SBW is a freak in League, but union is a very different game... I personally reckong he'd be a ripper at number 8 if he put on a tad more bulk, but he'd never be able to shoulder charge again and thats half his draw... He'd also need to get a bit fitter, because while the backs often get a rest during the stoppages of Union, the forwards have to keep going! It's actually very tiring!
Either way he won't go to union IMO. The AB's have more than enough players who are better suited to every position in their team... He'd never be as good as Richie McCaw as a break away and he'd be hard pressed to push Jerry "granite" Collins out of the No.8 jersey...
No, the only thing I'm worried about is this:
nqboy said:
Orr said he was considering sending a DVD of Williams to NFL teams in the US. "We might send one to the Denver Broncos," he said.
I'd hate to lose a great RL up and comer like SBW to the soul less, commercial driven bordom fest that is the NFL. He'd carve up in the NFL because he has stamina that lasts him more than 2 minutes and he can play attacking and defensive footy.