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Video taken of idiot fans @ WIN vs Titans


FMD what a waste of a thread, not to mention your time effort to post the footage on youtube. Are you really that touchy, you can only just hear them.


can't believe that upsets you, and I can't believe you bothered to film it!
you WANT to hate the locals mate.

some people still see some steel in the side, just let them even if you don't agree

Red Bear

Do Balmain/Western Suburbs fans carry on with this much sh!t?
Nope, they have an even merger

Whilst i agree that the hill at win is full of underage dickheads the attitude of people like the major does not help things. It's a very high and mighty attitude that seems to somewhat disregard the fact that the Steelers, despite their short and unsucessful history, were a very important team to the region and the dragon takeover is seen as a loss of identity for the area.


First Grade
they are entitled to freedom of speech on the hill but like the major said not when they know it upsets and pisses of the dragon army. we are simply called the st george illawarra dragons. if they wish to chant on the team then so be it but the team has never and is not known as steelars so why chant it. if you wollongong people who love your team want to chant anythin why dont you chant illawarra since thats apart of the team and who knows we all might join in


They paid the fare, they are entitled to do whatever the f**k the want (obviously not rape or murder, these are seen as big no-no's in the sporting community, and the wider community as well!). The fact that a few old merkins from St George get the sh*ts about means f**k ALL.

I have a great message. GROW THE f**k UP!


First Grade

talk about knickers in a knot....

dude, same team, get over it

are you telling me since 99 you have never joined in with a 'saaaaaiiiint geeeeoooorrrgge'


Of course they are. But on the hill at a footy game does not quite constitute their entitlement of free speech when its under-age or just over and under the influence of alcohol and deliberately making attempts to antagonise anyone cheering on the dragons. Its downright stupidity.

And yes it does upset me to see the lengths these tools go to to carry on the way they do. Those of us directly involved know whats involved and the feeling surrounding it at the time. You werent there, thus dont know and find it okay to pass judgement.

This is why the majority of Dragons, Sydney based fans, and those who travel to all the games dont make the effort to go there. This vid is mainly for those fans of ours who boycott that ground to justify why they do so and see what they are lucky to be missing out on.

I'm all whoopty doo about all this too. Its just unfortunate i didnt get around to posting the vid when we were actively discussing the match soon after it happened.
" Instead freeze frame the tools, pin point them, and smash them instead next time down there."
I guess thats a calm rational way to treat kids that are taking the piss
Your a sad angry man


Assistant Moderator
ummm check again idiot.... the team coming equal 2nd on the NRL 2009 ladder. im pretty sure dere is a team called saint george but i must be seeing things!

Just trolls fishing for bites Creaghzy.

Red Bear... cranky Norths fans, and living on the south coast. Can anyone get more frustrated than that?Bite hard RB troll. lol


Staff member
He has every right to chant Steelers, if I supported them I'd be proud too - I mean I thought they had it wrapped up at the half when the interception was returned for a TD, but to credit Arizona they didn't go away and Big Ben somehow pulled it out in the end. Great match.

Congrats Steelers: six time Superbowl Champions...


First Grade
It's a long way to watch an NFL game live, so let these guys show their support from 12000 miles away.

As long as they pay their way in to support the Dragons. We'll take your money & you can keep your chants.


First Grade
I always been a dragons supporter before and after the merger , it doesnt worry me one bit if they are chanting steelers, as long the dragons playing well or winning you wouldnt care what they are being called :D



They paid the fare, they are entitled to do whatever the f**k the want (obviously not rape or murder, these are seen as big no-no's in the sporting community, and the wider community as well!). The fact that a few old merkins from St George get the sh*ts about means f**k ALL.

I have a great message. GROW THE f**k UP!

i have held back from commenting on this thread because I get too worked up about it, but since I read this sh*t post i will make a comment.:D

Redvscotty.......................NO they dont pay to get into the ground. how do i know this? Because on more than one occassion, i have seen them sneak into the for free because their mate works at the gates. SO, NO THEY DONT HAVE ANY f**kING RIGHTS ON THE HILL. If they want to chant steelers, the least they could do is PAY TO GET INTO THE f**kING GROUND AND SUPPORT THE CLUB FINANCIALY. FFS no wonder the steelers didnt and still dont have any money.



i have held back from commenting on this thread because I get too worked up about it, but since I read this sh*t post i will make a comment.:D

Redvscotty.......................NO they dont pay to get into the ground. how do i know this? Because on more than one occassion, i have seen them sneak into the for free because their mate works at the gates. SO, NO THEY DONT HAVE ANY f**kING RIGHTS ON THE HILL. If they want to chant steelers, the least they could do is PAY TO GET INTO THE f**kING GROUND AND SUPPORT THE CLUB FINANCIALY. FFS no wonder the steelers didnt and still dont have any money.

thank you coops lol

i was just trying to say just like st george(lone team) lost its identity so did the steelars. now we are called st george illawarra dragons so thats what the team is called why chant a nobody or a notihng. even the suplex from the MOOOOOON chant is better then STEELARS. lol jokes

The Major

So its okay for people to voice their concerns on here about the minority who make life difficult down there, but the moment i provide some visual/audible evidence its not okay??


Any some of you are painting me in being in the wrong and calling me an angry, bitter man because i get upset and dont hold back in expressing that because of idiotic behaviour of a minority of people at the games.

Fair Dinkum.

Maybe i should stick my head in the sand like you lads who sit behind a computer screen and are arm chair experts who find it easy to be critical not having experienced this first hand and hope it will all go away. You either be part of the problem or part of the solution. But oh no, we cant have a confrontation shall we. You lads will be first ones running to mummy.

In conclusion, if anyone can show me where in this thread i perceive myself as being anti merge, i'd be most pleased. Note the title being addressed to the 'idiot steelers fans', not 'all steelers fans'.


First Grade
i have held back from commenting on this thread because I get too worked up about it, but since I read this sh*t post i will make a comment.:D

Redvscotty.......................NO they dont pay to get into the ground. how do i know this? Because on more than one occassion, i have seen them sneak into the for free because their mate works at the gates. SO, NO THEY DONT HAVE ANY f**kING RIGHTS ON THE HILL. If they want to chant steelers, the least they could do is PAY TO GET INTO THE f**kING GROUND AND SUPPORT THE CLUB FINANCIALY. FFS no wonder the steelers didnt and still dont have any money.

Then the problem is not with the actual kids, but with the gate bloke down the front. Have you hand written a letter (Not typed, not emailed) to the club outlining your concern that there are certain people at the club that do not play by the rules? Have you gone and told Josh Massoud about this, in the hope that he might write something worth reading for once in his pitiful existence? If the 'gate keeper' is an employee of say, a security firm, working for the stadium, have you informed his / her employers of this attitude towards the game?

You should get some video evidence of that and post it on You Tube.

At the end of the day, with the noise (as great as it is) coming from the army you shouldn't be hearing the little sh*ts anyway.

What's that old saying about kids? They should be seen (rarely) and not heard?

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