clear and dangerous thing.

Carney on the other hand was borderline the legal limit, which due to his licence type was then reduced to 0. I don't think Carney had anything like the intent Watmough would have appeared to, yet Carney's being hung out to dry here? :lol:

Perspective, people.


Hmm no big deal in my opinion. He was just over the limit. A lot of people say there's no excuse for drink driving etc, but for everyone saying that do you carry around a portable breathalyzer to make sure if you do have one beer you're definitely under the limit, or if you have half a dozen do you use your portable breathalyzer the following morning to make sure you're under the limit? If not, then how are you to know you've not done the same thing? Is 0.052 that much worse than 0.049?

If you had a 0 limit would you drive the following morning at 7am after night on the cans?


How many more chances does this idiot get? He wasn't just over the limit, he was on his p's. Anyone else recording over .05 on p's gets crucified.

Is this his 5th or 6th off field incident now?


Hmm no big deal in my opinion. He was just over the limit. A lot of people say there's no excuse for drink driving etc, but for everyone saying that do you carry around a portable breathalyzer to make sure if you do have one beer you're definitely under the limit, or if you have half a dozen do you use your portable breathalyzer the following morning to make sure you're under the limit? If not, then how are you to know you've not done the same thing? Is 0.052 that much worse than 0.049?

0.052 is pretty bad when the legal limit is 0.00 I would have thought.

People say that it's not that bad because if he were fully licensed he'd be fine, but he's not fully licensed. That is the point everyone seems to be overlooking. Carney clearly has no respect for the law.
Lol @ the Carney apologists.

All acting like it's his first offence.

"How unlucky it's not his go......" :lol:

I have emailed David Gallop and I encourage others to do the same.

This is the type of bad publicity that has derailed the start of NRL campaigns before.

Time for idiot repeat offenders to go on a long holiday!
Toddy isnt the smartest tool in the shed.

It will be interesting to see what the NSW courts do. He has previous priors for the same offence.

Jail ( Gaol ) could be an option.


First Grade
0.052 is pretty bad when the legal limit is 0.00 I would have thought.

People say that it's not that bad because if he were fully licensed he'd be fine, but he's not fully licensed. That is the point everyone seems to be overlooking. Carney clearly has no respect for the law.

registering in excess of 0.05 for the average male occurs after 1 schooner of full strength beer.

1 standard drink is about 300 mills of full strength beer and that's what it takes to reach 0.05

So Todd Carney exceeded the drink driving limit by the sum total of LESS than one schooner of beer - which was probably drunk the night before. Had his meeting been 90 minutes later he wouldn't have regisitered a thing.

It takes 1 full hour for one middy of beer to leave the system completely.

So a 6 hour sleep will usually mean that anyone who drank say 5 or 6 schooners between 10pm and midnight and then went to bed is bordering on being over the limit at 6am the next day. Respect for the law has little to do with it. I hope that puts it in a little more perspective for you Skeep.