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Underage drinking


Raider_69 said:
You'd get pretty sh*tty our here in the west, me and my mates along with countless others are often herd saying something along those lines, nothing wrong with going out and getting blind imo, its a personal choice, so as the person does it of his own free will (and that does not include the "free will" that comes with alcholism) then i think its fine

btw a dozen woodstocks and they need someone to look after then? piss weak!

Me and my mates are the same. Always saying "we're gonna get farrrrrrrrkkkked up" and sh*t like that. I dunno, I drink heaps and get well mashed but I haven't gotten to the point where someone has to help me for a good while - It's pronbably happened about 3 times in my life.


I whole-heartedly disagree with banning alcohol on the mere fact that it's people's choice to drink and they (adults obviously) should be allowed to drink if they so chose. If it ruins your life - its your life to ruin in my and not the governments job to tell you can't drink a certain liquid becuase it might be bad for you. I disagree with the government not letting us make choices for ourselves.
And I have no problem with you feeling that way, as I said, it was personal opinion.


Martli said:
And stragner - I'd even say that drinking problems go even further than 25, once at the pub I visit regularly there was this old fulla who'd been drinking all day (accoridng to him) could barely walk or talk, started almost crying infront of us and then drinking other people's drinks. That was a disgrace.

You would think by that age he would have learned to look after himself...:?
That is disgraceful.
The problem of alcohol is definately a problem for all genders, but the main focus area falls in the category of teenagers, and that is a fact. It becomes a main problem from under 18's-25's is because of drink driving.


[furrycat] said:
I think this is one of the biggest problems that our young people are facing these days; and that is the pressure to start drinking at a young age.
The only pressure placed on the kids is peer pressure IMO.

[furrycat] said:
I've seen 12/13 year olds drunk off their faces on the street, and they think it isn't going to hurt them in any way for the future. I don't drink and have nothing against those who do, but I really think that underage drinking needs to be targeted and they need to remove drinks off the market that target young kids (those farkin alcoholic fizzy like drinks that taste like lemonade yet get kids pissed).
Under aged drinking needs to be targeted but removing specific drinks is a short term solution IMO, because soon the kiddies will find something else and possibly stronger.


Raider_69 said:
ive posted drunk before, but on all occasions its either been before going out with mates or after going out with mate

me too..

infact ive never drunk alcohol at home, ever

pixie nipples

Phillips said:
me too..

infact ive never drunk alcohol at home, ever

Would you like to come up and see me some time ?

I have all my mates in the room with me, Johhny Walker, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam.

You're welcome to join us.


Hahah i'm wating here refreshing news sites to see the results of the vote to raise the drinking age. It started at 8:00pm so should be done by now.
Dilmah said:
I would love an alcohol ban to in place - not just for young people, but for everyone. I realize it is a very unpopular opinion, but it's how I feel.

I am also smart enough to realize that this would not solve anything, because making something illegal is only going to push it underground, and probably cause bigger problems.

Prohibition was started by a bunch of religious crybabies whose heads were too far up their backside to understand what a good time was.

Anyone who supports prohibition is an idiot :cool:


Post Whore
Let them frolic...Their punishment will be having to endure a lifetime of pain just because by the time they're 16, their liver will be nothing but scarred tisse...;-)


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Twizzle said:
I love a nice red after a good feed, cant beat it

One thing I dont do is get on the forums here after a night out at the club or what ever. Ive seen so may people make fools of themselves while sitting up drinking all night by them selves.

Hands up those who are guilty !!

Nothing stupider or more illogical, than alcamahol fueled opinions.

There are generally heaps of typos and boring repetitive stuff.

*raises hand*

*drinks JB&Coke*

Man that was a funny thread. :oops:


pixie nipples said:
Would you like to come up and see me some time ?

I have all my mates in the room with me, Johhny Walker, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam.

You're welcome to join us.

im no stranger in a situation like this, when can i come up :)


Dani said:
First time i got drunk i was 12...
Then i didnt touch alcohol again till i was about 16. Went hard at it for about a year. It's what kids do. I never felt pressured to drink. And if you think your kids wont do it, you're very naive.

My parents used to buy me a 4 pack or whatever when i was underage to take to parties and NOT once did i abuse it. I drank my 4 and went on my merry way. Where as my friends who hid their drinking would wait around safeways for someone who would go in and buy them drinks and then they'd drink until they threw up.

My parents had the mentality to TRUST me. They knew what and how much i was drinking and always knew that if anything happened, i'd call them straight away.

When i turned 18 i must admit, going out to clubs and things, i went a bit crazy, but these days it doesn't interest me much at all.
I rarely see my friends these days cause thats all they do. Go out to clubs/pubs, get so drunk they vomit, go home and sleep for 2 hours and go to work very under the weather. It's not who i am.

I have drunk myself stupid 3 maybe 4 times. But yeah, i will have a social drink these days, but i don't drink to get drunk, like most of my friends who keep it from their parents.

Wish my parents had been as cool as yours. They (my Mum especially) would always be wanting to know if a party was supervised, one time she even rang up at a youth group gathering to find out if there was going to be drugs and alcohol there :crazy: Needless to say, when I started getting on the piss in Year 11 it was half a way of escaping the s**t that was happening in my life at that stage, but also a triumphant "F**K YOU!" to my oldies. They still don't know about that stage in my life, suits me fine if they never do. I won't be as anal with any kids I have, that's for sure.


Twizzle said:
I love a nice red after a good feed, cant beat it

One thing I dont do is get on the forums here after a night out at the club or what ever. Ive seen so may people make fools of themselves while sitting up drinking all night by them selves.

Hands up those who are guilty !!

Nothing stupider or more illogical, than alcamahol fueled opinions.

There are generally heaps of typos and boring repetitive stuff.

I once started a thread after an Adderall buzz, with the help of a few bottles of Canadian Club. Does that count?


Im 17 and only started drinking this year, I see no reason to get completely trashed but enjoy a few drinks. But mums a bit of a nazi, today at a party i had 6 beers in NINE HOURS and she bitched and moaned about it, lol.

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