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TV rights thread part 4

Cumberland Throw

First Grade
I could live with this shit, if Foxtel released some really cut price packages for the people who cannot afford it.

It makes me physically sick that an ex-first grade footballer I know who lives alone on the pension, is forced to sit there all weekend with AFL shoved down his throat... with 1 live RL game.

Hey Fox hows about a pensioner plan, that starts at 19.95 a month, that gets 1 fox sports channel , i movie channel and a few other things...

Whats 3 Million x 19.95 a month,,, other than the $80 dish and a $30 box, it costs f**k all to add a person
I was pissed off initially but I think that when you think about the positives, not only the great deal financially but the removal of First and Last Rights (and I really believe that this will reflected upon in a decade or so as a masterstroke when IPTV enters the mainstream), even the most ardent hater of Nine, ie. me can concede that the ARLC made a good decision.

Good to see you've come around, especially after your earlier posts :thumn

Some people automatically regard it as a bad decision simply because the the lack of viewer enhancement affects us NRL fans directly, but we all need to look at the bigger picture and think just how far this money will stretch and who it could potentially aid.

This is a commission for the entire game in Australia and I truly believe they are working towards the best outcomes for the greater good.

Cumberland Throw

First Grade
If I was the NRL i would put Gold Coast on every Friday night for the first 20 rounds...

And say thanks for the coin Gynge, now eat a dick


I just wish the arlc would think a little longer term about the strategic direction of the game rather than taking as much cash as possible from the next tv deal. By 2017 we will be miles behind the afl.

That's exactly what they were thinking of. They could have sacrificed $$$ to get what we want right now, but they didn't. They now have 5 years to spend a heck of a lot of money to support the game and make it even more valuable in the future.

TBH when I first heard that 9 and Fox got the rights again I was pretty annoyed. But it's actually quite amazing that we've more than doubled our deal from $500mil over 6 years to $1bill+ over 5 years without adding mobile and NZ tv rights. If 7 had got this same deal I'd be over the moon, but looking back and taking my negative 9bias out it's not too bad at all.


Why? It might not attract as many fans as it could, but it's not like fans are leaving the game in droves at the moment. The game is growing on pretty much any scale you'd care to measure.

It's not perfect but anyone ranting that the money is meaningless (aware that you specifically aren't doing that) is an absolute idiot.

I THINK THE OPPOSITE, it can drive people to go to the game now as its not as easy to watch on free to air.

Ronnie Dobbs

Good to see you've come around, especially after your earlier posts :thumn

Some people automatically regard it as a bad decision simply because the the lack of viewer enhancement affects us NRL fans directly, but we all need to look at the bigger picture and think just how far this money will stretch and who it could potentially aid.

This is a commission for the entire game in Australia and I truly believe they are working towards the best outcomes for the greater good.

Well said RP.

They'll take some slack from the entitled types who call talkback radio and have no idea of a bigger picture.

In 5 years time, when the next deal is negotiated - thats when the true value of this particular decision will be acknowledged.

In the meantime, as a Fox subscriber, I get 6 games a week live and enough content to put my marriage on the rocks. Also, the game is flush with funds and programs can be put in place that will see the game truly growing in 5 years time.

Cumberland Throw

First Grade
What about the 100Miliion in Contra...

Channels Nines new NRL ad pricing plan... will soon be announced

15 Sec Commercial - $190,000
30 Sec Commercial - $275,000


I love how people think taking the 1billion and giving us the same shit is the commission thinking long term. :lol:


First Grade
I love how people think taking the 1billion and giving us the same shit is the commission thinking long term. :lol:

I love how people think taking 800m and one extra game on FTA along with giving Nein first and last rights until 2018 and News first and last rights until 2027 is the commission thinking long term.


Seriously it is threads like this that make RL fans look like morons.

Here are the simple facts: Media must make money. They do that by pushing their priorities.
The ARLC must both find significant revenue lines AND please fans as much as possible.

It might surprise the pea brained in this thread but you will NEVER get everything you want. EVERYONE must win something and everyone must lose out.

What did we get?

- MONEY!!! - the most money we have ever had and there is more to get. MOST of our clubs - are presently unviable as it stands. They NEED the most money possible.
- Scheduling - a FAR more stable schedule for the year (20 Rounds ahead is huge)
- Coverage - nationwide
- Promotion - a significant portion in contra to promote our game

What did we give up?

- Live games - frankly - this matters far less than the couch potato's that are convinced. The reality is more ads equals MORE money for our game. My club and your club need money more than they need Live TV games
- entire season scheduling - lets be honest how many people would watch the cellar dwellers at the end of the season when they can't make the finals? We get enough scheduling to help clubs and fans plan.
- Night GF - personally I rather that but I understand it is said most RL fans want a day time one, except that more people watch the NRL GF at night.
- we get Nine - yep we have all felt ripped off at times but AFL fans complain about 7 - RL about 9 - the fan base on this site would complain whoever got the rights within months

Seriously people on here need to take a breath and realise RL just signed the biggest TV contract it has ever had AND could well still draw in more money than the AFL once the other media related contracts are finalised.

This is a HUGE positive for the game

I'm no fan of Channel 9 but this is the best assessment yet.

When the draw for 2013 is announced we will have our best indication of how the scheduling will impact clubs. I've had to take the kids to 3 Monday night home games this year.

If that were reduced to say 2 Monday night games or a Monday & Sunday that would be be a hell of a lot better than the few weeks notice we get at the moment.


Roll your eyes all you like, youve advocating getting foxtel at an incorrect price and talking up its content like your work for them, while its not affordable for the average person.
This deal is great for you.
For the average person they get 3 games a week and only one live to air game.
Cant believe AFL is represented better in this city/state than NRL is.
Cant believe the fans are represented even less by this code, the working class game.
It seems everybody only cares about money and making more of it.


Sooo... umm.. assuming Sky get the same sort of deal they have currently in New Zealand, how many of you would be tempted to cross the ditch to see every game live?

"Ahh but there's still the internet" you say - right.. so what if they had a clampdown on illegal NRL streams..?
I love how people think taking 800m and one extra game on FTA along with giving Nein first and last rights until 2018 and News first and last rights until 2027 is the commission thinking long term.

It all goes back to the very simple philosophy: A dollar received today is worth more than a dollar received in the future.

I'd rather take a big pay day now, make it work for me, then take perhaps a relatively smaller pay day in 5 years time in exchange for greater coverage rather than the other way around.


I love how people think taking 800m and one extra game on FTA along with giving Nein first and last rights until 2018 and News first and last rights until 2027 is the commission thinking long term.
Once again its 3 extra LIVE games which your contingent keeps on forgetting.
Secondly, First/last BID rights are only worth what you put into them and how much you care about money over everything else.
It is thinking long term. Its showing channel 9/fox to go f**k itself and getting the game out to every person, live. Not just for the people who can afford foxtel.
Its showing that the game isnt willing to whore itself out.
All weve done here is more of the same old shit thats been happening for the last decade. The only long term the NRL is thinking about is the one thats passed and ensuring the fans out there have to suffer with more of the same.
It all goes back to the very simple philosophy: Im willing to whore my game out for money

I'd rather me a whore now get my money, make it work for me, then not be a whore for money because i may not be able to whore out anymore in the future.
Its actually a much simplier philosophy here.
How much are you willing to suffer for money? How much of the games progress to you want eroded away for money?
This is about money. Some of us dont feel for a second what was on offer was worth the money given today.
You disagree, thats fine. But dont f**king bullshit on about how this is long term, or a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow under the guise next time we will get a better fairer deal for the fans. 5 years from now we will get back in bed with 9/foxtel because we have shown we lack the stones to stand up for anything.
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First Grade
Roll your eyes all you like, youve advocating getting foxtel at an incorrect price and talking up its content like your work for them, while its not affordable for the average person.
This deal is great for you.
For the average person they get 3 games a week and only one live to air game.
Cant believe AFL is represented better in this city/state than NRL is.
Cant believe the fans are represented even less by this code, the working class game.
It seems everybody only cares about money and making more of it.

If I support one of the channel 9 darling clubs I'm happy with this (broncs, roosters, saints...). If I support one of the regularly channel 9 arsefugged clubs ( sharks, Canberra, warriors ...) then it's more of the same boring shit and I hate it.

I hate it.

Perth Red

Post Whore
I also am far from convinced expansion is off the cards. It is simply not factored into the deal. If the game decides that it can both afford and bring more benefit to the game through expansion it easily can.

Is there anything in the contracts that mean we can not sell an extra game to another bidder? (ie. 7 or 10)

This will ultimately determine Expansion or no expansion imo. If there is no stipulation on a 9th game then in theory the ARLC has the money available to go ahead with expansion regardless and offer the ninth game to the highest bidder. In the worse case scenario they consider it an investment in the growth of the game and offer it to the ABC for free as long as it is shown natioanlly live on a Saturday 2pm or Sunday 5pm. Be interesting to know if there is anything in the contract to stop them doing this?

Only concern is the ARLC has gone on for ages about expansion needing to bring value to the other NRL clubs and this hasn't been acheived. If ARLC considers expansion a strategic priority at some point in the next 5 years we still may see it though I am not holding out much hope after todays comments.